Saturday, August 31, 2019
Child Labour Should Be Banned Essay
For many of us it is hard to imagine what it would be like growing up, having to work from the age of five and not being able to go to school. ‘Child Labour’ is defined by the United States Department of Labour (DOL) as ‘the employment of boys and girls when they are too young to work for hire; or when they are employed at jobs unsuitable or unsafe for children of their ages’ It is not something we are too familiar with ourselves, living in a wealthy country, but the fact is that there are many Third World countries out there where the economy and living conditions are so bad that children have to work in unsuitable and unsafe situations. There are certain charities that help, but that it is. Not enough is being done to stop child labour. It is very wrong and should be banned thought out the world and looked at as a disgrace. Figures from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) show that 218 million children aged between five and seventeen are involved in child labour worldwide. That means globally one in six children work. This is an extremely large number. Around 150 million of the 218 million are involved in what is know as ‘worst forms’ of child labour, which include work such as forced labour, slavery and sexual exploitation. Many are forced to work without access to the toilet or drinking facilities – this is against human rights. Child labour of course is different through out the world. Financial it may be necessary for a family to send their children to work to then be able to get food. Sometimes it can even be a situation of life and death if a child in a family does not work. Other times it may be in the families’ ethic work where the children have to help. Either way, it is not good enough. Children should not have to work.
Henry V coursework ~ War criminal or Hero? Essay
Henry V is known as an ideal king and Shakespeare presents him as a great warrior. The writer shows this by making him have inspirational leadership qualities as well as being able to relate to ordinary people. Henry takes his responsibilities very seriously and is very fair and just. The king is deeply religious, however, he can be ruthless. Overall Henry is regarded as a national hero. Firstly, Henry has a range of reasons why he declares war on France. I think the main reason is to follow his father’s advice and unite the country. An example of this is on his deathbed and he says â€Å"busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels†, this shows the country needs uniting and to do this he should start a war with a foreign country. The next reason is to live up to his ancestors and be glorified like them. This is shown by Canterbury when he states, â€Å"Invoke his warlike spirit, your great – uncles, Edward the black prince†and â€Å"Look back to your mighty ancestors†. This shows he has to live up to his ancestors and be as good as them. Thirdly, Henry feels he has a strong claim for the throne. For instance, he feels he has a claim because of his great – grandmother and goes to Canterbury to find out. He asks Canterbury if he deserves it, when he says â€Å"Justly and retigiously unfold, why the salic law †¦. or should or should not bar us in our claim†/ Henry feels he has the right but must be absolutely sure not to make a false claim. He doesn’t want men’s lives on his conscience. Then another reason is people expect him to. An illustration of this is when Exeter says, â€Å"your brothers kings and monarchs of the earth do all expect that you should rouse yourself†. As a king he is expected to take charge of his country and claim what could be a great venture. Also, the church offers to pay. For example, when Canterbury states, â€Å"In aid where of we of the spirituality, will raise your highness such a mighty sum, as never did the clergy at one time†. The church feel they should help pay and offer, so Henry doesn’t have to pay and so going to war wouldn’t cost him anything. Finally, the Dauphin insults him by sending him a chest of tennis balls. The king has already decided to go to war but this just makes him more determined. Henry’s voice is calm and sarcastic when he says, â€Å"we are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant with us†. As he says this, it gets louder and louder, working into a crescendo. He also makes a speech, where he is talking about war like a tennis match, using metaphors. He also uses a lot of repetition at this point to emphasise what he is saying. This just makes Henry even angrier persuading him to go to war. So overall Henry has very strong reasons to go to war with France. However, before going to war, Henry seeked advice for the Salic law. This indicates he takes his responsibilities very seriously. Henry seeks advice, as he doesn’t want to go to war without good reason. The king shows this when he is talking to Canterbury as he says, â€Å"for never two such kingdoms did contend with out much fall of blood, whose guiltless drops†. He tells Canterbury to be careful because he doesn’t want an illegal war. Henry takes this so seriously as he doesn’t want his soldiers to lose their lives unnecessarily and doesn’t want their lives on his conscience. Prior to that, Henry also leaves part of his army in England to guard against an invasion from Scotland. This is illustrated when the king goes â€Å"we must not only arm t’invade the French †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ against the Scots who will make road upon us with all advantages†. This shows that Henry is taking all precautions to protect his country from all aspects. Another example of Henry taking his responsibilities seriously is when he executes his three friends Cambridge, Scroop, Gray and an old friend Bardolf. Henry executes Bardolf as an example to his men and to the French. It shows what type of king they can expect. Henry executes Cambridge, Scroop and Gray as they were not only plotting to kill Henry but tried to ruin everyone in England. This shows Henry isn’t afraid to take difficult decisions as they were his friends but executed them for his country. Henry takes his responsibilities seriously for his country. Thirdly, in the scripts of Henry V it shows Henry as a religious man, which leads me to believe he isn’t a war criminal. To show that Henry is religious, Shakespeare uses constant references to God in his speeches throughout the play. Also Henry says to the French ambassador, who was sent to England with an insulting gift of tennis balls, that â€Å"we are no tyrant but Christian king†. This shows he is religious in his own eyes. In addition to this, Henry asks two priests, Canterbury and Ely to explain the salic law, which allows people to inherit the throne only through men and not women but Henry wants to inherit the French throne through his great – grandmother which the French claim cannot be done. Henry asks Canterbury and Ely for advice and asks them â€Å"justly and religiously†, whether he can claim the French throne or not. More importantly he has to make sure he does not want his soldiers lives on his conscience. Further more, the night before Agincourt, Henry prays to God. He feels he has to apologise for his father’s crime of murdering Richard II and thinks God may take blame on his soldiers and prays he doesn’t. He asks God to look after him and his men’s lives and not turn against them at battle. Later on, after the battle of Agincourt, Henry thanks God by saying â€Å"praised it be God and not our strength for it†. This shows he feels that without God they wouldn’t have won the battle. That their strength couldn’t have done it without help. Henry dedicates the victory to God. Next reason is that Henry is a inspirational leader. This is revealed by the country’s reaction to war. For instance when describing the scene, chorus states â€Å"now all the youth of England are on fire†. This illustrates the country is uniting which was the advice Henry was given by his father on his deathbed. It is also shown in Henrys speeches. In the speech, Harfleur, Henry gives the men something to fight for as he talks to them as though they are all equal and making them remember there fathers to fight as good as them. The king tells them they will all become role models for people who haven’t got courage. Henry is expressing his confidence in them. Henry uses similes like greyhounds are hunting the enemies, which is what the soldiers are doing to the French. Henry right at the end shouts a battle cry, which inspires the men even more. Overall Henry was trying to make them feel good about themselves and not like bad war warriors. In the speech, Agincourt, Henry uses the same techniques in the Harfleur speech. Henry uses a public display of confidence to boost their courage. Henry tells his soldiers that they will get a lot of glory and that they will be remembered. He tells them they are all equal and that they will all bond together. Henry in his speech is not forcing them to do anything they don’t want. Henry tells them they are very special. Henry works the speech into a crescendo, getting louder and louder, making the men get more positive as it goes on. This does the same effect as the Harfleur speeches making the men want to fight. Also, Henry leads by example. This shown in the Agincourt speech and the night before, as when the king was in disguise he said, ‘I myself heard the king say he would not be ransomed’. Also the king tells the Herald just before the battle to leave them alone as he would not be ransomed. As well as that, Henry shares hardships of his men as he makes them feel all equal. Henry feels and acts just like them, common humanity. This is shown in the speeches and the night before Agincourt, where he says ‘ I think the king is but a man as I am’. Henry fights with his men and doesn’t sit back and watch. He feels he should go to battle aswel, making him and his men more equal. Also Henry is very fair and just, this is shown as the king is responsible for the order and peace of his kingdom and Henry deals with this correctly, as he gives the country a stable and fair government. There are two examples of Henry upholding the law. The first is shown in the execution of Bardolph as Henry is operating martial law, no trial. He executes Bardolph as he robbed a French church and he wants to set an example to his soldiers and to the French. This is to show what kind of king he can be to the French citizens. The second example is the execution of Cambridge, Scroop and Gray. This is where three friends of Henry try to endanger him and the whole country, They get executed because they could ruin the whole country, so the act is not of vengeance and he is not using the law as his private means of revenge. The three traitors beg for mercy but the king ignores this, as he cannot forgive someone for doing a crime as everyone may start doing it. Both of these decisions are very difficult for Henry to make as they are his friends but he takes his responsibilities and the law very seriously. This shows he is fair in giving equal treatment to everyone. All that I have mentioned above are showing Henry in a positive light and are good characteristics for an ideal king who takes his responsibilities seriously. However, the other side to Henry, the ruthlessness, doesn’t show him as an inspirational king. Henry does certain things in the play, which would be thought of as controversial today. Henry is very ruthless. For example, when Henry sets the trap for the three traitors; Cambridge, Scroop and Gray. He plays with them making them think they are getting their commissions for the army but instead they are being given death warrants. This shows dramatic irony as the only three people it mainly concerns doesn’t know what’s going on. Henry uses ironic words throughout the scene like ‘kind and gentle knight’. The scene is very ambiguous as he is making them believe that he doesn’t suspect them as they are close friends but really Henry is saying he is going to sort out the traitors, basically they think they are safe but they are not. There are a lot of veiled threats given by the king but are missed by Cambridge, Scroop and Gray. The three traitors use a lot of hypocrisy as they declare their loyalty which is known by us, doesn’t exist. Cambridge, Scroop and Gray make it worse for themselves as they say that Henry should punish a man for a little crime, as everyone will do it otherwise. So this shows for a big crime like treason he cannot be merciful. They are condemning themselves. In the end of the scene they ask for mercy, which the king ignores. Henry describes them as ‘English monsters’. Although this isn’t an act of private vengeance, as they put the whole country at danger and Henry is looking out for the country. Also Henry threatens the people of Harfleur. This is psychological warfare, as he doesn’t carry out the threats. Henry is very cunning in this scene as he puts the destruction of Harfleur on its people. This is done by Henry describing what he will do if they don’t surrender, first of all he threatens to set the town on fire, this is shown when he says ‘Till in her ashes she lie buried’. Henry also says he’ll rape all the girls, illustrating this is ‘Defile the locks of your shrill – shrieking daughters’ and he says he will smash in the old men’s heads, shown when he says ‘Your fathers heads dashed to the walls’. The last thing Henry said he will do is kill the children with spikes, ‘Your naked infants spitted upon pikes’. If the threats that Henry has described really did take place he would be known as a war criminal but Harfleur surrendered before anything could happen so Henry is known as a hero to France and his men not as a war criminal. Henry does this to make France see what kind of king he is as he was told by the Duke of Exeter ‘Use mercy to them all’, so the French don’t think he is a bad king. All Henry is basically doing is working on their imagination. This is not controversial to Henrys’ contemporaries as his first responsibilities are to his own soldiers. Another controversial thing Henry has done is the killing of all the French prisoners, which would have been classed as a war crime today but not in Henrys time. Henry loses his temper and does this out of revenge but I feel this is justified because the French went against the law and killed all the young boys who would of only been armed with a pen knife. This was wrong and the French deserved what they got. It was also a very responsible thing to do as there are not enough soldiers to guard the prisoners and to go into battle as the English are still out numbered five to one, so really it is an important decision to make. There is no criticism from Henrys own soldiers as this is shown when Gower says ‘This king most worthily hath †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Oh, ’tis a gallant king!’ They think Henry has not really committed a crime as the French started it and he was only retaliating. Although I considered the facts about Henry, I don’t feel he committed a crime. Hence I think Henry is not a war criminal but hero as he only does controversial things to help his country and he takes his responsibilities seriously.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Alcohol and College Students Essay
Excessive drinking by college students has become a social phenomenon in which College students do not acknowledge the health risks that are involved with their excessive drinking habits. Furthermore, college students do not know enough about alcohol in general and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the information given to them. There needs to be a complete saturation on the campuses, with the help of businesses and the media, expressing how excessive drinking is not attractive and not socially accepted. A report from GSU seeks to explore all aspects of alcohol abuse related to college students through definitions and statistical problems of alcohol abuse in hopes of ultimately providing solutions to increasing the wellness at Georgia Southern University. One of the biggest problems with educational institutions in the United States is alcohol abuse among college students. College students across the United States end up missing class, having unprotected sex, damaging property, and getting injured as a result of abusing alcohol. Also the health risks involved with binge or excessive drinking is very prevalent and risky for any college student who chooses to abuse alcohol. Besides alcohol poisoning, there are many cancers and diseases associated with alcohol abuse that ultimately lead to death. Liver cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer can all be associated with alcohol abuse. Also heart and liver disease can be associated with alcohol abuse. Ultimately the over all wellness among Colleges and Universities in the United States drops dramatically when alcohol is abused. The abuse of alcohol among college students has a direct correlation to socialization. Students who go to college believe that binge or excessive drinking is a social norm. That when you go off to college it’s time to not only get a degree, but also a time to drink and socialize at parties. In the end, alcohol is glamorized and often enough abused. Ultimately alcohol becomes so much of a social norm that students do not realize how and when alcohol is abusive. Therefore the problem is how to inform students in a socially acceptable manner of how and when alcohol becomes abusive to their own well being. Most college students think of alcohol as that cheap high they get to obtain on the weekends at social events called parties. Knowing what alcohol really is and what exactly it can do to your body in excessive amounts over time and in any one sitting is one of the main problems with why college students abuse alcohol. The social norm of binge or excessive drinking in college is prevailing over the social fact of what alcohol really is and what it can do to a person’s health! There are many definitions associated with alcohol and alcohol abuse in general that need to be clarified. The actual definition of alcohol is a â€Å"liquid distilled product of fermented fruits, grains, and vegetables used as a solvent, antiseptic and sedative†. The possible effects of alcohol would include intoxication, sensory alteration, and anxiety reduction. Symptoms of overdose would include staggering, loss of coordination, slurred speech, dilated pupils, and nerve and liver damage. Indications of possible misuse would include confusion, disorientation, convulsions, shock, drowsiness, respiratory depression, and possible death. College students are confused as to what is considered alcohol abuse and simply alcoholism. The confusion between the definitions of alcohol abuse and alcoholism leads to many misconceptions or myths among college students about alcoholics. College students who abuse alcohol seem to be able to drink excessively each and every weekend and consider themselves not to be alcoholics or not in endanger of becoming alcoholics. College students who are binge or excessive drinkers are able to avoid being labeled an alcoholic because it’s so socially acceptable in college to drink and drink often. The distinction is that â€Å"when drinking begins to interfere with any aspect of a person’s life it’s considered alcohol abuse. And when drinking becomes addictive, either psychologically or physically, it’s considered alcoholism. Alcohol abuse, if left untreated, can very easily progress into alcoholism†. Most college students believe the myth that people who are morally weak or have emotional problems are the ones who can become alcoholics. Whereas the truth is that â€Å"studies show there are no particular personality traits that cause alcoholism to occur. What’s important is how much and how often someone drinks, not what kind of person they are†. Ultimately college students are setting themselves up to become the alcoholics of the future because they drink when their depressed, stressed about school work, and to simply have a so called good time. The social acceptance of drinking alcohol in college statistically makes alcohol abuse among college students one of the biggest problems among educational institutions in the United States. Statistically alcohol has caused a wealth of misfortune and death across the United States just among college students. â€Å"According to the Core Institute, an organization that surveys college drinking practices, 300,000 of today’s college students will eventually die of alcohol-related causes such as drunk driving accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, various cancers, and heart disease†. In addition â€Å"drinking and driving has been reported by 60% of college men and 50% of college women who are binge drinkers†. Also â€Å"75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquaintance rape had been drinking at the time†. â€Å"Between 75% and 90% of all violence on campuses is alcohol related†. â€Å"Alcohol is a factor in 66% of student suicides and 60% of all sexually-transmitted diseases†. Besides just misfortunes and deaths among college students who abuse alcohol there is plenty of academic statistics that shows how alcohol affects a student’s performance in the classroom. It is a miracle how some students can go out and drink as much as they do and still get their work done and eventually graduate. On the over hand some students are not as fortunate as to survive drinking alcohol excessively for five years of their college career and still graduate. An alarming â€Å"159,000 of today’s first year college students will drop out of school next year for alcohol related reasons†. â€Å"Almost one-third of college students admit to having missed at least one class because of their alcohol use, and nearly one-quarter of students report bombing a test or project because of the aftereffects of drinking†. Also it has been reported that students who drink excessively hinder their ability to think abstractly in class for up to three or four days after drinking. Alcohol abuse by college students really puts America far behind certain other countries such as China in academics when our U. S. students abuse alcohol more than any other country. Health related issues; college students who abuse alcohol are more likely to also obtain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well. Because most colleges these days are coed and alcohol is placed between young men and women were the social norm is to drink the chances for STDs to arise is very prevalent. College students spend $5. 5 billion dollars on alcohol and drink an estimated 4 billion cans of beer annually. The total amount of alcohol consumed by college students each year is 430 million gallons, enough for every college and university in the United States to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool. Mix this amount of alcohol consumption in between young men and women away from their parents for the first time and what you have is STD heaven. â€Å"As many as 70% of college students admit to having engaged in sexual activity primarily as a result of being under the influence of alcohol, or to having sex they wouldn’t have had if they had been sober†. An outstanding â€Å"60% of college women who are infected with STDs, including genital herpes and AIDS, report that they were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse with the infected person†. â€Å"According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 1500 college students is HIV positive, and the fastest-growing populations of American people infected with HIV are teenagers and young Adults in college†. From all the statistics reported above, extremely large amounts of college students still abuse alcohol. There must be a reason why and new solutions ought to be considered. The statistics reported above have been in print for at least a year or two and educated students in college must have heard something about them, but these statistics still do not create a great enough awareness to cut down on the ever growing trend of alcohol abuse by college students. Part of this is due do to the lack of knowledge that college students have about alcohol abuse in general and that college students really do not know when and how alcohol is abusive to their own well being. Part of this is due to the fact that drinking alcohol is the socially acceptable cool thing to do in college, which causes more people to abuse alcohol on a regular basis. The most prevalent thing is how cheap it is for college students to obtain alcohol in college and how much the media exposes college students to the idea that drinking alcohol is a social norm. â€Å"Beer manufacturers spend an estimated $15-20 million annually to promote their products to college students. Simply offering scare tactics about alcohol abuse with impressive statistics and banged up cars really does not work completely to reduce the amount of excessive drinking going on in college. Successful solutions must be collaborative in nature. In conclusion, alcohol abuse among college students is a social phenomena that is currently normative in nature. In other words, most everyone going to college and most everyone already in college expect to drink excessive amounts of alcohol because it’s socially accepted, and therefore college students do not view their excessive drinking habits as a problem. In order to fix social phenomena you must create a greater social phenomenon to take its place. There must be collaboration among students and faculty, local media and advertising companies, and local businesses to send out the message that excessive drinking is not socially cool or normative at all. Georgia Southern University recommended that education about excessive drinking should begin with kids in middle school and continue throughout high school. The local media needs to stop advertising how easy and cheap it is to obtain alcohol and start advertising how unsocial it is to be a drunk. Local businesses that sell alcohol need to work with colleges and the media to cut down on under age drinking and stop selling alcohol so cheap. Bibliography A Students Guide www. glness. com www2. gasou. edu www. factontap. org.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Arab and Israeli conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Arab and Israeli conflict - Research Paper Example nding being Arab states, it was evident from the beginning that there would be conflict due to the subdivision of the land and this conflict over land (as one of the main reasons for the Israel-Arab conflict) continues until present with the Palestinians claiming a portion of the land between the West Banka and Gaza strip as theirs but the Israelis remaining adamant over it. This conflict has continued amid the numerous efforts to broker peace (by even international bodies like the United Nations and the superpowers: US and UK) including signing peace treaties. The phrase in discussion emanates from the Sykes-Picot agreement to subdivide the Ottoman Empire land into different zones which ultimately led to an unending war and conflict since 1916. This essay is going to discuss in detail this Arab-Israeli conflict including the efforts towards fostering peace through peace treaties and how that has evidently failed to present. This problem started in 1923 when the British subdivided the land which was originally to be Palestine land according to the Ottoman Empire into two: the larger portion (75% of the land) was awarded to the Palestinians and 25% to the Jews (which are the Israelis). This subdivision did not go very well with other Arab countries nationalists who claimed that this was unfair and they did not want to share the land in any way (despite the Jews having been the first occupants of that land from the 19th Century and it is them who paved way for the currently numerous Arabs occupying that area). The claim of this strip of land that was on the West side of the Jordan river is what has led to this seemingly unending â€Å"head to head†war between the Arabs and the Israelis with each side refusing to give up. With the constant attacks from the Arab-Palestinians over the land, the Jews had no choice but to reiterate and also start defending their territory and preventing further attacks over their land (which was granted to them by the British whether
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Interation of Mass Media, Government, Media Owners Essay
Interation of Mass Media, Government, Media Owners - Essay Example It is also managed as strategic business information marketing. These days, Canada Media Directory (2011) listed 1,489 newspapers, 1,878 magazines, 245 television stations, 810 radio stations, 561 interactive websites, 1 alter native advertising media, and 211 registered out-of-home multimedia which is powerfully influencing Canada’s governance. This study will delve how media owners, government and journalists interact to develop Canadian media environment. Interactions of Institutions Decision-makings and communications are central in the processes for socio-political interactions, of exercising democratic governance, policy-direction or setting of social agenda. Everyday, Canadian mass media is providing information and analysis on issues or matters relating to governance, economy, ecology, cultural practices, and other social dynamics to generate public opinion and develop a collective agenda. Setting the agenda is essentially the converging area of mass media, the public and the policymakers. Such agenda may vary depending on dynamics and links. Media’s agenda is predicted by the nature of entertainment, or may use polling agenda or by the level of influence it wage about. Public’s agenda depends on the interest groups and the issue publicly advocated by them. The policy agenda on the other hand, refer to the interest and issues assumed by government authorities and discussed extensively by lawmakers. All these could be represented in varied and integrated agenda analysis (Soroka, 2011, pp.271-273). For instance, on issues on ecological problems, the mass media may use empirical indicators as measures in analyzing issues on forest denudation and imbalances of ecosystem which cost human lives and damages of properties; to persuade the public to make an ecological agenda and motivate the government to adopt measures and environmental protectionism as a policy. Indeed, the dynamics is vibrant and complex, but these interrelationships figu re how mass media’s role is considered supportive for social cohesion and development. Media is a powerful industry that bridge people, government, and its agencies through all medium of communication. It reports information on the state of affairs; provide contexts on issues that demand public participation, especially on issues directly affecting them. With factors of globalization threading part of world’s dynamics, regions and social divides are bridged by information technology’s revolutionâ€â€an instrument which aided virtual convergence. The digitized and IT’s advancement hasten information accessibility at a tip of the finger. Political discourses can be viewed live through cables where issues can now be analyzed 24/7 in every home, in market areas and in commercial zones too. Such auger well to commerce too as products can be hastily introduced to consumers without the facilitation of middlemen, brokers or intermediaries. Media have virtually acted as the seller themselves; the mouthpieces of companies; an instrument to leverage in competition; and the market’s window of opportunities. Media is managed by stockholders through corporate policies and of reporters based on professional code of journalism and of constitutional guarantee. Recent developments in the exercise of these rights are in fact illustrated in some reporters demand for right to information to increase their access from sources, especially from
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Corporate social responsibility Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Corporate social responsibility - Case Study Example Socially responsible behavior is directly related to financial performance and this is evident in many recent cases. Being socially responsible places certain demands on a company but this generally 'pays off' for a company as well as for the stakeholders and the society. At the same time, concern about CSR issues could also be a PR fashion in the market. Businesses face certain challenges when they are under pressure to adopt CSR. Through certain examples this paper would compare and contrast demands placed on a business that seeks to adopt practices reflecting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with those placed on a business that does not adopt this standard. There is no legislation that imposes that CSR issues have to be addressed and if a company does not live up to the social standards, there is no law that prevents others from doing business with that company. Economist Milton Friedman states that, "The business of business is to maximise profits, to earn a good return on capital invested and to be a good corporate citizen obeying the law - no more and no less". Such neo-classical economic thinking leaves no place for CSR expenditures which in any case decreases profits, contends Robins (2008). The collective good lies in maximizing profits and leaving it at that. Managers too find the demands of CSR enthusiasts vague and difficult to accomplish. Public CSR claims do not reflect in the activities and functioning of the corporations like in the case of Wal-Mart and Coca-Cola. Wal-Mart ranks fourth in terms of social responsibility in terms of its dealings with its stakeholders but there were 4851 claims filed against it in the court (Papasolomou-Doukakis, Krambia-Kapardis & Katsioloudes, 2005). Wal-Mart claims to hold down inflation in the US (Fishman, 2003), create jobs, and has customer-centered strategy as their prices are unbeatable, but they ultimately squeeze the vendors and under-pay the staff (Heyer, 2005) with the ultimate goal of maximizing shareholder wealth. They even have an efficient supply chain and source their products from developing countries and claim to be a part of their growth. Nevertheless, employee wages at Wal-Mart are as much as 31% lower than competitors (Nester, 2006). It pays practically no benefits and very often employees have to work overtime without any additional compensation. Coca-Cola too makes tall claims that by being more efficient and more profitable, it makes businesses better for the community (Ash, 2004) but findings reveal otherwise. The lists of accusations against Coke are lengthy. They have committed as many as 179 major Human Rights violations (Cairns, 2005). Since stakeholder perception is critical to the survival of the firm, some firms try to just enhance their image by attempting to be minimizing the impact on environment. This is known as greenwashing and Coca-Cola undertook this venture only as a PR venture. To discern between the actual performance and greenwashing ratings firms like Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini Research & Analytics (KLD) grade the firms on various categories of CSR (Chatterji, Levine & Toffel, 2007). Such ratings have gained importance because investors make their decision based on such ratings. The damage to Coca-Cola's brand and image was to such an extent that KLD dropped the company from its Broad Market Social Index in July 2006. Because of this,
Monday, August 26, 2019
In What Ways Does the Choice of an Epistemological Perspective or Essay
In What Ways Does the Choice of an Epistemological Perspective or Stance Influence the Formulation of a Management Research - Essay Example The paper additionally examines issues like empiricism, constructivism, idealism, rationalism, and their influences on the formulation of a research in the field of management. Epistemology is a branch of the philosophical field that is mainly concerned with the nature and limitations of knowledge. The field addresses such issues as what knowledge is, how it can be acquired, and the extent to which it applies to certain entities (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson, 2012). Epistemological perspectives are the different ways in which different people view knowledge, its nature and scope. There are different epistemological perspectives that can be used in the formulation of a management research; they range from empiricism, idealism, and rationalism to constructivism (Fumerton, 2006). In order to overcome the difficulties that may be encountered in formulating the management research the concepts of infinitism, foundationalism, and coherentism may be utilized (Krishnaswamy, Sivakumar a nd Mathirajan, 2009). Empiricism is a concept that emphasizes the role that experience plays when one formulates a management research. It is basically a conjecture of knowledge that emphasizes the use of the perceptual observations that we make through our senses (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson, 2012). ... On the other hand, rationalism emphasizes the epistemologically privileged statuses of data that we have collected through our senses. It additionally emphasizes the dominance of reasoning and consists of abstracts, theory, and borrowings from empirical studies (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson, 2012). When formulating a management research using epistemology, an individual has to collect data before he or she can utilize the knowledge acquired. Doing this, an individual will be able to make appropriate decisions (Audi, 2010). Many challenges may be encountered in the collection of data that may eventually lead to misinterpretation. Data may be incorrectly interpreted due to the fact that different people possess different forms of knowledge along with levels of understanding (Fumerton, 2006). A lot of time is additionally lost when references are made to previous empirical studies that have been carried out, though they are important in ensuring the best decisions in regard to dif ferent aspects in management that are to be resolved. After researching the studies of previous researchers, an individual will have the empirical material that can help avoid the obstacles encountered by others (Krishnaswamy, Sivakumar and Mathirajan, 2009). According to Fumerton (2006), a lot of consultations have to be made before an appropriate decision can be implemented for the purpose of solving the problems facing a business venture. Rationalism enables to epistemologically reason out a problem before one can come to a decision as to the best solution. It additionally helps researchers overcome any errors they may have made when formulating
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Letter and Memo Paper Pre-Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Letter and Memo Paper Pre-Assignment - Essay Example nvironment had remained relatively pristine due to the vigilance of the people against the development and use of energy sources that are polluting to the environment and contributory to climate change. I have been in the energy industry for most of my professional life and surprised to see how Americans are becoming more and more dependent on fossil fuels when â€Å"Peak Oil†had been upon us long ago. Instead, the state government of Colorado should pursue clean energy alternatives like wind and solar power. The Colorado Green Wind Farm (at Lamar, Prowers, Colorado) is a good example to reduce reliance on costly imported oil (Makhijani 31). Colorado is among the top 20 states with high potential for wind energy (at no. 11 with 481 billion kw-hours annually), an enough supply to meet all the states electricity requirements were it not for factors like intermittency and geographic location considerations. However, we need not wait for flooding like what happened in some countries (like the Philippines mentioned above) to wake us up that the effects of global warming are upon us like what Al Gore cited in his â€Å"Inconvenient Truth†movie. However, what is markedly absent from the energy debate is environmental optimism (Easterbrook, Sept. 2006) and Mike Keefes cartoon clichà © update (Denver Post, September 29, 2009) could become reality soon. The readers of the Denver Post are not only the people of Colorado but include those of some neighboring states like Nebraska, Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah and Oklahoma. There are even some readers from as far away as Texas, Kansas, the two Dakotas and Idaho. With a mean elevation of 6,800 feet (2,073 meters), the state of Colorado seems to be so far away from concerns like massive flooding generated by climate change from global warming effects. Furthermore, the people of this region in the United States take pride in their pristine environment and they mostly want to preserve it that way for generations to come. A way to do
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Power Conflict slp Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Power Conflict slp - Assignment Example ; awareness of the issues affecting both parties, overall improvement of employee morale, improvement of working conditions and finally increased productivity and innovation in the organisation. On the contrary, dysfunctional conflicts lead to a win lose situation for the parties. The negative results for such conflicts include usage of threats that end up destroying the relationship between parties, both parties end up losing and finally increase in chances of retaliation. The organisation that was involved in real estate development was in functional conflict with the local community. It was mainly due to the development of town homes on a particular parcel of land within the town. The top management had sited that the land’s location was ideal for the construction of town homes, but the general community was against it. Some of the issues raised by the community were that its construction would lead to a strain in the available resources such as schools, as the number of children would increase. It resulted in demonstrations by the community concerning the particular land. The organisation was well known for corporate social responsibility within the community, but the resistance to the project by the community was unimaginable. The top management had the option of bribing the local administration, but this would be detrimental to the organisations had earned corporate image. One of the key principles of the organisation was transparency, fairness for all and accountability. The top management was not ready to forego these principles for its benefits. Based on the conflicts, the board of governors had to convene a meeting to address the issues that would result to a win-win situation for both parties. The top management felt that was a functional conflict as the disagreement would yield a positive result for the conflicting parties. A meeting was organised between the top management and local community representatives. Conflicting issues were addressed and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Can school violence be prevented Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Can school violence be prevented - Essay Example Educators are confronted with acts of violent behavior in schools. But for educators, parents, administrators and the student, there are many issues that are inhibiting them from preventing to make schools safer and violence free. Nevertheless, there are many ways that can help in curtailing the violence that is becoming more and more apparent in schools. School violence is an important issue which needs to be tackled and it needs to be assessed that which strategies can assist in overcoming this problem. It will be prudent to state here that the perception of school violence is differentiated among the stakeholders of education systems. Administrators, students, teachers and parents all have varying explanations and perceptions of school violence. Administrators in most cases feel that schools are safe for students but the need for more empowerment of the staff and effort in better security cannot be ignored. Teachers were found to be of the opinion that violence in schools was the result of violence in the community that has seeped into the education system. Students perceived violence as a catharsis of the bullying that they may face at some point of their lives. This increases the importance of creating or formulating a strategy that will help in aligning all into coordination and focus on prevention of violence in schools (Algozzine & McGee 2011). One of the foremost reasons for school violence has been the sudden changing of demographics. It is a fact that whenever change happens there is bound to be agitation. Consistency in the status quo is welcomed whereas sudden change can lead to frustration, anger and confusion. That is why when communities observe changes in their demographics that is changes in religion, ethnicity and race, this frustration, anger and confusion is released in brutal catharsis. But these changes can be met and adapted to by holding dialogues between the conflicting elements. Schools are most prone to dissonance which results in an act of violence when demographics change. This violence due to changes in the demographics is attributed to the fact that school is the place where students of diverse backgrounds converge and also have to spend a substantial amount of time with each other. Dialogue helps in understanding what is different about different cultures and also helps in finding common ground between the conflicting groups. To make the dialogue a success it is important that students who have been more angry and upset must be brought together from the start. (We ssler, 2011) Another approach to curtailing violence at schools will be determining the barriers or the issues that inhibit social workers and educators in implementing various studies and programs aimed at addressing the interpersonal violence at schools. There have been a lot of studies and research in finding better ways to encourage students to restrain themselves from being violent. The main barrier in implementing these studies is that there is so little time for the social workers to spend on cases and students that needed counseling. The academic needs of the students are given more importance and counseling of students is seen as diverting the attention of students. Staffing is another barrier. Effective staffing and more support from the staff of social workers can be paramount in handling violence in schools (Cawood, 2010). Acts of violence at schools have led to many studies and investigations but all these have been done in
International Terrorism and the Meaning of Islam Essay
International Terrorism and the Meaning of Islam - Essay Example According to Rashid (2002), Muslim militants have been known to engage in a variety of terror acts ranging from beheadings, bombings, kidnappings, suicide attacks, hijackings and spree killings. Such incidences of terror have been witnessed in numerous places around the world such as America, Asia, Europe, Africa, the Pacific, and Middle East. The Muslim militants commonly referred to as Jihadists, usually net out violence to non-Muslims, terming it Jihad. Many people in different parts of the world who have been hard hit by these acts of terror are usually left wondering whether Islam is a religion of piece, violence, or both. The social meaning of Islam has been to inculcate peace and love for one another. Muslims claim that Islam teaches them to be compassionate and to care for everyone in society. However, confusion is brought about by Islamic teachings which propagate that Muslims should wrestle all those who do not trust or worship Allah, and those who do not adopt the religion of Islam. This has been one religious teaching that they have used to justify their acts of terror. This has been the main reason why the Western mind has a skewed meaning about the social meaning of Islam because it is not clear what they stand for. On one hand, they purport to teach and preach peace and love among one another, yet, on the other hand, they continuously engage in acts of terrorism, mostly against non-Muslims, which lead to mass deaths, loss of life, and destruction of property (Avner, 2008).
Thursday, August 22, 2019
University Community Essay Example for Free
University Community Essay University is a scholarly institution of higher learning, which provides an opportunity to a well-knitted community of inquisitive students, pioneering researchers, competent staff and distinguished faculty to help one another in upgrading their specific skills. It has been my earnest desire to seek admission in the prestigious University of Massachusetts at Boston, where I could not only acquire professional knowledge and problem solving skills, but also, make a positive contribution towards the growth of its university community. Discussion As a rationalist thinker and pragmatic worker, I would make best use of learning opportunities provided to me by the university community, and I would also get involved in the academic, social, political, and cultural activities of the university community. I shall briefly discuss my ambitious plan of learning from, and contributing to the university community. My Opinion of University Community I would define university community as a cohesive family of knowledge seeking students, promising researchers, proficient administrative staff and distinguished professors. Such a competent community works unitedly with four major objectives, namely, teaching, learning, research and development. The students comprise the majority population of the university community, which aims to impart quality education to the inquisitive students. Experienced and knowledgeable professors help the students to understand the courses taught, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and attain their full potential by the time the students complete their degree programs. Similarly, the researchers endeavor to find cost-effective solutions to the numerous existing problems of the society, whereas, the adept administrative staff ensures that university is always equipped with adequate infrastructural facilities. Excellent Educational Qualifications I completed my school education from the reputed Malden Catholic High School, where I secured good grades in all courses. I always completed my assignments in time, and my teachers appreciated me for my creative and critical thinking skills. At present, I am attending the renowned Fisher College to enhance my knowledge in informational technology. I am well prepared to pursue an undergraduate degree program in the University of Massachusetts at Boston, and I promise to perform equally well in all the courses, projects and seminars through my diligence and commitment to the academic standards of the university community. Voluntary and Commercial Work Experience I have an attitude to help my fellow humans, and alleviate the suffering of humanity. So, I had volunteered my services in Winchester Hospital at a time when the hospital was in shortage of funds and manpower. To support my livelihood, I work as a lifeguard on weekends, and also assist my supervisor in Bonacorso Insurance in day-to-day office operations. I have imbibed useful organizational and time management skills, which shall enable me to effectively manage the exhaustive curriculum load during my studies at University of Massachusetts at Boston. Conclusion I have excellent educational qualifications, diverse work experience in finance and healthcare organizations, and determination to pursue my undergraduate studies from the University of Massachusetts at Boston. I intend to become an integral part of the university community comprising students, researchers, faculty and staff, besides participating in academic, social, political and cultural activities in the University of Massachusetts at Boston.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Different Sources Of Finance And There Implications Finance Essay
The Different Sources Of Finance And There Implications Finance Essay The assignment attempts to explore the different sources of finance and its implicationIt describes how different structures and cultures affect the business performance of the organization. It identifies the cost of finance as a resource, budgeting and financing adequately. The application of investment appraisal technique and long term decisions. Shows the understanding of basis business and accounting terminology. Research Methods. Theoretical studies from different books and Handouts from our tutor. Personal academic knowledge about business finance.ACCA background. JS AND Co. medium sized retailer scenario. Sources of Finance Js and Co. must be very aware of the importance to use the appropriate sources of financing meeting the needs of your company. Sources of finance to business There are different sources of finance,namely : Short term finance- Trade credit Commercial banks -overdraft Fixed deposits for a period of 1 year or less Advances received from customers Various short-term provisions Operating lease. Medium term finance- Debentures/bonds Public deposits/fixed deposits for duration of three years Commercial banks Short term loans
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Macys Department Store Repositioning Marketing Essay
Macys Department Store Repositioning Marketing Essay In 2005, Federated Department Stores (Federated) decided to pursue the repositioning and consolidation strategy of its 15 regional stores chains under just one national brandMacys. Federateds decision was in response to the decline in sales and profits of the traditional department store industry. Just three years later, U.S. was hit with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression that threatened the existence of many successful retail giants, including Macys. In addition, in 2008, the loss in profits during Christmas of that year was just the tip of the iceberg for department stores that traditionally were used seeing the highest yearly profits during the holiday season. Other factors such as rise of gas prices that increased delivery costs to the stores along with rise of cotton prices due to issues with the crop that increased the prices of clothes made out of cotton further exacerbated the already fragile retail industry. In addition, Macys was positioned in the upper m iddle segment of the market and had no choice but to increase the prices of certain goods to its customers, thus leading to reduction in sales volume and profits. Moreover, Macys was faced with another challenge. The department store industry was divided into 5 market segment based on price of items. The segmented consisted of high-end luxury, high-end general, upper-middle, lower-middle, and the low-end areas. Additionally, since Macys was already in the upper middle segment of the market, the company could not immediately launch into the other four segments without spending time developing a workable strategy that will not negatively affect its revenue generation, brand image, market share and not to mention the continue availability of the jobs of many of its employees in different locations, and the retention of the loyalty of customers and suppliers. Furthermore, the traditional department store industry was in a declining stage and consumers were scare, which made competition for the existing companies to be aggressive for sliver of the limited profits that were still available. Yet competition within existing companies was not the only threat, discount stores like Walmart and Marshalls were beginning to build momentum in the market, gaining more sales. Of course, with the popularity of the Internet, online shopping was also rising in popularity, once again adding more retailers to the already heavily competitive environment. Thus, these factors propelled Macys to begin in repositioning and consolidating efforts to restore its vitality. Consolidation and repositioning tactics, from internal perspective, provided Macys an avenue in creating a national brand and reducing the unit cost of Macys advertising and promotional budgets considerably due to having one central hub for all administrative functions and bulk purchasing. The success of the consolidation strategy is attributed to several factors. For instance, Macys brand already had nationwide recognition as Americas department store through aggressive national advertising activities, Fourth of July Celebrations and Thanksgiving Day Parade. Additionally, when Federated had consolidated its regionally established department stores, these stores had a well-established customer base, were regionally well known, and were in prime locations close to business districts or large shopping centers, which meant that Macys did not have to put any efforts into developing business for those stores but rather maintain and increase business with them. Moreover, both Federated and Macys had solid leadership teams with strong retail and department store experiences. In fact, Federated management team was already well aware of the issues involving brand conversion since Federated had converted some of its regional stores to Macys brand prior to the official 2005 consolidation. The management team also had a well established relationship with major supply chain and distribution networks that were now selected to serve the Macys stores. Thus, once again Macys did not have to put any efforts into establishing new relationships but would simply have to maintaining the existing ones. Thus, the offshoot of the consolidation tactic enabled Macys to provide moderately priced goods to its consumers thereby maintaining high levels of competitiveness by remaining at the middle of a bell shaped curve and identifying it positioning as affordable luxury. Yet, offering affordable prices was not the only repositioning tactic used by Macys, the company also changed its brand from specific demographics to fashion conscious consumers as well as the younger female audience. Macys created a bridal registry and offered fashions made by younger designers to further differentiate its brand from the traditional department stores that had failed in their past attempt to attract consumers between ages of 18-25. In addition, Macys launched Everyday Value strategy program that promoted value pricing such that customers would be able to purchase products without having to wait for sales day and the availability of coupons to get the most bang for their buck. These tactics would enable Macys to broaden its consumer base, minimize the entrance of new competitors as well as the emergence of substitutes into its market segment. Despite the benefits of consolidation and repositioning efforts, there are some negative factors to consider. Change is often very difficult as most individuals are creatures of habit. Thus, consolidation of department stores to one brand (in this case Macys) meant that existing consumers who had regularly shopped at their favorite department stores (such as the conversion of Marshall Fields to Macys in Chicago) would now have to adjust to new products, prices and services. In fact, the perception of some loyal consumers post consolidation was negative, complaining that Macys store had lower quality products and services. Therefore, consumers were reluctant to shop at Macys. Unfortunately, Macys decision to standardize its products and pricing nationwide to lower purchasing cost actually backfired. In fact, standardization resulted in higher prices of products offered at Macys compared to the former regional department stores chains, thus consumers were apprehensive to shop at the ne w Macys. However, post consolidation challenges that Macys had encountered did not deter the company from pursuing its long repositioning and branding objectives. Macys continued to aggressively promote its brand nationwide through celebrity advertisement. The company forged ahead as an exponential revenue generating entity by focusing on fashion, adding Martha Stewart, Tommy Hilfiger and Beyonce product lines while still embracing the concept of affordable luxury and participating in Fourth of July Fireworks as well as the annual Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade. At the same time, Macys did not ignore the unfavorable results of its post consolidation and repositioning hiccups that threatened its brand and image. Instead, Macys made some necessary adjustments in order to accommodate its consumers. For instance, in response to negative consumer reception of the product and price standardization decision, Macys abandoned the strategy and instead tailored the product selection based on consumers ne eds. In this way, customers would have a pleasant shopping experience and begin to trust in Macys brand, which would increase the frequencies in which they visit Macys stores and make purchases. Additionally, as a result of the financial crisis in 2008, many department and retail stores offered promotional discounts such as percent off to sell overstocked inventory and attract consumers, Macys followed suit and discontinued its Everyday Value program to sustain itself during recession. Indeed, individually all of the above tactics are cash cows themselves therefore in combining them Macys was able to create a unique and valuable marketing position on the national landscape that would be difficult for its competitors to replicate. For Macys, the consumer became the basis for its strategies in terms of the market segments generated, the objectives of the national promotions and advertisings created, the remodeling of the stores for a better shopping experience, the focus on fashion rather than demographics, understanding differences in consumers needs and tastes and setting the price point at a moderate level. It was because of these tactics and strategies that the company began to increase its relevance and uniqueness among its targeted audience. Thus, Macys definitely found a way to be less conservative than the traditional department store as a results of its well developed and thought out and timely executed strategies, which should continue reaping the success f or several years to come.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Cystic Fibrosis :: essays research papers
For a child with cystic fibrosis life is mostly a series of respitory infections doctors visits and medications. Cystic fibrosis causes a build up of mucus in th lungs making breathing difficult . The thick mucus coats the hairlike projections lining air passage weakening the bodys immune system .Excess mucus interfers with the functioning of other oragns too.In the liver and pancreas mucus blocks the flow of the digestive enzymes in the intestine so food is not digested properly. Worn down by the repeated bouts of illness a cystic fibrosis patient rarely lives beyond his or her twenties. Cystic fibrosis is most common inherited disorder among Caucasian people. The disease which begins in infancy afflicts more than 25,000 Americans and causes more than 500 deaths every year. Forty years ago the average life span of a cystic fibrosis patient was five years .Today improved medical therapies and nurtrient rich diets have enabled cystic fibrosis suffers to survive into adulthood. Researc h into the cause of cystic fibrosis reads like a detective story. One clue is that cystic fibrosis patients have excess amounts of sodium and chloride in their sweat making it vey salty . At the University of North Carolina researchers found that salt imbalance caues thick mucus to accumulate in the patients lungd. High level of salt in lung cells draw water out of the mucus causing it to thicken.The level of salt in a cell is determained by the movement of ions across the cell membrane.Ions are carried across call memebranes by protein channels embedded in the cell membrane. Since the stucture and functions of proteins are determained by genes problems with ion transport can be assumed to have a genetic basis. In 1989 an American Canadian research team found thre defect in the gene called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene ,produces a protein that usually helps maintain normal levels of chloride. In about 60% of cystic fibrosis pateints the protein made by the CFTR gene is missing an amino acid called phenylalanine
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Self Reliance - Society never advances :: Self Reliance Essays
Self Reliance - Society never advances "Society never advances. It recedes as fast on one side as it gains on the other. ... For every thing that is given something is taken." Emerson, "Self Reliance", p 169 I agree with this statement, and it frustrates me to no end. Our country is screwed up in every direction one looks. People are starving while others have too much money to spend. Our population is out of control. We pollute to no end. Ours is one of the best countries in the world? Society’s tumors seem to keep growing but I want them to end. These problems disturbed me to the point of depression when I discovered them but now I can handle my knowledge. One thing that has helped me is learning about American history. I thought that we teetered on the brink of imminent collapse with budget, environmental, and social problems, but I have learned about the problems that America has dealt with over the years. Now I know that this time period is no worse than the past. Yes, no worse than the past, but like the quote suggests, no better either. We keep trying for advancement, starting new social programs and developing new scientific solutions. Sometimes we make a little headway. When penicillin was discovered, it was a great boon to the medical industry. We are well on the way to loosing that gain as anti-biotic resistant microbes invade our bodies. We have eliminated slavery and segregation but the gap between the rich and poor has grown to compensate for this victory. We make scientific progress yet there are more ox-carts in use across the globe than there ever have been in the history of mankind. Are we actually making progress? I write this on a machine more powerful than the entire computing power of the world just sixty years ago.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Unhappy Cows – Short Essay
The California dairy Industry would like us, the consumers, to believe that their dairy cows In some mysterious way are â€Å"happy cows†. They literally use this term, thus insinuating that for some reason or another, milk from California is better. Or, perhaps they are trying to convince us that cows in other states are too â€Å"sad†to produce quality milk. However, I say this campaign is nothing but a big pile of manure. Pun intended. I have found no research supporting the claim that California cows are â€Å"happy sows†.At least, no happier than normal. In fact, Californians practices are quite the same If not Identical to any other states. It Is very sad that they use a campaign of hope and happiness when in all reality their dairy cows are mistreated just like the rest. Dairy cows endure annual cycles of artificial insemination, mechanized milking for 10 months out of each year, which includes 7 months out of the 9 months a cow may be pregnant. Cows both In California and around the nation are given hormones so hat they might produce more milk.This active and rigorous cycle overburdens the cows, thus only making them useful as dairy cows for two years. These particular cows are usually slaughtered at four years old. Dairy cows are expected to produce one calf per year per cow according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture fact sheet. Just imagine what kind of strain this must be on the animal! This would be comparative to a human running or jogging 6 hours a day, every day for a year while pregnant! Does that sound Like a happy cow to oh?Most female dairy calves are eventually put onto the milking line while most of the male calves are found to be useless and are often sold into the veal industry. Yes folks, even the calves from the â€Å"happy' California cows are sold to these kinds of industries. Hundreds of thousands of little baby calves are shoved into cages so small they can't so much as turn around until they are roughly 12 to 14 months old and then they are slaughtered for their meat; the meat that has gone tender after so many months of little to no activity.California is essentially capitalizing on American citizens ignorance of what is happening right in front of them. If people of this country would bother to read the facts, I doubt they would be supporting this ridiculous â€Å"happy cow' business. Perhaps Californians campaign should be a bit more realistic, such as the way we treat our cows will make your milk curdle'. â€Å"Farm Bill : Laws and Regulations : National Agricultural Library. †Information Centers : National Agricultural Library. US Department of Agriculture. Web. 10 Novo. 2011.
Cranium Filament Reductions SWOT Analysis
The company that I decided to do a SWOT analysis on is Cranium Filament Reductions which is a hair salon. After reviewing their business plan, I thought that it was very well written and detail-oriented. Below you will find my swot analysis of the hair salon business plan: Strengths: This venture does have experienced, creative leaders and researchers since Susan Sever (the owner) has years of management under her belt. Ms. Sever has done all of her research about the hair salon industry. The industry is easy for anyone to start and end a business which makes for a competitive market. Ms. Sever has realized that customers are looking for quality work and great customer service without paying an arm and a leg; so she has a plan to cater to all of her clients’ needs. She also has a line of products that she will be selling in the salon. In my opinion I think that her market segments are targeted correctly. Her target market includes men, women who cannot afford the expensive upscale salons, and women with children. She has a plan of hiring six experienced hair dressers and an experienced receptionist. Ms. Sever will be offering training to her employees so they can stay up to date on their skills. Weaknesses: There were a couple of weaknesses that I found in the business plan. The weaknesses that I could see were located within the business’ target market segments. Cranium Filament Reductions thinks that young women with children would be a great target for the company. I can understand that their children need their hair done as well but having children in the salon may deter other customers from coming in. Some people use â€Å"salon time†as a way to take time for their selves away from their children so why would they want to deal with other people’s children at a salon. Another weakness is the fact that Ms. Sever is depending on males to make up about seventy to seventy-five percent of their clientele. Depending on the atmosphere at the salon will determine whether or not men show up. If the salon seems to be too â€Å"feminine†then I highly doubt that men will be the majority of their clientele. Opportunities: If Cranium Filament. Reductions actually keeps to their plan about providing high end customer service at a low cost then they will have a strong opportunity to strive. There are people out there that don’t want to pay over $100 for a haircut and some pampering so if they were to find a place that offered everything that they were looking for at a lower rate they would become regular customers. Regular customers would spread the word to their friends and family members and reviews about the salon would be all over town. Having regular customers would give Cranium Filament Reductions the opportunity to become well known around the neighborhood and possibly even the state. If Cranium Filament Reductions can actually make their projected profit for the first year or double the profit, this may provide them with the opportunity to expand the business or the services that they offer. They would be able to buy newer equipment, send their employees for new training, or even expand the product line. Threats: I believe that Cranium Filament Reductions has underestimated the reactions from their competitors. Ms. Sever does realize that the hair salon industry is a highly competitive industry but I don’t think that she understands the lengths that someone will go to make sure your business is not successful. Ms. Sever plans to do a lot of promotional things during the first couple months but that doesn’t mean that another salon won’t start to offer the same promotional items. Cranium will need to stay on their toes to keep their business booming. A change in customer taste does occur rapidly within the hair industry so cranium will need to be up to date with all the new trends and their skills. Competitors may also try to compete with the product line that Cranium offers. Cranium will also need to be on the lookout for new up and coming salons. Everyone thinks that they have a passion for hair so this industry will always be increasing with competitors. Hair Salon Business Plan:
Friday, August 16, 2019
Looking Deathworthy Essay
Researchers Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Paul G. Davis Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns, and Sheri Lynn Johnson studied whether being stereotypically black influences the probability of receiving the death penalty. Sociologist have previously proven that people quickly apply racial stereotypes to blacks who have the stereotypically appearance of a black person. This racial profile effects how people judge an individual and this judgment may very well influence how one is treated by others. This study is important because it shows how racial stereotypes can affect the sentence given to a defendant guilty of murder. The relationship of the different sentences of black on black murders vs. black on white murders is also slightly exposed in this study. For science, this shows a new perspective of how modern society views and profiles African-American men. These stereotypes have and influence on how people treat one another, in this case African-American murder defendants, which is changing society as a whole. Judgment plays a major role in how we interact with one another. The researchers had a very basic research design. There topic was if being stereotypically black influences the possibility of being sentenced with the death penalty. They defined there problem by stating how previous researchers have found a correlation between racial profiling and how people judge others. Researchers have also found that murders of white victims are more likely than murderers of black victims to be sentenced to death. The article Looking Deathworthy by the researchers that conducted this experiment, states that the researchers reviewed plenty of previous studies, theories, and cases. They conducted the experiment in two methods. The first method they showed pictures of 44 black males convicted of murdering white victims in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia during 1979 and 1999, and showing their pictures to raters. The raters where Stanford University undergraduates who were not told the men in the pictures where convicted murderers. They simply rated the men according to how stereotypically black they looked. The researchers found that the defendants who appeared to be more stereotypically black than the others were more likely to receive a death sentence. In the second method, they used the same databases and procedures to see if the same result would be obtained in the experiment if the victims were black. They found that the perceived stereo typicality of black defendants convicted of murdering black victims did not predict a death sentence. There were a couple of limitations made by these researchers that might have effect the outcome of the research. The researchers only used black defendants from the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia area. These changes make the research only correct for that area at that particular time. They should have broadened their case studies to all the states in the U. S. the researchers also only used raters from Standford University. There is a greater chance the people from the same area and same age group judge individuals with the same mentality. They should have used different age groups and people from different backgrounds as raters. T would have made the study more valid. I feel that this was an excellent theory to experiment and I agree that it is true. Capital punishment does give harder sentences for murder defendants who look stereotypically black. However, the study should have been broader. The researchers had variables that if they removed, would have allowed their findings to be more valid.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Sebastians voodoo
Baldwin attention to detail was part of what made this AD animation intriguing. He used the animation technique of anthropomorphism by showing the breathing movements of the dolls. The film used a lot Of imagination, emotion and drama. The short video told a complete story without missing any plots, which made the mood of the piece very mysterious and suspenseful. Till the very end of the film, kept wondering what was going to happen next, if the witch doctor was going to spot the escaped doll or if the doll was going to successfully kill the doctorate.I also felt sympathy for the dolls because they looked worried and frightened. The uses of deem lightning was a major contribution to the eerie feel of the animation. It was easy to understand that the film was going to be gloomy and dark because of the low lightning. The dark silhouette of the witch doctor also contributed to the fear of the unknown. The juxtaposition of light and darkness was also emphasized. The dark lights in the b eginning and the bright lights at the end enhanced the story and plot. The witchdoctor symbolized darkness and the voodoo dolls ironically, symbolized light and hope.When the witch doctor died, a bright light filled the room, which showed that good always wins against evil and the voodoo dolls had been saved. Right from the onset of the film, the moody soundtrack, which played through out the film at different tempos, sets up a mysterious atmosphere of suspense, fear and tension. The music, which is non-dietetic, gave the animation a dark and sinister feel. Before the witch doctor pinned the first voodoo doll, the soundtrack was exciting and drum eke, but after the doll fell to the table, the sound track changed to a mournful tone.The moody soundtrack supplemented the lack of dialogue and narration as the soundtrack also told the story. Aside from mood music, there were also dietetic sounds; flickering lights, footsteps, switching of the light switch and opening and closing of doors were also important details as they added to the feeling of suspense and fear of the unknown. Additionally, the animation was fairly cartoon but the voodoo dolls had realistic human like movements. The animation was also very full as there are a lot Of movements, which improved the quality Of the animation.The themes of life and death used in this piece showed a higher level of maturity because they rose above basic themes usually used for exaggerated animations. The last few seconds of the animation, touched on a contemporary subject matter that is important today- self-sacrifice. Sacrificing our personal needs for the ones we love can lead to a greater good. Just like how the escaped voodoo doll was courageous in sacrificing his own life by facing off the evil antagonist, e was able to save the other voodoo dolls from death.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Purpose of Life, Modern Changes, and Human Isolation Essay
An especially confusing irony arising from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is that one of history’s more well-received and lauded plays is at the same time accorded so many diverse interpretations that understanding frequently seems elusive. The academic and critical literature clearly illustrates how the play has been debated. Exact thematic elements and even the playwright’s precise motivations have proven difficult to derive from the narrative’s textual structure. These interpretive nuances and proffered variations have been rendered even more suspect because Samuel Beckett offered evasive replies whenever he was queried about the intended function of certain characters or his personal intentions regarding any particular passage. These realities are not offered to argue that particular thematic features are incapable of determination, as familiar types of themes and thematic elements can be fairly well-established to a certain extant, but simply to point out and to acknowledge as a theoretical point of departure that Waiting for Godot is a broadly conceived type of narrative that touches upon many themes rather than being narrowly constrained to a particular theme. An examination of certain secondary scholarly analyses unequivocally illustrates the breadth of academic interpretations arguing that Beckett’s play addresses themes such as the meaning of God, the quest for individual salvation, the resistance of the French people against Germany’s occupation during World War Two, how human beings ought to live their lives in changing times, the fleeting nature of time, and the new circumstances that human beings had to adapt to in a post-World War Two era emerging from the Industrial Revolution. To be sure, with so many different interpretations supported by references to certain passages of the play’s text and relevant historical factors, it might seem highly unlikely to persuasively support a dominant or fundamental theme. A critical and comprehensive review of the textual evidence, on the other hand, does eventually suggest that there does exist a primary theme. This dominant theme in Waiting for Godot is that human beings can never truly understand the world in which they exist or how individuals are to be best integrated into a world with contradictory messages and imperfect information. Such a thesis can function to harmonize the different interpretations offered by secondary sources by showing how the main characters’ dialogue in different circumstances consistently illustrates and reinforces the human search for a definite purpose and a rational meaning in an external environment that persistently appears hopelessly incomprehensible. A Unifying Theme: Transcending Particular Interpretations To begin, addressing secondary theories before turning to the play’s actual text, it is necessary to demonstrate how academic and critical commentary has created more confusion than understanding by concentrating too narrowly from a thematic point of view. This type of analytical framework is necessary because virtually all of these at times conflicting and contradictory interpretations are capable of harmonization to a large extant if the play’s primary theme is posited as the individual human being’s desire to better understand and comprehend the function of the human animal in an incomprehensible external environment. It is superficially agreed, for example, that Beckett frequently utilizes universal themes in the narrative; in this respect, one secondary source argues that, â€Å"Waiting for Godot, in many ways, simply extends those uncertainties: Why are we here? Are we alone in an uncaring universe, or not? What are we to do while we are here? How can we know? And, ultimately, what does it matter? †(Hutchings x). This focus on universal concerns in the key to understanding the play and identifying the fundamental theme; indeed, these universal types of characterizations function in the larger picture to transcend more limited and narrow types of interpretations.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Internal analysis of SLS Beverly Hills Research Paper
Internal analysis of SLS Beverly Hills - Research Paper Example The Albert Ballroom at this place can be converted into a wedding hall that can accommodate up to 400 people. This place is decorated with huge chandeliers and light boxes that boast of adaptable lighting and colors to reflect different moods. In addition, there is a beautiful foyer that provides a perfect transformation from cocktails to dinner followed by dancing. The furnishings are elegant and typical of the genius of Starck. The catering at this hotel is far superior to the ordinary banquet fare. The objective is to provide a personalized multisensory experience. The wedding menus tend to be unique and are crafted by the Chef Josà © Andrà ©s and his team. Moreover, handcrafted cocktails and custom wedding treats by Patisserie are available (SLS Hotel, 2015). The SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills boasts of 297 sleeping rooms, 27 meeting rooms, and a 13,000 square feet meeting room space (Cvent, 2015). The service provided is appropriate and outstanding, whether it is the parking by the valet, room service or poolside service. The staff and management of this hotel make every effort to provide the client with a highly enjoyable stay at the hotel. This client had resided at this place in March 2015, and had arrived at that place, in connection with a business trip (Trip Advisor, 2015). This hotel does not charge a rental fee for the reception. The ceremony fees varies from $1,500 to $2,600. The venue permits five hours of event time, and this is excluding the time taken for setting up the show and then dismantling the same. With regard to weddings, the average expenditure varies between $26,101 and $44,222 for a ceremony and reception to be attended by 100 guests (Wedding Spot, 2015). The SLS Hotel Beverly Hills, which is a block distant from the Beverly Center and in the vicinity of the glittering storefronts of Rodeo Drive and the Grove, is ideally located at the intersection of Los Angeles style and Beverly Hills luxury. The customers of SLS Hotels are
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Life and Music of Johann Strauss II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Life and Music of Johann Strauss II - Essay Example From among the hundreds of musical compositions that Johann Strauss II created, his most famous work was identified to be the Blue Danube, categorized as â€Å"the most widely played and arranged pieces of its time, known to the most casual listener today from many radio, film and television uses of it†. A countdown of his musical scores generated this profile: â€Å"150 waltzes, one hundred polkas, seventy quadrilles (square dances), mazurkas (folk dances from Poland), marches, and galops (French dances)†. Johann was noted to be the king of waltz or the waltz king.His music was also noted to belong to the classical genre and assuming the orchstral and opera style. In fact, a total of more than 500 orchestral compositions were attributed to his name. Likewise, Johann Strauss II was known to have popularized both light music and dance music, both musical genres and styles that gave way to less serious form of classical music intended for an audience for the purpose of da ncing the waltz, or to put them in the right mood to listen to a concert-type of music. Since Johann’s compositions were predominantly orchestral or opera in style, the musical accompaniment was composed of a variety of musical instruments chosen appropriately to create the intended mood: for dancing, for easy listening, to appreciate a particular musical instrument: cello, the piano, or the whole orchestra. He has also composed selections of best classical music of his time; concert music, music of the opera, and favorite dance music attributed to the Strauss family, to name just a few.From among the famous operettas noted to be composed by Johann Strauss II, the following were detailed: â€Å"Die Fledermaus, is probably one of the greatest operettas ever written and a masterpiece of its kind. The lovely Du und Du waltz is made up of excerpts from this work. His two other most successful operettas were A Night in Venice (1883), from which he derived the music for the Lagoon Waltz, and The Gypsy Baron (1885), from which stems the Treasure Waltz†.... Music of Johann Strauss II From among the hundreds of musical compositions that Johann Strauss II created, his most famous work was identified to be the Blue Danube (An der schonen blauen Donau), categorized as â€Å"the most widely played and arranged pieces of its time, known to the most casual listener today from many radio, film and television uses of it†(Rovi Corp, 2013, par. 1). A countdown of his musical scores generated this profile: â€Å"150 waltzes, one hundred polkas, seventy quadrilles (square dances), mazurkas (folk dances from Poland), marches, and galops (French dances)†(Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2013, par. 9). Johann was noted to be the king of waltz or the waltz king (The Johann Strauss Society of Great Britain, 2013; Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2013). His music was also noted to belong to the classical genre and assuming the orchstral and opera style (Rovi Corp, 2013). In fact, a total of more than 500 orchestral compositions were attrib uted to his name (The Johann Strauss Society of Great Britain, 2013). Likewise, Johann Strauss II was known to have popularized both light music and dance music, both musical genres and styles that gave way to less serious form of classical music intended for an audience for the purpose of dancing the waltz, or to put them in the right mood to listen to a concert-type of music. Since Johann’s compositions were predominantly orchestral or opera in style, the musical accompaniment were composed of a variety of musical instruments chosen appropriately to create the intended mood: for dancing, for easy listening, to appreciate a particular musical instrument: cello, the piano, or the whole orchestra. He has also composed selections of best classical music of his time; concert music, music of the opera, and
Virgin Group Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Virgin Group - Lab Report Example This profile majors in different areas, most of which will help in understanding the factors behind Virgin’s success. Purposely, it will provide a detailed analysis of the marketing strategies adopted by the group. In this part, the paper will give an elaboration of the pricing policy and other strategies like employee training. Further, the paper will focus on organization culture prevailing. This will include the behavior and values the group considers worth. Lastly, this report will provide a detailed analysis of the motivation the company gives to the employee hence the evident success. As it will be evident in the report, employee motivation is a key factor in Virgin Group and a determinant in the overall job of every individual employee. Richard Branson’s Profile Born in 1950, biographers document Richard Branson as one of those entrepreneurs who have realized success at a young age. As a real risk taker, Branson incepted Virgin Group at the age of 20 years. Howev er, unlike the expectations of many, he realized his goals. Worth noting, the success attribute to the group did not just happen majestically, but took the effort of the entrepreneur, through his learned skills. A common question is how this happen. Nevertheless, the platform and sequence of events and timing he had help us understand the source of success. As he initiated the group, Branson believe that in order to build one’s daily decisions and actions, it is important to belief (Branson, 2012). This is because every belief determines the action taken by an individual. On the same, it is through belief that individuals run away from actions whenever they realize an obstacle on their way. On the contrary, the entrepreneur believed that everything is achievable. From such an understanding, he used his excellent communication skill to reach out to people and sought ideas to develop his towards the goal he had. In summary, the major skills possessed by Branson that helped him meet his goals included being an optimistic thinker, which to scholars is more of an asset, a defined vision with the desire to take charge, and his drive and persistence despite challenges, which help to explain the self-motivation in him (Branson, 2012). Marketing strategies Marketing strategies contribute extensively to the results an organization realizes. As evaluation of every potential client within reach, Virgin Group has a good marketing strategy to remain competitive. It has pricing policies whereby every customer has available service in accordance to the need and affordability. It runs promotional activities and advertisements to create awareness of its available services thus increasing market share and customer base. Its distribution is widely spread all over the world by establishing outlets to reach its diverse and widely spread customers. This group has well trained employees and practices continuous training for its staff. Its services are of high quality, and they focus on each customer segment. The group is consistent in scanning the business environment. It identifies its strength and weaknesses in the business process. This helps it correct the weakness by finding out the most suitable solution. On analyzing any opportunity and/or threat within the external marketing environment, it strategizes on how to grab the present opportunity and respond to the threat (Ferrell and
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Genetics Science Fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Genetics Science Fiction - Essay Example You would think that by the year 2000 they would have worked out a way to keep down the noise of trains at night. He crept forwards, feeling his way along the rough brick wall until he reached the metal door at the end. The keypad number Jimmy had sent him by email that morning was etched into his brain. He had to use the torch to illuminate the keypad, but in five quick seconds he punched in the numbers and the door slid almost silently aside. Once in the building, Jason closed the door with a satisfying â€Å"click†and looked around. He was in an ordinary corridor with several brightly colored steel doors labelled â€Å"LAB F†, â€Å"Compressor Room†, â€Å"Lab G†and one door that had no label except a hazard warning sign. At the far end of the corridor there was an unusual oval door under a large black sign which said â€Å"Maximum Containment†. It had a metal wheel and rubber seals all around it like the entrance to a submarine. Along the wall s ran a series of colored pipes. Jason headed for the oval door, turned the wheel and entered.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Supervision for Instructional Improvement Essay - 1
Supervision for Instructional Improvement - Essay Example For sometime now, Bruce Joyce and his colleagues have been saying that typical staff development â€Å"probably will not generate the amount of change necessary to affect student achievement†. Instead they advocate along with Sparks, Fullan and others---the creation of the kind of â€Å"Communities of teachers†who engage in focused, recurring cycles of instruction, assessment, and adjustment of instruction†.(Joyce and Showers 2002) â€Å"Research emphasizes that coaching is a prerequisite for the implementation of new skills strategy†( Showers, Joyce and Bennett 1987). Leaders must be aware that the provision of ongoing support is crucial to the successful attainment of an innovation. Therefore, one of the first staff development initiatives to be offered to teachers in the classroom, is peer coaching. For staff development expert Thomas Guskey, the promise of professional development has gone â€Å"largely unfulfilled†. The solution in staff develo pment is build around â€Å"collaborative exchange†, in which â€Å"teachers work together, reflect on their practice, exchange ideas, and share strategies†(Guskey 2003) Richard Stiggins writes that 2 â€Å"assessment literacy†, is so integral to the ongoing improvement of instruction in â€Å"learning teams†â€Å"Work shops†, he says â€Å"will not work†, they â€Å"do not†permit the application of and experimentation with new assessment ideas in real classrooms, and sharing that experience with other colleagues in a team effort†(Stiggins 1999).
Friday, August 9, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Business law - Essay Example In well known case Donogue VS Stevenson * the Court decided that the manufacturer is liable for the act done because everybody owes a duty of reasonable care to their neighbour.In this case Mrs. Donogue made a valid claim that her continuous illness is due to the consumption of drink in which the decomposed snail was found and it was due to the negligence of manufacturer Mr. Stevenson. Now let’s discuss how the above said principles are applicable to the given cases and also we‘ll advise the parties to the case that how can they resort to these principles to get the benefit of the Law. Since the maintaining the activities of the park in a proper manner are the first and foremost duty of the local council as the maintainer of the park, it owes some duty towards others. The local council must take reasonable standard of care regarding the activities of the park so that it should not cause any harm to the passersby. In the famous case Boulton VS Stone** it was held that defendant should take reasonable care to avoid injuries. here also. The gardner had to take reasonable care in arranging the flower pot in the right side of the path so that harm to the others should be avoided .Here it is obvious that the gardner has done the breach of duty by arranging the pots in the wrong side, hence Mrs.Marple can file a case against the gardner as defendant and entitled to get compensation from him for the injury caused to her. It is apparent from above discussions that Mrs. Turtle can sue the Local council and the doctor as defendants and they are liable to pay off the damages. As said before the local council had to exercise due cares regarding the maintenance of those play amenities in the park as same way in the activities of the park. Mrs. Turtle can sue the doctor as there was a breach of duty on the part of doctor. If he attended Gemma in appropriate manner,
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Project Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project Assessment - Essay Example Heseltine, the former deputy prime minister, criticized the cost-benefit analysis of the HS2 high-speed railway line. He even suggested that the expected cost of  £42.6 billion could be reduced by  £10 billion. The comment came after the heightened debate about the certainty of the estimated benefits of the HS2 project. Heseltine also pointed out that the analysis did not consider consequential growth in the project these included later expansion to connect London and Birmingham in 2026, and Manchester and Leeds by 2033. This attracted undying criticism from many quarters. However, the government was insistent that the benefits the project will bring outweighs the project’s cost. One of the latest criticisms was that the government overestimated the value of time that people travelling for business would save for short journeys. The assumptions at the time did not consider that a person could still work on transit using their laptops or other mobile devices. This has seen the time savings on business travel cut down by about a third (Mason & Watt 2013).
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Relationship between Lung and Tooth Abscess Assignment
Relationship between Lung and Tooth Abscess - Assignment Example If tooth decay is discovered early, cavities that could develop into abscesses can usually be treated. Since both diseases develop due to poor oral hygiene, practicing proper oral hygiene is the best way to prevent oneself from contaminating the abscesses. Avoiding cigarette and alcohol consumption not only serves as a prevention measure for a tooth abscess but also for a lung abscess. In ancient times, lung abscesses posed challenges to practitioners because of the long duration of the illnesses. A lung abscess was commonly associated with morbidity and mortality and supportive care was the major form of treatment. According to Ferri (2013), â€Å"a lung abscess is an infection of the lung parenchyma resulting in a necrotic cavity containing pus†(p. 9). In order to better comprehend this infectious disease of the respiratory tract, one needs to know the risk factors associated with the disease. Ferri’s (2012) study found the risk factors to be alcohol-related problems, seizure disorders, cerebrovascular disorders, drug abuse, poor oral hygiene and obstructive malignant lung diseases. According to Joiner, â€Å"a dental abscess develops when a pus-filled sac forms in the tissue at the root of a tooth†(2001, p. 348). It is known to bring intolerable pain to the affected. The tooth usually throbs and aches to make chewing or biting very painful. If one does not seek medical care, the infection spreads through the surrounding tissue and bone, causing the neck and face glands to become swollen. This is usually accompanied by a severe headache and fever, which are the common symptoms of infections. Joiner (2001) adds that the causes of a tooth abscess are bacteria accumulation in the deep pockets found between gums and teeth or infections on the roots of teeth. Numerous symptoms are observed in persons suffering from lung and tooth abscesses. These symptoms are usually prolonged occurring for weeks to months. For a lung abscess, they include fever, chills and sweats, coughs, sputum production and amphoric breath sounds (Ferri, 2012).
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