Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Prepare a consultants report for the Schwab Case Essay
Prepare a consultants report for the Schwab Case - Essay Example This report contains the strategic audit of Charles Schwab and Company. The Instruments used are SWOT analysis and SWOT matrix. Analysis of the company’s position has been undertaken. Different technology models have also been applied in order to undertake the analysis of the technology practices in the company. In the end suggestions and recommendations are presented in order to improve the competitive position of the Company. The strategy of a company requires constant updating. With the changing conditions of market and industry it is important for an organization to keep its strategy in tact with the changing environment. An out dated strategy cannot fulfil the needs of today’s global environment. In order to go through the updating process the organizations should carry on an audit to analyze which aspect requires improvement. It also specifies what strategy is necessary to support the business operations, the information people use currently and the gaps in these functions and the business goals. By assessing the knowledge possessed by an organization about its competitors and market environment the mangers can effectively take decisions in order to find the most feasible way for their businesses to maximize profits and improve market share. It is also important to calculate the extent to which change needs to be introduced to the organization. Although the identification of the problem is a big issue but the finding a solution making sense with business world is the main purpose of change in the organization. â€Å"Back in 1970 Alvin Toffler in Future Shock (Toffler, A. 1970) describes a trend towards accelerating rates of change. He illustrated how social and technological norms had shorter life spans with each generation, and he questioned societys ability to cope with the resulting turmoil and anxiety. In the volatile business environment of the 21st century the most important requirement of today’s
Monday, October 28, 2019
Growing Up, The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example for Free
Growing Up, The Catcher in the Rye Essay A young man going through puberty, not knowing what he is doing or where he is headed, in a world in which he feels he doesnt belong in, and feels he is always around a bunch of phonies. This would describe the position of Holden Caulfield, the main character in The Catcher in the Rye (1951) written by J.D. Salinger. The book, all narrated by Holden in first person, in its very unique and humorous style, is about Holden, and all the troubles he has encountered through school, family, friends, and basically life. Holden has been expelled from a private school in Pennsylvania because of failing classes, and decides to go to New York for three days before going home to his disappointed parents. At the beginning of the novel, Holden seems to be like any other 16-year-old young man. But the novel progressively displays through various examples of symbolism that Holden has many problems coping with the world around him. Holden likes to reminisce about his childhood and visiting the Museum of Natural History in Central Park. He loved to visit the museum, for many reasons, and he even said that he got very happy when he thought about the museum. He tells us of the symbolic details in the museum, by saying, The best thing, though in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobodyd move. Nobodyd be different. The only thing that would be different would be you(121). Holden likes this kind of world, and wishes that he lived in it. He wishes things would stay unchanged and simple. Holden is almost scared by change, and cant handle the conflicts in his life. Another very symbolic example in the book is the title itself. On the first night of his three-night excursion, Holden decides to sneak into his house and visit his sister, Phoebe, who he adores very much. Phoebe asks Holden what he would like to do with his life. Holden ponders the question and tells Phoebe about the poem, Com in Through The Rye by Robert Burns. He tells Phoebe, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobodys aroundnobody big, I meanexcept me. And Im standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliffI mean if theyre running and they don look where theyre going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. Thats all Id do all day. Id just be the catcher in the rye and all(173). He wants to save the kids of their innocence, and protect them from the adult world. This indicates Holdens insecurity of the world in which he lives in, and his disgust with becoming an adult. Holden is a very unique individual. He thinks he is different than everyone else he meets, and he is quick to point out how phony everybody else is. While in New York, Holden buys a red hunting hat. It was a very odd hat to wear out in public, especially at a prep school, and the other kids were always giving him a hard time for wearing it. Holden describes it, â€Å"It was this red hunting hat, with one of those very, very long peaks. It only cost me a buck. The way I wore it, I swung the old peak way around to the backâ€â€very corny, I’ll admit, but I liked it that way†(18). Holden is always proud that he is different than everybody around him, and he sees that hat as a part of his independence. He always likes to think that he is not a â€Å"phony†himself, and will do anything possible to show how different he is than all the other â€Å"phonies.†Another thing Holden likes to recollect is the lagoon in Central Park, and the ducks that occupied it. He ponders,†I was wondering if it would be frozen over when I got home, and if it was, where did the ducks go. I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over†(13). Knowing it or not, Holden is curious about the ducks in the lagoon, because he himself doesn’t know where he is going, or how he is going to get there. He has been kicked out of numerous schools, and he needs a scapegoat such as the lagoon freezi ng over in order to find out where it is he is going. Holden shows the reader how disgusted and disturbed he is by this adult world in which he is growing into. He wishes to stay young, and keep everything simple, and to keep away from all the â€Å"phonies†out there. After recalling all the people he has met, and admitting how sick he is, Holden realizes that he is just as phony as everybody else. He ends the story, adding,†Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody†(214).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Trade Gap Defies Expectations :: essays research papers
Abstract Most economist view trade as an integral part of the free market system. The United States economy is currently running a trade deficit, an excess of imports over exports. The U.S. trade deficit widened much more than expected in June. The whole topic of trade must be viewed from a total picture, not just a segment or portion of the issue. This paper will analyze the current position of the trade deficit and some of the factors that have caused the gap to expand. Trade Gap Defies Expectations Introduction      Most economist view trade as an integral part of the free market system. â€Å"Trade allows specialization and division of labor and thereby promotes technological growth†(Colander, 2004, p. 414). The United States economy is currently running a trade deficit, an excess of imports over exports. This shortage is currently being financed by the selling of assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. The balance of trade has been in a deficit position since the 1970s and will probably continue in this direction for quite some time, â€Å"since the assets of the United States total many trillions of dollars†(Colander, 2004, p. 416). This paper will analyze the current position of the trade deficit and some of the factors that have caused the gap to expand. Trade Deficit      â€Å"The U.S. trade deficit widened much more than expected in June†(Reuters, 2004). This increase was due to a large drop in exports, the largest in three years, and a record level of imports. In fact, exports fell 4.3% which represents the largest decline since September, 2001. During this same time period, imports climbed 3.3%. This increase is partly due to the run-up in oil prices – the highest since March, 1982. Not only did prices increase, but the quantity of crude imported rose as well.      â€Å"The primary trading partners of the United States are Canada, Mexico, the European Union, and the Pacific Rim countries†(Colander, 2004, p. 415). The numbers from the June report showed that the U.S. trade gap with Mexico reached a new record and is on tract to break last year’s record numbers. Another country in which the trade gap has widened is China. The exports to China eased while imports climbed to an all-time high. This relationship is much more politically sensitive. In fact, â€Å"U.S. manufactures and labor groups complain that Beijing’s policy of holding the value of its currency steady against the dollar has given it an unfair trade advantage†(Reuters, 2004).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Osmosis: Potato and Blackcurrant Squash
In biology, osmosis Is defined as the diffusion of solvent molecules (usually water molecules) across a semi-permeable membrane from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration. Osmosis Is of great importance In biological processes where the solvent Is water. The transport of water and other molecules across biological membranes is ssential to many processes In living organisms.The pressure exerted by the molecules of the solvent on the membrane they pass through is called osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is the energy driving osmosis and is important for living organisms because It allows water and nutrients dissolved in water to pass through cell membranes. There are three types of condition that Involves osmosis which Is hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic. In a hypotonic solution, the water will move into the cell due to the outside of the cell having a lower solute concentration than the inside of the ell.When an animal cell Is placed In a hypotonic surrounding (lower solute concentration), the water molecules will move into the cell causing the cell to burst and haemolysed. When plant cell Is placed In a hypotonic solution, water molecules diffuse into the cell and the plant cells remain turgid because the cell wall prevents bursting. In a hypertonic solution, water will move outside of the cell due to the outside of the cell is having a higher solute concentration than the Inside of the cell.When an animal cell, a red blood cells is exposed to a hypertonic surrounding (higher olute concentration) the water will leave the cell causing the cell to shrink and it Is said to undergoes crenation. If a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic surrounding, the cell wall cannot prevent the cell from losing water as the water moves out from the cells. It results in cell shrinking, plasmolysis occurs (cell becoming flaccid), In an isotonic solution, there is no net movement of water as the interior and exterior environment of the cell Is having the same solute concentration.RESEARCH QUESTION: How does the dfferent concentration of blackcurrant squash solution affects the ercentage change in mass of chipped potatoes after being immersed in solution for 15 minutes? HYPOTHESIS: The higher the concentration of blackcurrant squash solution, the lower the concentration of the solution getting bigger, water inside of the cells will move outside the cell and this is called hypertonic. The movement of water diffuse out of the cell causes the size of the potato to decrease and shrinking in size to crenate.VARIABLES: TYPE OF VARIABLES VARIABLES UNIT WAYS TO CONTROL INDEPENDENT Concentration of blackcurrant squash solution Use different concentration of blackcurrant squash solution which is 0%, 20%, 40%, 0%, and 100%. DEPENDENT Percentage change in mass of chipped potatoes Weigh the potato using a weighing balance to get the initial mass. Then, immersed the potatoes in the different concentration of the solution for 15 minutes. Find the final mass to get the average mass. Calculate the percentage using the formula: XIOO% CONTROLLED 1 . Volume of solution cm3 Use 30 cm3 of solution for each boiling tube measured by measuring cylinder. . Type of potato Use the same type of potato 3. Time taken to immersed the potato in the solution min Fixed the time taken for the potato to be immersed in the solution as 15 minutes by sing a stopwatch. 4. Temperature Conduct the experiment in the same room using a thermometer. 5. Initial length of the potato chips cm each. Table 1: Table of variables and method to controls it. MATERIALS AND APPARATUS: MATERIALS APPARATUS 1. Blackcurrant squash at a concentration of 556 g dm-3 , 100 cm3 2. Distilled water, 100 crn3 3. Large baking potatoes 1. Boiling tube, 6 2. White tile, 6 3.Ruler, 1 4. Scalpel, 1 5. Measuring cylinder, 50 cm3 6. Cork borers, 1 7. Weighing balance, 1 Table 2: Table of Materials and Apparatus METHODOLOGY: PROCEDURE: 1. boiling tube is prepared and labelled as A, B, C, D, E and F. 2. 30 cm3 of distilled water is measured using a measuring cylinder and poured into test tube A. For test tube A, volume of blackcurrant squash is O cm3. For the rest of other test tubes, the volume of blackcurrant squash and volume of distilled water is measured as shown in column 4 and 5 in the table respectively using a measuring cylinder. 3.The potato is cut up using a cork borer making it into small pieces to fit in the boiling tube. The potato skin is cut off and trimmed. 4. The potato chips are dried on a towel paper. . The potato chips are weighed using a weighing balance and the mass is recorded in a table as initial mass. 6. The chips are placed in the blackcurrant squash solution and leave it for 15 minutes. 7. Make sure the solution covered the chips completely so that the process of osmosis can occur efficiently. 8. After 15 minutes, the chips are taken out and dried using a paper towel. 9.The potato chips are weighed using a weighing ba lance and the final mass is recorded in a table. 10. The change in mass of potato chips and the percentage change in mass of potato chips are calculated. 11. Steps 2 – 10 are repeated 3 times. 12. The graph of concentration of blackcurrant squash solution against percentage change in mass is plotted.Graph above shows that as the concentration of the solution increases, the percentage change in mass of the potato will decreases. This is because at the highest concentration, less amount of water is present in the solution than the concentration of the sucrose. Based on the raph above, we can see that the graph of concentration of blackcurrant squash solution against percentages changes in mass is inversely proportional to each other. The percentage change in mass is constant throughout the experiment as the slope or the steepness of the graph wasn't extreme and it decreases in a consistent manner. 3.At 0%, the percentage change in mass is in a positive value showing a hypotonic condition but as the concentration increases to 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, the percentage change in mass has become a negative value. This shows that it is in a hypertonic condition. 4. As we can see on the graph, at 0% the lowest concentration it gives the highest value of percentage change in mass of 7. 60%. In this situation, hypotonic occurs as the concentration of water outside the potato chips is higher than inside the cell. Hypotonic solution is a solution with a lower solute concentration but high water concentration.This causes the movement of water to diffuse into the sap of potato cells following the concentration gradient. The rate of water moves inside the cell is higher than the water moves outside the cell and this result to the increase of size of the potato. The potato cell had become turgid and firm. 5. While, at the highest concentration 100%, the percentage change in mass is -33. 30 is the lowest value. In this situation, the potato cells are in hypertonic sol ution which is a solution with a higher solute concentration but lower concentration of water.Thus, water will move outside of the cell to the solution following the concentration gradient. The rate of water moves outside the cell is higher than the water moves inside the cell. As a result, the cell shrinks in sizes and become plasmolysed due to the water loss inside the cell. 6. At 20%, the graph loping downwards is showing a negative percentage changes in mass due to the difference than the 0%. But at 40%, the difference of percentage change in mass is bigger than the previous one with a value of -23. 20%.This is because as the concentration is getting higher, the water will moves out more than it will moves into the cells. At 60%, the percentage change in mass is -28. 00%. At 80%, the value is -31. 40% and the difference with 100% is quite small. 7. The standard deviation is calculated and it is shown in the graph as error bars. The error bars in the graph is small and cannot be seen clearly. Based on the results, he error bars show that the data that had been collected is reliable as it is very small and it indicates less variable and closer to the mean.The smaller the error bars gives you the more reliable data and accurate results. Limitation and Suggestions LIMITATIONS SUGGESTIONS 1 . When we do the dilution for the solution, the blackcurrant squash and the distilled water might not mix well. The apparatus we used here is measuring cylinder which cannot be turn upside down to get the homogenous mixture. – Volumetric flask can be used to replace measuring cylinder as it is the best apparatus to get the accurate esult. It has the most fixed values and it definitely can be turned upside down in order to mix the solution well. . The initial length of potato chips to be cut before we put it into the solution is measured using a measuring cylinder. This could affect the result because measuring cylinder has a big uncertainty which is 0. 05cm. – Instead, we can use vernier calliper that has a smaller uncertainty which is 0. 01 cm. This could give better and accurate result. 3. The volume of blackcurrant squash solution is measured using a measuring cylinder that has a bigger uncertainty of 1. cm and this could affect the result to be less accurate. To improve the results obtained, burette is used to replaced measuring cylinder as it has much more smaller uncertainty of 0. 05cm 4. The time for the potatoes left to immerse in the solution is too short which is 15 minutes. Such a short time is not sufficient for the osmosis to occur efficiently. – The duration of time should be longer to get the most accurate values. The potatoes should be left in the solution for at least 30 minutes so that the process of osmosis could happen efficiently giving out the best results. 5.When the potato chips is taken out from the solution, it must be dabbed and dried by using a paper towel to remove any liquid from the surface before wei ghing it to get the final mass. But the process might not have done the same way for every potato chip as maybe more liquid is removed from one of the potato chips but not the other. – We should at least try to dry the potato chips using the same paper towel and dried it carefully so all the liquid is removed of the potato chips so as the result will came out better. 6. The excess potatoes skin which wasn't taken out properly could give a slightly less
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project: Data Warehouse and Hotel Management Reservation
This acknowledgment transcends the reality of formality when I would like to express deep gratitude and respect to all those people behind the screen who guided, inspired and helped me for the completion of my project work. I consider myself lucky enough to get such a good project. This project would add as an asset o my academic profile. I express my sincere gratitude to our respectful for enabling me to make use of laboratory and library facilities liberally, that helped me a long way in carrying out my project work successfully.I would like to express my thankfulness to my project guide, Mr.. Wallabies Albert for his constant to my parents who have encouraged me with their blessings to do this project successfully. Finally I would like to thank to all my friends, all the teaching and non- teaching staff members of the IT Department, for all the timely help, ideas and encouragement which helped throughout in the completion of project. Hotel management reservation systems have becom e a common trend in today's business organizations. With the coming of the internet/intranet everything is Just a click away.As the Hotel began its quest for the development of Hotel management reservation system that would be used to serve the whole of England, it becomes every web developers ‘and programmers responsibility to tackle the challenge and this challenge still goes on. As pioneers took on the task, it created a platform for others and it's from those existing system that new development are based. The new Hotel management reservation system should be designed in a way that guarantees the security of the users' data and it should be designed in the most user friendly way possible, putting in consideration all the accessibility requirements.A hotel booking system has been developed with enhancements that cover some of the loopholes discovered in the existing hotel management reservation systems. The objective of this project is to create a hotel management reservati on system where customers can request for services and accommodation on specified dates. They can et information regarding time, cost, room and other services offered all at the same time and place. The system displays all the available services, and room reservation.This system would help the hotels to better serve its customers by catering to their needs. The system would use a Database to hold this information as well as the price of the rooms and availability information for the hotel. Hotel reservation system plays a great role and has a potential effect on day to day performance measures, this type of system have highly evolved from decades due to sigh demand for their use, effective and efficiency in any given institutions and Hotel industries.Due to the rapid change of technology the use of such management system has become a necessity to any given high learning institution for better performance and is used with quite a large number of users at the same time but it can save time, resources and creates awareness of the evolving technology. Therefore a Hotel Management Reservation System will be developed to provide simple and fast online solution for Customers, Workers, Hotel administrators and Managers in managing orders and reservation made by customers.It will allow interaction of hotel organizations and customers on single platform, allowing customer booking and validation with the simple system. The system will be developed to ease the manual process which involves a lot of paper work and it occupies a lot of space and it's tiresome to employees. The researchers believe that the knowledge gained in the development of the system will be an effective tool in providing the needed IT skills of the students in the hotel industries. It will be beneficial to the Hotels since the use of the system as a working tool will improve the delivery of instruction and prove to be cost-efficient. 2 Background of the Study The project on â€Å"Hotel Management Rese rvation System†is one of the interactive This system can handle almost the entire task required in the Hotel Management being one of the key to raise the organization prestige and status as it saves processing time and help to provide better management system. Using this system one can make their managerial aspect of hotel strong and fast. Mainly the program is divided into three aspects, one for administration, staff and another for customer.Hotel Management Reservation System is broadcasted throughout in the hotel local outwork during working hours so that all customers receding can know in detail about hotel and can reserve through the computer found in their rooms. This system facilitates the manager to keep details rate of any items and services and also edit them as per requirement. It also enables to calculate all the daily financial transaction which includes reservation and booking, billing, restaurant billing, and other accounting module. Using this system one can k eep detail on check in and checkout time of every customer visiting the hotel.This system also keeps record of joking the hotel services by the customer so that manager can easily handle such task in less time. Hotel Management Reservation System will be designed aiming to keep good interaction between manager and customers, through the graphical presentation so that both parties will be benefited. The system is developed for easy management of the following types of accommodation like Hotels, Guesthouses, Conference rooms, Villas, resorts and any other room booking which is to be managed on a day-to-day basis.One of the most important skills of Hotel Management Reservation System researcher will have the knowledge of using an on- nine hotel reservation system. Hotel reservation system will be designed to simplify the task of on-line booking and to enable hotel to compete in today's demanding and competitive market. The system will provide the customers and clients with a unique, in novative and easy to use interface that improves the way people use the system today. Online users will have to compare prices and facilities in the hotel.Throughout this Project Proposal on Hotel Reservation Management System we will be describing about objectives of this project, functions of the program, flowchart, algorithm, budget and schedule for the project. . 2 Problem statement This system is intended to automate the activities of hotel including transactions and service delivery. Most hotels currently use manual and paper work systems to deliver services to their customers. This requires intending customer to physically appear at the Hotel reception desk avail the data required to prepare his or her accommodation in the hotel rooms.Some of this services provided in hotel are absolutely tedious and indeed involve a lot of writing and recording. Consequently this leads to wastage of resources in terms of papers, ink and time. The paper work has been associated with a lot of errors, redundancy of data, and misapplication of rooms and lose of funds. Also the records are subjected to theft and catastrophes like fire, earthquakes and hence the need for a system to cater for all these problems. As well as hospitality services such as accommodation.Bearing in mind that the most critical and necessary activity in any service delivering institution is quality of service in which is relative to the time spent in delivering it. Then the system will absolutely quicken and optimize these processes in hotels. Furthermore, from the management perspective, the managers will be in a position to control, monitor and manage the business in the shortest time possible, accurately and in efficient manner. Therefore, there is a need of an automated system which will enable them to administrate and monitor all the services in the hotel. . 4 Objectives The main objectives of the project will be concentrated towards the development of such project that will help in reduce the problems encountered with the customer's record keeping method and reservation facilities for the costumers in hotel. This yester will be focused on both hotel staff and customer who can manages all hotel tasks in reliable way, saving the precious time. The objectives of this system can be divided into two categories, which are being explained as follow: I.Specific Objectives 0 To develop a Hotel management and Reservation system 0 To provide interaction between both the both hotel staffs and customer. To keep the details record of hotel. 0 To keep the detail record of customers. 0 To provide easy way to view details rate of each room in the hotel's and reservation for customer. To provide reliable and easy way of booking facilities to customer. TOT manage and edit the different rates of services. 0 To keep the proper accountancy record of the hotel. 0 To provide proper billing system for customer. To test and validate the system after it has been developed. TOT evaluate the system and highlight the benefits the system can provide to the hotels and its workers. 1. 3 Aim Considering today's need in the field of Hotel Management System and other Reservation System, I as the student of DID have planned to developed a system named â€Å"Hotel Management and Reservation System†which will meet almost all the demands required in the field of hotel. This is the system which is mainly made to be in the management of a Hotel and Reservation of Hotel.To achieve this goal of preparation of the system it is very necessary to choose appropriate programming language which meets the goal in given time and budget. Taking all this in mind I database of the system. Access is one of the most widely used programming languages used in creating database all time. As it provides low-level access to memory, it required minimal run-time support. Through the use of Microsoft access it's going to divide whole complex program into a number of function which make ark simpler.My sys tem will provide lots of services to user like viewing info, editing info, reserving, accounting etc. All these things can be divided into sub-routine which has clearly defined purpose. Microsoft Access is also going to provide file handling system which will be main key to develop my system. My system is the comprehensive system which is going to be consisting of an integrated module for various aspects of Hotel Management and reservation System. As entire modules necessary to hotel are integrated tightly at no additional cost, it saves both time and money for the user.Through this system, the Hotel administration can easily manage their loyalty programs in an effective way. The project Hotel management and Reservation will manage and maintain the records of customers, room in hotels, booking information and other financial transaction of hotel on a database which will be used to store information. The system will provide high security on the data stored on the data base will not b e manipulated. The administrator will have the authority to make any change on the data base.The fore strong password will be used to protect the data. Thebe. Et script language will be used in front-end while Access language will be used use in the back-end. In this system, the researcher is going to create a user friendly interface, so that normal persons can add, delete and edit the entries of customers and handle all the transaction easily. 1. 5 Scope of the project The main aim of the researcher coming up with this project is to create a database management system that will be more efficient and easy to use in the hotel.The researcher will focus the study at â€Å"A-hero Beach Resort†, and other related different hotels located within Kampala and Entente town. The system will be implemented by use of different method of research such as questionnaires and survey in order to interact with workers and customers to get the required information about my area of study. The re searcher wills also Interviews on workers and the customers to facilitate my research on this project. Also direct observation will be used in this case and also have an access to the store documents and records found in the hotels.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Computers In The Workplace essays
Computers In The Workplace essays In today society, it is a must that there is some kind of computerized technology within the typical workplace. It is obvious that the need for computers in our daily lives is increasing at a very rapid pace. There is no way to avoid the use of computers if you plan to survive in the 20th century. Although many people think that computer use is a gigantic hassle and it should be limited in the workplace. As of September 2001, about 65 million of the 115 million adults who were employed and age 25 and over use a computer at work. ( And it is the voices of these workers that have developed the detestation for computers in the workplace. Unlike my generation, these workers did not grow up basically with the education of computers and its uses. Computers hamper the workplace. This statement is the issue at hand. With the development of new and improved computers and computerized equipment, the workplace to some individuals has become a problematical place to work. Computers or technology should become of less importance in the workplace when weigh against the workers themselves, or the workers should become more educated about this type of technology to manipulate it and make it work better for them. The use of computers in the workplace can become a benefit or a setback. The ethical issues that arise from these two statements are now on top of the discussions of computers in the workplace. CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility) started the project of computers in the workplace in 1988. There have been issues with this project since 1992. ( Issues such as will the computer take over my position at my job, the computer has made it difficult to work because it is a difficult machine to understand. Also on the flip side of the argument some issues are, why cant people educate themselves enough in order to manipulate computers to their satisfaction? Studies sh...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Black Dahlia Murder Case
The Black Dahlia Murder Case The Black Dahlia Murder case remains one of Hollywoods long-running mysteries and one of the most gruesome of the 1940s. A pretty young woman, Elizabeth Short, was found cut in half and posed in a sexually explicit manner in a vacant lot. It would be sensationalized in the media as the Black Dahlia murder. In the media frenzy that followed, rumors and speculation were published as fact, and inaccuracies and exaggerations continue to plague accounts of the crime until this day. Here are the few real facts that are known about the life and death of Elizabeth Short. Elizabeth Shorts Childhood Years Elizabeth Short was born on July 29, 1924, in Hyde Park, Massachusetts to parents Cleo and Phoebe Short. Cleo made a good living building miniature golf courses until the Depression took its toll on the business. In 1930, with his business suffering, Cleo decided to fake his suicide and abandoned Phoebe and their five daughters. He parked his car by a bridge and took off to California. Authorities and Phoebe believed Cleo committed suicide. Later, Cleo decided he made a mistake, contacted Phoebe and apologized for what he had done. He asked to come home. Phoebe, who had faced bankruptcy, worked part-time jobs, stood in lines to get public assistance and raised the five children alone, wanted no part of Cleo and refused to reconcile. Her High School Years Elizabeth was not academically inclined earning average grades in high school. She left high school in her freshman year because of asthma which she suffered with since childhood. It was decided that it would be best for her health if she left New England during the winter months. Arrangements were made for her to go to Florida and stay with family friends, returning to Medford during the spring and summer. Despite her parents difficulties, Elizabeth continued to correspond with her father. She was growing up to be an attractive young girl and like many teenagers enjoyed going to the movies. Like many young pretty girls, Elizabeth developed an interest in modeling and the movie industry and set her goals to someday work in Hollywood. A Short-Lived Reunion At the age of 19, Elizabeths father sent her money to join him in Vallejo, California. The reunion was short-lived, and Cleo soon grew tired of Elizabeths lifestyle of sleeping during the day and going out on dates until late at night. Cleo told Elizabeth to leave, and she moved out on her own to Santa Barbara. The Next Three Years There is much debate about where Elizabeth spent her remaining years. It is known that in Santa Barbara she was arrested for underage drinking and was packed up and returned to Medford. According to reports up until 1946, she spent time in Boston and Miami. In 1944, she fell in love with Major Matt Gordon, a Flying Tiger, and the two discussed marriage, but he was killed on his way home from the war. In July 1946, she moved to Long Beach, California to be with an old boyfriend, Gordon Fickling, who she dated in Florida before her relationship with Matt Gordon. The relationship ended shortly after her arrival and Elizabeth floundered around for the next few months. A Soft Spoken Beauty Friends described Elizabeth as being soft-spoken, courteous, a non-drinker, or smoker, but somewhat of a loafer. Her habit of sleeping late in the day and staying out at night continued to be her lifestyle. She was pretty, enjoyed dressing stylishly and turned heads because of her pale skin contrasting against her dark hair and her translucent blue-green eyes. She wrote to her mother weekly, ensuring her that her life was going well. Some speculate that the letters were Elizabeths attempt to keep her mother from worrying. Those around her know it that over the next few months she moved often, was well liked, but elusive and not well known. During October and November of 1946, she lived in the home of Mark Hansen, owner of the Florentine Gardens. The Florentine Gardens had a reputation as being a rather shoddy strip joint in Hollywood. According to reports, Hansen was said to have various attractive women rooming together at his home, which was located behind the club. Elizabeths last known address in Hollywood was the Chancellor Apartments at 1842 N. Cherokee, where she and four other girls roomed together. In December, Elizabeth boarded a bus and left Hollywood for San Diego. She met Dorothy French, who felt sorry for her and offered her a place to stay. She stayed with the French family until January when she was finally asked to leave. Robert Manley Robert Manley was 25 years old and married, working as a salesman. According to reports, Manley first met Elizabeth in San Diego and offered her a ride to the French house where she was staying. When she was asked to leave, it was Manley who came and drove her back to the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles where she was supposed to be meeting her sister. According to Manley, she was planning to go live with her sister Berkeley. Manley walked Elizabeth to the hotel lobby where he left her at around 6:30 p.m. and drove back to his home San Diego. Where Elizabeth Short went after saying goodbye to Manley is unknown. The Murder Scene On January 15, 1947, Elizabeth Short was found murdered, her body left in a vacant lot on South Norton Avenue between 39th Street and Coliseum. Homemaker Betty Bersinger was running an errand with her three-year-old daughter when she realized that what she was looking at was not a mannequin but an actual body in the lot along the street where she was walking. She went to a nearby house, made an anonymous call to police, and reported the body. When police arrived on the scene, they found the body of a young woman who had been bisected, displayed face-up on the ground with her arms over her head and her lower half placed a foot away from her torso. Her legs were wide open in a vulgar position, and her mouth had three-inch slashes on each side. Rope burns were found on her wrists and ankles. Her head face and body was bruised and cut. There was little blood at the scene, indicating whoever left her, washed the body before bringing it in the lot. The crime scene quickly filled with police, bystanders, and reporters. It was later described as being out of control, with people trampling on any evidence investigators hoped to find. Through fingerprints, the body was soon identified as 22-year-old Elizabeth Short or as the press called her, The Black Dahlia. A massive investigation into finding her murderer was launched. Because of the brutality of the murder and Elizabeths sometimes sketchy lifestyle, rumors and speculation were rampant, often being incorrectly reported as fact in newspapers. Suspects Close to 200 suspects were interviewed, sometimes polygraphed, but all eventually released. Exhausted efforts were made to run down any leads or any of the several false confessions to the killing of Elizabeth by both men and women. Despite efforts made by investigators, the case has remained one of the most famous unsolved cases in Californias history.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Marriage, the Motherhood Penalty and the Gender Wage Gap
Marriage, the Motherhood Penalty and the Gender Wage Gap The gender wage gap is well-established in societies around the world. Social scientists have documented through research spanning decades that the gender wage gap- wherein women, all else being equal, earn less than men for the same work- cannot be explained away by differences in education, type of job or role within an organization, or by the number of hours worked in a week or weeks worked in a year. Pew Research Center reports that in 2015- the year for which most recent data are available- the gender wage gap in the United States as measured by median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers was 17 percent. This means that women earned roughly 83 cents to the mans dollar. This is actually good news, in terms of historical trends, because it means that the gap has shrunk considerably over time. Back in 1979, women earned just 61 cents to the mans dollar in terms of median weekly earnings, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported by sociologist Michelle J. Budig. Yet, social scientists are cautious about this overall improvement because the rate at which the gap is shrinking has declined significantly in recent years. The encouraging nature of the overall shrinking gender wage gap also eclipses the continuing harmful effect of racism on a persons earnings. When Pew Research Center looked at historical trends by race and gender, they found that, in 2015, while white women earned 82 cents to the white mans dollar, Black women earned just 65 cents relative to white men, and Hispanic women, just 58. These data also show that the increase in earnings of Black and Hispanic women relative to white men has been far less than that for white women. Between 1980 and 2015, the gap for Black women shrunk by just 9 percentage points and that for Hispanic women by just 5. Meanwhile, the gap for white women shrunk by 22 points. This means that the closing of the gender wage gap over recent decades has primarily benefitted white women. There are other hidden but important aspects of the gender wage gap. Research shows that the gap is tiny to non-existent when people start their working careers around age 25 but it widens quickly and steeply during the next five to ten years. Social scientists argue that research proves that much of the widening of the gap is attributable to the wage penalty suffered by married women and by those who have children- what they call the motherhood penalty. The Lifecycle Effect and the Gender Wage Gap Many social scientists have documented that the gender wage gap widens with age. Budig, taking a sociological view on the problem, has demonstrated using BLS data that the wage gap in 2012 as measured by median weekly earnings was just 10 percent for those aged 25 to 34 but was more than double that for those aged 35 to 44. Economists, using different data, have found the same result. Analyzing a combination of quantitative data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) database and the 2000 Census long-form survey, a team of economists led by Claudia Goldin, a professor of economics at Harvard University, found that the gender wage gap widens considerably during the first decade and a half after schooling ends. In conducting their analysis, Goldins team used statistical methods to rule out the possibility that the gap widens over time due to an increase in discrimination. They found, conclusively, that the gender wage gap increases with age- especially among the college educated who work in higher-earning jobs than those not requiring a college degree. In fact, among the college educated, the economists found that 80 percent of the increase in the gap occurs between the ages of 26 and 32. Put differently, the wage gap between college-educated men and women is just 10 percent when they are 25 years old but has widened massively to 55 percent by the time they reach the age of 45. This means that college-educated women lose out on the most earnings, relative to men with the same degrees and qualifications. Budig argues that the widening of the gender wage gap as people age is due to what sociologists call the lifecycle effect. Within sociology, life cycle is used to refer to the different stages of development that a person moves through during their life, which includes reproduction, and are normatively synced with key social institutions of family and education. Per Budig, the lifecycle effect on the gender wage gap is the effect that certain events and processes that are part of the life cycle have on a persons earnings: namely, marriage and childbirth. Research Shows that Marriage Hurts the Earnings of Women Budig and other social scientists see a link between marriage, motherhood and the gender wage gap because there is clear evidence that both life events correspond to a greater gap. Using BLS data for 2012, Budig shows that women who have never been married experience the smallest gender wage gap relative to never-married men- they earn 96 cents to the mans dollar. Married women, on the other hand, earn just 77 cents to the married mans dollar, which represents a gap that is nearly six times greater than that among never-married people. The effect of marriage on a womans earnings is made even more clear when looking at the gender wage gap for formerly married men and women. Women in this category earn just 83 percent of what formerly married men earn. So, even when a woman isnt currently married, if she has been, she will see her earnings reduced by 17 percent as compared with men in the same situation. The same team of economists cited above used the same pairing of LEHD data with long-form Census data to show exactly how marriage impacts the earnings of women in a working paper published by the National Bureau of Economics Research (with Erling Barth, prolific Norwegian economist and a fellow at Harvard Law School, as the first author, and without Claudia Goldin). First, they establish that much of the gender wage gap, or what they call the earnings gap, is created within organizations. Between 25 and 45 years of age, mens earnings within an organization climb more sharply than do those of women. This is true among both the college-educated and non-college educated populations, however, the effect is much more extreme among those with a college degree. Men with a college degree enjoy vast earnings growth within organizations while women with college degrees enjoy far less. In fact, their rate of earnings growth is less than that for men without college degrees, and by age 45 is slightly less than that of women without college degrees too. (Keep in mind that were talking about a rate of earnings growth here, not earnings themselves. College-educated women earn far more than women who do not have college degrees, but the rate at which earnings grow over the course of ones career is about the same for each group, regardless of education.) Because women earn less than men within organizations, when they change jobs and move to another organization, they do not see the same degree of salary bump- what Barth and his colleagues call an earnings premium- when taking the new job. This is especially true for married women and serves to further exacerbate the gender wage gap among this population. As it turns out, the rate of growth in the earnings premium is about the same for both married and never-married men as well as never-married women through the first five years of a persons career (The rate of growth for never-married women slows after that point.). However, compared to these groups, married women see very little growth in earnings premium over the span of two decades. In fact, it is not until married women are 45 years old that the rate of growth for their earnings premium matches what it was for all others between the ages of 27 and 28. This means that married women have to wait nearly two decades to see the same kind of earnings premium growth that other workers enjoy throughout their working career. Because of this, married women lose out on a significant amount of earnings relative to other workers. The Motherhood Penalty is the Real Driver of the Gender Wage Gap While marriage is bad for a womans earnings, research shows that it is childbirth that really exacerbates the gender wage gap and puts a significant dent in womens lifetime earnings relative to other workers. Married women who are also mothers are hardest hit by the gender wage gap, earning just 76 percent of what married fathers earn, according to Budig. Single mothers earn 86 to the single (custodial) fathers dollar; a fact which is in keeping with what Barth and his research team revealed about the negative impact of marriage on a womans earnings. In her research, Budig found that women on average suffer a wage penalty of four percent per childbirth during their careers. Budig found this after controlling for the effect on wages of differences in human capital, family structure, and family-friendly job characteristics. Troublingly, Budig also found that low-income women suffer a greater motherhood penalty of six percent per child. Backing up the sociological findings, Barth and his colleagues, because they were able to match long-form Census data to earnings data, concluded that most of the loss in earnings growth for married women (relative to married men) occurs concurrently with the arrival of children.†Yet, while women, especially married and low-income women suffer a motherhood penalty, most men who become fathers receive a fatherhood bonus. Budig, with her colleague Melissa Hodges, that men on average receive a six percent pay bump after becoming fathers. (They found this by analyzing data from the 1979-2006 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.) They also found that, just as the motherhood penalty disproportionately impact low-income women (therefore negatively targeting racial minorities), the fatherhood bonus disproportionately benefits white men- especially those with college degrees. Not only do these dual phenomena- the motherhood penalty and the fatherhood bonus- maintain and for many, widen the gender wage gap, they also work together to reproduce and worsen already existing structural inequalities that function on the basis of gender, race, and level of education.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing design Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Marketing design - Case Study Example Michael E. Porter suggests that businesses must search for a sustainable competitive advantage, which comes from developing a distinctive way of competing (Goett, 1999). As part of the marketing strategy for the oxygen bar, methods for setting it apart as a distinctive brand will be addressed. Population growth and changing demographics are examples of social trends that can have an effect on sales (Nickels et al, 2005). As part of a well-organised PESTLE analysis, the identification of external factors directly affecting the success of the oxygen bar has revealed several relevant issues that could positively impact its survival within the market. It might be argued that oxygen bars are a socio-cultural trend towards better health, as oxygen has been said to boost energy, heighten concentration, reduce stress and detoxify the blood (Davis, 2003). The actual effects of frequenting the oxygen bar are socially independent, meaning that those individuals who have used the bars have found different personal satisfactions regarding oxygen usefulness for health and well-being. However, understanding that oxygen bar popularity has been on the increase globally, similar external social factors towards better, healthy living might well impact a strong customer loyalty to the servic e. In the mid-term, it is possible that new developments in health-related, professional research might indicate a different social trend towards health initiatives, negating positive consumer perceptions of oxygen effectiveness. It might be argued that consumer preferences fluctuate periodically, however, an individual need only witness extensive literature available on UK health studies to visualise a growing trend in better health awareness. Therefore, in the mid-term, no dramatic fluctuations Oxygen Bar 4 in socio-cultural values regarding customer discontinuation of the oxygen bar concept are anticipated. Economic factors, in the short term, do not necessarily affect the ongoing success of the Andrews Adult School Oxygen Bar as the pricing structure for the service will be kept at competitive levels. Pricing will be discussed later in the analysis, but it has been determined that the bar will be maintained at an affordable level, allowing for a broader market to be targeted for bar advertisements. From a community perspective, the oxygen bar will open new job opportunities (especially for the campus student population) and might be accepted for its positive economic impact on the community. In the mid-term, assuming the oxygen bar maintains a level of business and profit success in the community, advancing economic impacts could include more job opportunities to staff the business due
Friday, October 18, 2019
Euthanasia and Kants Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Euthanasia and Kants Morality - Essay Example Legally, assisted suicide has been justified on certain grounds, for example in countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and in the State of Oregon in the United States (McKean 1). This does not however change the fact that for most people the issue of euthanasia is fundamentally not about giving mercy. It is still the â€Å"killing†part that raises the hackles for most people. Mercy (or compassion) and killing (with an intent to kill, it can still be considered murder) are still clearly contradictory, i.e., posed in the very simplistic, yet lucid question: how could you possibly help someone you love or care about kill himself? How could mercy or love ever be allied with the destruction of life, no matter how little remains of it? The morality of any act according to Kant’s well-known adage of the categorical imperative only suffices if it can be raised as a universal law (Kant, Groundwork of The Metaphysics of Morals). To assist someone who wants to di e will almost never impel that unconditional sense of rightness, but instead the situation will almost always look at the conditionality of how a particular situation may be acted upon. This action is the opposite of what can be found in the morality of the categorical imperative. A thing according to Kantian morality is right because it is independent of any external cause. In the case of euthanasia, the external cause takes the forms of the mercy or a sense of â€Å"duty†to let a person die in dignity, or respect the wishes of someone who wants to end his life.... sion may be high due to a seemingly hopeless situation be trusted in deciding that life is better ended Is he or she an "autonomous" person in this case On the other hand, can a caregiver or a doctor with a close relationship with a terminally ill and suffering patient be looked at as merely performing a duty to respect the decision to die of someone he or she cares about Is it duty or is it something else The concept of autonomy or the sense of freedom and the principle of duty in Kant's theory of morality provide analytical tools to examine whether euthanasia is morally defensible. Autonomy and dignity, which are based upon the premise that a human being is free by way of reason to decide on what is wrong or right, have been used to justify euthanasia. Conversely, this line of reasoning suggests that the autonomy or dignity of a patient who expresses that life-prolonging treatments or care violate his or her sense of dignity as a human being should be respected. According to Kant, men are moral beings because by virtue of being free and capable of reason. However, he qualifies the term freedom, and explains further that there is a "negative" and "positive" sense of freedom. He wrote, "The sole principle of morality consists in the independence on all matter of the law (namely, a desired object), and in the determination of the elective will by the mere universal legislative form of which its maxim must be capable. This independence is freedom in the negative sense, and this self-legislation of the pure, and therefore practical reason is freedom in the positive sense" (Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, Book 1, chap.1, par 85). On both counts, whether in the negative or positive sense, the patient who is supposedly the originator of a decision that would
Freedom of Information in Nigeria Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Freedom of Information in Nigeria - Term Paper Example The explanation for this secretive policy may not be very clear but most of the nations that have taken this orientation of secrecy including Nigeria have cited national security as one of the greatest motivations for the secrecy policy. This paper seeks to highlight the issues and prospects as far as the freedom of information and national security in Nigeria are concerned. Freedom of information may be defined as the right of any citizen in any state to be informed in writing or in any form appropriate on request of disclosure from a governmental agency and if the agency refuses the citizen can demand the reason for refusal. In other words, any citizen has a right to demand any kind of information from the government or its agent upon which if the government or agent deems otherwise then the citizen has a right to demand an explanation as to why he or she has been denied the information requested for (Horrigan, 1998: pp90). Freedom of information legislation is sometimes known as open records is a set of rules that allows for access to government held information by the public. These sets of rules form the legal framework that puts the government under obligation to avail government information to the public as need may be. Most countries in the world have legislated FOI. Actually, more than 70 countries countrywide enjoy this freedom to information with Sweden's FoI legislation termed as the Freedom of the Press Act dates far back to 1766 and it is deemed to be the oldest worldwide. In Africa, only three countries have legislated FoI and these are Angola, S. Africa and Uganda. Nigeria is in the process of legislating FoI even though the process has been very slow and often laced with controversy. However there are hopes that with the present pressure on the government from stakeholders in FoI i.e. the public, press/media, judiciary, human rights activists, NGOs etc, the bill is likely to sail through the House of Representatives sooner than later. National security on the other hand refers to the obligation to preserve the endurance and survival of a nation or state through by the use of political, military and financial power. It is an investment that the nation makes to make sure that her citizens are safe and they lack nothing. Further, the national territory together with its institutions may uphold integrity and this integrity is what is called national security. In other words, national security is the integrity of the national territory and its institutions (Raskin, 1979). What relationship exists between freedom of information and national security The two are closely related that when you mention one the other is implied. There are restrictions to the freedom of information legislation simply because of national security. As much as people need to have freedom of security for the functioning of democracy, the degree should not reach a point that can injure national security. A nation has to have its secrets which must not reach the hands of enemies who may threaten the political, financial and even physical safety if the citizens. Therefore the two are related in that if a nation overindulges in one, the other suffers loss i.e. if a nation overemphasizes national security, freedom of information may not prevail sufficiently and if a nation gives too much freedom of inform
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Critical Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical Reflection - Essay Example During the second seminar, members of the forum discussed debated on several issues that face if not the society, the issues face humanity. Some of the common issues debated during this case include; the aspect of sexual desire, social isolation, anger as an aspect of motivations, personality disorder and the aspect of being sadistic. Other debated topics included sexuality, fantasy, characters of the perpetrators, actions and victim’s psychological features. However, the main topic of the seminar was sexual offending and sexual homicide. During the first seminar discussion, it was revealed that violent crime entails a crime whereby the offender threatens or uses violence upon an individual. In most cases, violent crimes entail crimes whereby the main objective is violent act. Alternatively, violent crimes include the types of crimes, which are committed with weapons. The seminar revealed that violent crimes are always seen as negative and unnecessary. Most of the members drew a conclusion that violent crimes always turn out as bad, dangerous and ugly towards fellow human beings. However, it was also discussed that violent crimes can be ambiguous along with power dimensions which mostly results in ineffectiveness and weakness. Some members of the seminar however were of the opinion that acts of violence remain a successful aspect of social positioning. In response to the aspect of media perceptions of violence, the discussion generally established that there are three different fundamentally spheres of media communication which generally interact the aspect of violent crime. The three aspects include the entertainment aspect, online and news. Further discussions revealed that the three spheres are subdivided into media sub-spheres, which include television, radio, films and the internet. These forms of media and sub-media aspects play an essential role in interacting with a near inexhaustible crime numbers as well as crime control activities
Critical overview of the enforcement of foreign arbitral award in Dissertation - 1
Critical overview of the enforcement of foreign arbitral award in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example This study investigated this law. Its adherence to the Shari'a law and its impact on commercial arbitration and foreign arbitration enforcement are also explored in depth. To this end, the research perused several conventions such as UNCITRAL’s Model Law, the New York Convention, the Washington Convention and the Riyadh Convention. This study concluded that the modern arbitration mechanism in Saudi Arabia typifies the classic hybrid theory of control and regulation. It has to loosen regulation, which is primarily driven by the restrictive Shari’a Law on one hand while on the other, it has to impose certain regulatory controls in order to protect public interest and reconcile international arbitration conventions with the Shari’a law. In addition, the legal framework for arbitration remains insufficient. The implications of this fact in the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards are significant. The absence of clear and specific laws on commercial arbitration and the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards create several challenges, particularly in terms of fair and credible examination of applications for awards enforcement and in providing a speedy arbitration resolution.  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS When I began this study, I did not know that I would be indebted to so many people. I found that I needed a lot of help because of the amount of work and information required. However, I would like to start with expressing my gratitude to Allah for blessing me with the strength and ability to see this research through. As always, I dedicate my work in his service and glory. I am also deeply grateful to Dr.Gbenga Odatun. He has been very patient with me as I struggled in each stage of this research. His insights and observations were absolutely helpful. Finally, I would like to say thank you so very much to my father and my mother. They have been unfailing in giving support, understanding and encouragement. Without them, I would have been a lesser indiv idual. Therefore, I also dedicate this work to them and my family. I hope that this testament to my effort somehow makes them recognize the extent of what I have accomplished in my studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 2 Acknowledgement 3 INTRODUCTION 7 Statement of the Problem and Scope of the Study 8 Limitations 9 I: INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 10 1.1 Evolution of Modern International Arbitration 10 1.2 International Conventions 13 1.2.1 The New York Convention 13 1.2.2 ICSID 14 1.2.3 The Riyadh Convention 15 1.3 The Legal Nature of Arbitration 15 1.4 Arbitration and Formal Judiciary 16 1.5 The International Arbitration Process 18 II: ARBITRATION IN SAUDI ARABIA 20 2.1 History of Commercial Arbitration in Saudi Arabia 20 2.2 Present Arbitration Policy 23 2.3 Commercial Arbitration Procedure in Saudi 25 2.4 Other Pertinent Laws 27 III. LIMITATIONS, IMPEDIMENTS AND PROHIBITIONS 28 3.1 Insufficient Laws 28 3.2 Shari’a and Arbitration 29 3.3 Exemption of Government Entities 33 3.4 Concerning the Legal Environment 34 IV: THE ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARDS IN SAUDI ARABIA 35 4.1 Enforcement According to Shari’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Critical Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical Reflection - Essay Example During the second seminar, members of the forum discussed debated on several issues that face if not the society, the issues face humanity. Some of the common issues debated during this case include; the aspect of sexual desire, social isolation, anger as an aspect of motivations, personality disorder and the aspect of being sadistic. Other debated topics included sexuality, fantasy, characters of the perpetrators, actions and victim’s psychological features. However, the main topic of the seminar was sexual offending and sexual homicide. During the first seminar discussion, it was revealed that violent crime entails a crime whereby the offender threatens or uses violence upon an individual. In most cases, violent crimes entail crimes whereby the main objective is violent act. Alternatively, violent crimes include the types of crimes, which are committed with weapons. The seminar revealed that violent crimes are always seen as negative and unnecessary. Most of the members drew a conclusion that violent crimes always turn out as bad, dangerous and ugly towards fellow human beings. However, it was also discussed that violent crimes can be ambiguous along with power dimensions which mostly results in ineffectiveness and weakness. Some members of the seminar however were of the opinion that acts of violence remain a successful aspect of social positioning. In response to the aspect of media perceptions of violence, the discussion generally established that there are three different fundamentally spheres of media communication which generally interact the aspect of violent crime. The three aspects include the entertainment aspect, online and news. Further discussions revealed that the three spheres are subdivided into media sub-spheres, which include television, radio, films and the internet. These forms of media and sub-media aspects play an essential role in interacting with a near inexhaustible crime numbers as well as crime control activities
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
French Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
French - Essay Example ce moment-l, on permet aux les gens qui travaillent pour Le British Red Cross d'aider sans souci de leurs propres vies au besoin. Ceci devient particulirement ncessaire quand les sauveteurs travaillent pour sauver les vies pendant des catastrophes naturelles, journal. Il est important que les sauveteurs comprennent journalier qu'ils sont interdits de quitter la zone de secours sans permission s'ils travaillent, qui n'est pas tonnante. Ce qui est fascinant est comment les sauveteurs agissent quand il y a galement les types d'urgences personnels se produisant annuellement. Quand les gens avaient des difficults, Le British Red Cross pouvait les aider. L'horaire pour les personnes qui aident ces dsastres peut tre une heure, un jour, une semaine, un mois, une anne, ou plus longtemps. Le British Red Crossatteint beaucoup d'objectifs. Si elle soit pour un dsastre important qui se produit, une catastrophe naturelle qui se produit dans un secteur particulier, ou une urgence personnelle qui se produit, Le British Red Cross peut tre l.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Jim Goodnight Essay Example for Free
Jim Goodnight Essay Goodnight is driven by creating a culture that is full of employee engagement and motivation. On the SAS website, Jim Goodnight is quoted as saying, â€Å"Treat employees like they make a difference and they will†. In a publication from Harvard Business Review that Goodnight co-wrote with author Richard Florida he states, â€Å"companies prosper when they harness the creative capital of their employees, as those are the individuals that are creative thinkers and generate valuable products and services. †Mr. Goodnight understands that his product is a â€Å"product of the mind,†and therefore recognizes that maintaining an environment that retains employees and keeps them engaged is a requirement to be successfully. Jim Goodnight has entrenched motivator factors into his business, while minimizing and eliminating hygiene factors for his employees. SAS uses a vertical loading management style that allows employees to be more engaged and empowered in their work. Employees draw responsibility and challenge from this management platform. SAS employees are often only two or three levels down from the CEO, Jim Goodnight, and work alongside their management writing code and setting deadlines. These factors motivate employees and displays to them that managers can be technical in nature and work alongside them â€Å"in the trenches. †Also, SAS has a strong focus on employee satisfaction and uses all possible means to minimize and eliminate hygiene factors that could cause dissatisfaction. Mr. Goodnight pays his employees a competitive salary, however, he shows his commitment through other means such as; benefits, company programs, and employee facilities. SAS understands that work life balance is a conflict that most professionals have to deal with and overcome. SAS maintains flexibility by offering services that ease this burden such as; lunch programs, unlimited sick leave, and in house childcare. The fact that SAS has never had a layoff speaks volumes to its employees about the dedication that leadership has to its employees on job security and proper staffing levels. These factors have far reaching effects on employees and families, as they recognize and appreciate these benefits. My current employer offers a package similar to the one SAS provides its employees, and I experience similar results. For example, teams are more motivated and engaged in their work with minimal turnover and low dissatisfaction with their jobs, and teams are more likely to accept additional assignments with minimal pushback. Jim Goodnight is clearly motivated by offering his employees the highest quality of work life balance possible. He believes the culture is based on trust between our employees and the company.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Patricia Hill Collins Views On Feminism
Patricia Hill Collins Views On Feminism As a standpoint feminist, Patricia Hill Collins continuously argues that feminist studies should be practiced from the standpoint of women or particular groups of women who are not as egocentric to think they understand certain aspects of the world. Because of the differences that women have, many standpoint feminist now recognize this division of women and how it is impossible to claim one universal experience for women. Sexism occurs so miraculously that it is important to view it in relation to other systems of domination and analyze how it interacts with other classes in Collins matrix of domination. Collins does this through the thought of black feminist point of view. Collins is embedded in this idea that despite long standing claims by aristocrats; women, African Americans, Latinos, and other downgraded groups in America remain incapable of producing the type of analytical thought that is labeled as a feminist theory. People with powerful knowledge of resistance trampled former social structures of social and cultural inequality abandon this view. Members of these downgraded groups do in fact theorize and our critical social theory has been central to political empowerment and the search for justice. This led to Collins publishing Black Feminist Thought. Collins is above all concerned with the relationship among empowerment, knowledge, and self-definition with a primary focus on black women. It is the oppression with which she is most personally familiar. But Collins is also one of the few Standpoint and Social thinkers who are able to rise above their own experience. She challenges us with a significant view of oppression and other views that no t only has the possibility of changing the world but also of opening up the likelihood of continuous change. To her, for change to be continuous, it cant be exclusively focused on one social group. In other words, to be continuous, a social movement that is only concerned with racial inequality will end its influence once equality for that group is achieved. Collins gives us a way of transcending specific politics that is based upon Black Feminist Epistemology. Her intent is to place black womens experiences in the center of analysis without privileging those experiences. Basically we can learn from black womens knowledge. There are so many major trends that influence her to do so much of her work. She has sociological significance in a few different areas of which the content of her ideas has been influenced by on-going dialogue in many sociological societies. This has showed that in some way women are gaining more of a voice. For instance in her popular book From Black Power to Hip-Hop: Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism, this examines the debated spaces of racism, feminism, nationalism, and popular culture in an attempt to expand the struggle for a truly democratic society for the whole universe. She highlights specific themes to truly hint the struggle of place in society. The book is divided into 3 parts: Race, Family, and the US; Ethnicity, Culture, and Black Nationalist politics; and Feminism, Nationalism, and African American women. She is careful with words, she reclaims the term Black women for its globalizing potential to include more than America women of African descent. She redefines the g roup, she states, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a unifying language that women of African descent and women who are rendered socially Black [in and outside the US] can use to describe their needs as racial and ethnic women (Collins 23). With this said early on in the book, one anticipates a broader view to reframe black feminist thought in the global eye. Not necessarily to analyze everything but to at least rethink the effects of transnational migration on urban environments in America. Collins highlights these shifts in black identity, in ways of how we discuss black experience, race relations, and how contemporary feminist redefine themselves as women of color. In spite of that, Collins sticks closely to the familiar ground of African American urban communities and their related feminist theories and practices. She is concerned with the development of contemporary black feminist thought into social movement and its expansion into multiracial collective identity politics. Hip Hop is the dominant cultural expression in many black womens lives, but it is just one part in the complex of her matrix of domination. Because of our influence of Hip-Hop and other trends of society she tries to influence us to put into practice the collective identity of politics. She tries to influence into creating a group base identity while avoiding group based essentialism. She wants us to detach ourselves from this intricate and worldwide place of domination without falling into more temptation. It doesnt seem like she has many forerunners that truly influence her to do all of what she has done. She is more influenced by herself. She gives her opinion of what she thinks females (mostly black females) need to achieve and prove, and how others should understand and learn. As mention before she operates on the Matrix of Domination. This is a sociological theory that explains issues of oppression that deal with race, gender, and class. Even though these issues are classified differently they all are connected in a way. Other forms such as age, sex, gender, and religion apply to this too. Collins introduces this in her book Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and Politics of Empowerment. Many feminist have contributed a great deal of research to help her in an advantage. Although, it seems Collins has had a little bit of help from Alice Walker and her view of black women and feminism, in which she changes to Womanism. Walkers construction of Womanism was an attempt to establish the true black woman in history and culture and to change the negative and inaccurate stereotypes that are given to black women. Walker lists the black woman as a thinking subject who is always seeking knowledge. She interrogates the epistemological exclusions she endures in intellectual life and general and feminist intelligence. Walker also highlights the black womans strength, capability, and independence. Opposed to feminism, Womanism presents an alternative for black women by framing their survival through men and women. In Black Feminist Thought, Collins states, Many black women view feminism as a movement that at best is exclusively for women, and, at worst, dedicated to attacking or eliminating menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Womanism seemingly supplies a way for black women to address gender-oppression without attacking black men (Collins 11). Collins seems agreeable in this case of Womanism and seems to be that Alice Walker is a versatile influence upon her. Collins goes into a lot of depth about Womanism in her book, a great impact on the Matrix of Domination. Patricia Hill Collins outlined America Black Feminism through the expression in music, fiction, poetry, and oral history. She continuously saw and pointed out three themes. The oppressions are interconnected greatly through the different points. Black women create alternative world views for self-definition and self determination. Black women also have often incorporated imposed and restraining definitions of who they are. They especially do this by revitalizing concepts of beauty, skin color, and physical body notions. Collins also points to areas that have been overlooked many times. Gender roles within family and work, politics, violence, and homophobia all need to be revitalized also. Collins draws on black womens experiences and voices to explain concepts that have been obscured institutionally and ideologically. Her interdisciplinary methodology engages an analytical approach to domination and subordination. She rejects defensive thought because either/or thinking categorizes people, things, and ideas in terms of their differences from each other. She stresses the both/and analysis because it could transform the way in which we think about the claims in knowledge. Her work has made Afro-centric and feminist thought more liable, broader in view, and more essential. She forces her readers to think differently and to reexamine the way in which truth and knowledge are thought to be, produced, and approved. This helps us to realize the importance of our gender society. This is some knowledge of why she seems to be an important figure in the evolution of gender studies. She gives her opinion with valuable information to back it up. Collins largely devotes a significant amount of work to present intellectual ideas mixed with everyday life ideas in an accessible way. This gives more of an encouragement for black females and other races to say what they feel, to give their opinion straightforward as can be. Her book Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment seems to be one of the most contributing books that she has published for the general public, but with a focus for black women. She reanalyzes race, gender, and class as an interlocking system of oppression. She talks about the lack of womens experiences as blood-mothers and other-mothers. The community reveals that there is a norm of a heterosexual, married couple, with a husband earning the money. This is far from being natural, universal, and preferred but instead is deeply embedded in specific race and class formations. Placing African American women in the center of analysis not only reveals much needed information ab out black womens experiences but also questions what perspective we give them. Black womens actions in group survival suggest a vision of community that stands in opposition to that extent in the dominant culture. This community is seen as arbitrary and fragile, structured accordingly by competition and domination. Afro-centric models of community stress connections, caring, and personal accountability. As cultural workers African American women have rejected the generalized ideology of domination in order to safeguard the conceptualizations of the community. According to Collins, black women have been unable to spend time theorizing about alternative conceptualizations of community. Instead, through daily actions black women have strongly created alternative communities that truly empower themselves. Experiences as mothers, other-mothers, educators, labor women, and community leaders seem to suggest that power as energy can be encouraged by resistance. In Fighting Words: Black Wome n and the Search for Justice, Collins states, The spheres of influence created and sustained by African American women are not mean to solely to provide a respite from oppressive situations or a retreat from their effects. Rather, these black female spheres of influence constitute potential sanctuaries where individual black women and men are nurtured in order to confront oppressive social institutions (Collins 56). Collins explores an astonishing range of ideas and images through history, sociology, and popular culture. Rather than debate the dominance of race versus sex in the history of social injustice to black women and other races; Collins offers a theory of Intersectionality, viewing race, gender, and sexuality together. She explores the social and personal implications of historical images and more current concerns about the influence of urban culture and how its glorified. Demonstrating how the politics of race has traditionally neglected concerns about gender and sexual orientation, Collins explores a range of issues, advocating certain aspects of cultural situations.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Different Sources of Finance for Businesses Essay -- Papers Business F
Different Sources of Finance for Businesses Introduction This assignment will look at the different sources of finance that are available to a small business or a big company. With each source of finance listed the report will assess the implications that can arise and along with this the report will look at the cost to the business to taking a curtain source of finance. All businesses need short-term finance from the very beginning to start up the business and to cover day-to-day running costs. This provides the business with working capital. However businesses also need long-term capital to help them to grow and expand, and this is paid back over a number of years. Without finance a business would find it difficult to accomplish anything, for example someone who decided to start up a shop would need finance at first to just buy the shop and the stock. Even a window cleaner would need finance to buy equipment such as ladders and buckets. But this can be taken onto a larger scale, as all businesses need finance at some point. Different sources of finance The report will now list the different sources of finance available, starting with sources available to small and new businesses to sources only obtainable to big companies. External Sources of Finance This source of finance comes from outside the business and involves the business owing money to an outside individual(s) or companies. Personal Savings This mainly applies to sole traders, partnerships and small private companies. Owners may use some of their own money as capital to invest in the business. Usually this option is used by the person(s) who will... plan * Details of how much finance is needed and how it will be used * The most recent trading figures of the company, a balance sheet, a cash flow forecast and a profit forecast * Details of the management team, with evidence of a wide range of management skills * Details of major shareholders * Details of the company's current banking arrangements and any other sources of finance * Any sales literature or publicity material that the company has issued. A high percentage of requests for venture capital are rejected on an initial screening. Thus only a small percentage of all requests survive both this screening and further investigation and result in actual investments. Recent successes in this area if financing include the internet search engine 'Google'.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Women as Crime Victims
It is my belief that everyone has been affected by crime sometime in their life. Crime is inevitable because evil is in the human nature. While this is the case, women tend to experience more violent crimes because they are unwilling or unable to defend themselves appropriately against their attackers. It is a common fear among women of being sexually assaulted, raped, abused, or being the victim of any crime because of their inability to stand up for themselves because of being the weaker sex. While it is true that women have been the victims of other crimes, these three are especially dreaded because of the nature of the crime and the consequences of being the victim. There are many programs that focus on preventing violence against women as well as studies being performed in order to reduce the amount of women becoming victims of crime. These studies are important and may prevent some women from the experience of being a victim; however, ultimately does not eliminate violence against women. Prevention needs to begin from parents to the child while they are young. This can help give the child a structure in which to follow as an adult and provide future skills to help prevent them from becoming victims of violence. In an article by Pat brown, she states, â€Å"It is imperative that you understand the world of psychopaths and criminals: how they think, where they lurk, and how they lure and grab victims†(Brown, 2012, p. 50). She further goes on about a letter she received after a television interview. Brown’s article referenced the letter (2012) I just saw you on ‘The Today Show' speaking about a recent tragedy involving the violent murder of a recent high school graduate by, police believe, her boyfriend â€Å"In that interview you spoke directly to girls who have recently broken up with their partner, advising that if that partner requests a meeting post-breakup that it not be done privately because the partner is counting on the fact that she's nice and will agree to meet. ‘ I can't agree with you enough! I fear, however, that weâ€â€in particular womenâ€â€don't actually teach our girls that it's okay to refuse that ‘one last time' or that it's okay and likely wise to break up in a public place or over the phone even, when one's partner exhibits dangerous traits. â€Å"Moreover, we don't even do a good job of teaching our girls how, in the depths of teenage love, to spot the subtle signs that scream ‘danger. ‘ Nor do we teach them h ow to put words to those gut instincts that tell us something is amiss with our partner and relationship, or, simply, that we deserve better than what we've been experiencing in the relationship at hand. We do, however, do a great job of teaching them that it's important to be nice, understanding, caring, and nurturing without also teaching them to be wise and deeply instinctual, as though the former and latter attributes are mutually exclusive. (p. 50) This woman is absolutely correct in my opinion. We need to educate our children while they are young on ways to prevent becoming a victim to crime. Women especially need to be aware of signs of domestic violence, unstable behaviors, risky behavior and potential situations that can put them in harm’s way. Women are more prone to sexually derived crimes like sexual assault and rape. Although these crimes can also happen to men, I believe that women are more often the target of this type of crime because women tend to be the weaker sex and are more easily overpowered by a man’s strength. According to our text, â€Å"†¦the majority of all women’s non-fatal victimizations are committed by someone the woman knows. In addition, one-third of all women homicide victims are murdered by intimate partners compared to 5% of men†(Northern Arizona University, 2009, p. 142). These statistics are a harsh reality that we as women need to recognize, realize and prepare for. Considering sexually derived crimes as one of the most horrific kind of crime out there, we need to begin to spread awareness on how to protect ourselves. This day in age it is important that every adult woman know how to fire a gun as well as simple life saving techniques for survival when being attacked. After all, violence will continue, and according to Bindel, â€Å"Violence against women is an international epidemic. It has been identified by the World Health Organization as a grave health issue, affecting more people than HIV and Aids†(Bindel, 2010, p. 38).References Bindel, Julie. 2010. â€Å"A weapon against half the world.†New Statesman 139, no. 4991: 38-39. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 1, 2013). Brown P. Saving Your Daughter’s Life. USA Today Magazine [serial online]. November 2012;141(2810):50-51. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 1, 2013. Northern Arizona University. (2009). Investigating dif ference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Analysis
Themes play an important role in the novel for it presents the main dead or the underlying meaning of the literary work. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the themes are made to surface through the shared feelings and attitudes of the main characters like Scout, Gem and Tactics Finch. The characters' thoughts and conversations, especially the ideas which are repeated in several dialogue exchanges and their actions in significant events also develop the novel's themes. The novel presents the oldest yet timeless conflict between good versus evil.This is evident in most situations and conversations which explored human morality and the innateness of oddness and evilness of people in the society. Tactics Finch represents the moral voice of the novel because he believes that people have aspects of both good and evil, but good will always prevail. He has never lost his faith on the goodness of man amidst the fact that man has also the tendency to do bad things. In the novel, he struggles to defend a black man of false accusation in a racist society but he never gives up and firmly holds on unto the idea that someday the truth and the good will overpower racism in their community.The same theme is manifested through the experiences of Scout and Gem. Tactics, their father, teaches them to believe in the goodness of all people and values and morals guide everyone in their actions but as the story progresses, both children are exposed to the reality that the world isn't really that perfect. Their innocence is stripped away from them through several incidents that made them think twice of their father's belief.Scout, in the beginning, is an innocent and good -hearted little girl who has no experience with the evils of the world but as she encounters racial discrimination in their town, she starts to get confused and questions everything around her. Gem, n the other hand, is older and in the midst Of entering puberty but the effect of the societal prejudice to a convicted black ma n is much graver compared to Scout's. Gem gets frustrated and disappointed to the harsh reality that sometimes justices will not prevail. This leaves him vulnerable and traumatized in an important facet of his life.Harper Lee manages to exhibit children's transition from innocence to maturity. She intelligently portrayed the fact that at some point in time in a significant event, children will be bound to graduate from their innocence and learn the facts about life and its imperfections. With children as the main characters in the novel, education is but obvious for a theme. In the initial chapters, the novel discusses the difference between institutionalized education and education at home. A conflict emerges as Miss Caroline scolds her for being too advance for their class.Scout gets disappointed for being punished because she is taught well in home by her father and their black servant. Miss Caroline even reminds Scout to tell her father that he shouldn't teach his child because he doesn't really know how to. He is in no position to teach for he is not a teacher. This conflict shows criticism to institutionalized education. This presents the conceitedness of teachers and the curriculum in providing education to learners. The system is too strict and traditional in their pedagogies thus resulting to ineffectiveness in developing and molding a child's intelligence and ability.Clearly, Lee expresses a lack of belief in the Institutionalized educational system. Furthermore, this makes one realize that true education is not experienced in school but outside it. Education shouldn't be limited in the four walls of the classroom; instead it should be brought out to the outside world where reality and life lessons are best learned through experience. The novel also presents moral education in question. Scout believes that she learns moral lessons best in home rather in school. Her teachers appear to be hypocritical as they teach things that are not even true in real ity.Scout notices this most obviously when learning about the Holocaust. Miss Gates explains that such oppression of one group of people could never happen in the United States however racial discrimination to black people is very evident in their town. Scout sees conflict with the lesson aught by Miss Gates when she heard her talk about black people and say : â€Å"time somebody taught them a lesson, they thought they was getting' way above themselves, an' the next thing they think they can do is marry us. This makes Scout doubt her education and rather listen to her father than to attend school. Hypocrisy is apparent in the system. The teachers breach what they teach thus emphasizing the incompetence and ineffectiveness of instruction provided by the educational institutions. This further implies that moral education and good values are not necessary best taught in school. Sometimes, it is best learned from other places like ones home. In a town of Macomb, Alabama, Lee illustrate s the complexities of social hierarchy.The well-off Finches are near the top of the pyramid, the Cunningham family are mere farmers thus Stay in the higher bottom above the white-trash Lowell family. These social statuses greatly confuse the children especially the rules that come along with them. Because of the structure, the children are prop bibbed to mingle with other families who are lesser in standing. This frustrates them most especially Scout because she ants to choose her own friends based on her definition of what makes a good person and not because of family income.The novel presents the dilemma of social inequality. The story takes place during the Great Depression thus social standing is as important as survival. People battle with society rules and structure. Lee exhibits how injustice and partiality divides a community and hinders human interaction thus contributing nothing but negativity to the people and the society as a whole. Racism, which is closely related to so cial inequality, is another focus of the novel. Harper Lee creates Macomb as a town separated by race.Harper Lee shows the bitterness that remains in the whites five decades after the end of slavery. This bitterness is best illustrated by the way that the way blacks are still oppressed, not by force but by fear and suppression. California, the Finch's servant is to be exceptionally bright, she even teaches Scout to write in script, but because she is black and a woman she cannot land a better job. The whites belittle and harass the blacks because they firmly believe that they are greater and more superior. This racial tension foreshadows Tom Robinsons case.Right in the beginning, everybody knows that Tom is innocent but because he is a black man, the prejudice jury still convicted him guilty of harassing and raping a white woman. The conclusion of the Tom Robinsons case ends with Tom being shot repeatedly while trying to escape despite his injury. Racism is considered as a social di sease. It brings out the evil nature of man as prejudice and discrimination overpowers conscience and moral code. It is through this novel that people are made to understand how nobody can ever benefit from racism.It only causes the creation of walls teen people thus hindering relationships and interactions to blossom. Lee shows the significance of human perspective in the processing of events and solving of problems. The character's outlook in life is deemed important in the development of the story and how each managed to understand the situation. In the novel, Tactics encourages Scout and Gem to be more considerate of other people and understand their situations. The children shouldn't immediately judge as it is not fair to the others.Tactics urges his children to try to step into other people's shoes to understand how they see he world: â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view . Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. †This lesson helps Scout gain insight into how other people view life and the world. Moreover, this broadens her moral education and social understanding. This theme was evident when Tactics requires Gem to go to Mrs.. Double's house to read to her as punishment for cutting all the flowers in her front yard.Gem didn't like Mrs.. Dubos and claims that she is an awful woman. Tactics tells Gem and Scout to try to understand Mrs.. Double's point of view. She is an old woman, very set her in ways, and she is entirely alone in the world. Gem and Scout agree to visit her and from that experience, they understood how she felt because they were able to see the world from her perspective. Scout applies her father's lesson when she meets Boo Raddled, a black man who kept himself hidden from the public because of the unjust and prejudice treatment.After she walks him home, Scout stands on Boob's porch and imagines many of the events of the story (Tactics shooting the mad dog the chil dren finding Boob's presents in the oak tree) as they must have looked to Boo. She then last realizes the love and protection that he has silently offered her and Gem all along. Scout's ability to assume another person's perspective sympathetically is the culmination of the novel. The final theme and probably the most significant is the mockingbird which represents the idea of innocence. Remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. †That was the only time I ever heard Tactics say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maude about it. â€Å"Your father's right,†she said. â€Å"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy .. .But sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. †When Scout and Gem receive arraigns for Christmas, Tactics tells them that although he would prefer that they practice their shooting with tin cans, if they must shoot at living things, they must never shoot at mockingbirds.Tactics explai ns that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Clearly, this is the title scene, but the theme continues throughout the book. Miss Maude explains why Tactics is correct – mockingbirds never do anyone any harm, and are not pests in any way. All they do is sing beautifully and live peacefully. Therefore, it is a sin to kill them. The mockingbird represents true goodness and purity. Tom Robinson is one example of a human â€Å"mockingbird†. He is accused of raping and beating Malay Lowell, but is innocent of the charges.
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