Thursday, August 27, 2020
The History Of Educational Psychology Education Essay Free Essays
Orchestrating to Wikipedia, larning habits is utilized to delineate 1s characteristic or acclimated type of geting and rewarding data in larning condition of affairss. Keefe ( 1979 ) characterizes larning habits as the â€Å" complex of trademark full of feeling, physiological and subjective components that fill in as relatively stable indexs that show how a researcher sees, interfaces with, and reacts to the securing condition. †Learning habits can other than be depicted as a lot of practices, perspectives and components that encourage larning for a man in certain situation ( Web. We will compose a custom article test on The History Of Educational Psychology Education Essay or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now, 1990 ) . Learning habits follow up on how students learn and how educators instruct. In a roundabout way, it other than impacts how the understudies and educator interact.A An Each individual is brought into the world with specific tendencies toward impossible to miss habits. Nonetheless, larning habits will follow up on by human advancement, adulthood degree, improvement and individual encounters (, 1990 ) .An It is of import to recover that larning habits do non state us around one ‘s capacities or knowledge yet help us to comprehend why a few endeavors appear to be simpler for others than us ( Fleming and Bonwell, 2006 ) . In addition, larning habits other than portrayed as the best clasp of twenty-four hours a researcher ingest the cognizance. For outline, a few people incapable to work in the early eventide and a few people are only non ready to work great in the early forenoon. Overall, there are four classs of larning habits, there is audile, visual, kinaesthetic and material. A student with an audile securing way learns best when data and cognizance are conveyed in sound-related configurations. Instances of sound-related configurations are discussions, unwritten perusing, webcasts and medicines. Sound-related researchers like to larn using their ears. They like to adhere to verbal directions rather than composed 1s. These understudies other than do great with taped classs and gathering medicines ( ) . In the mean time, researchers with will in general work best in a domain where data is introduced in visual organization, for example, books, articles, picture, picture or outlines. They appreciate perusing books for discernment and can simple follow composed waies. Since messages are taken in through the eyes, they can make great in power point introductions, movies and classification public statements ( ) . An understudy with kinaesthetic larning way inclines toward larning by making. Messages and data are taken in by the musculuss through natural structure movement. Sensation researchers work great with their authorities. They record things to clear up their thoughts ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . At long last, an understudy with a haptic procurement way reacts great to contacting and making things in nations, for example, logical control and craftsmanship. They learn best when data is passed on close by on way. They favor keeping and pull stringsing the able undertaking rather than essentially sing a picture of it ( ) . Learning is a belly to-burial place strategy. Along these lines, it is of import to put and comprehend the contrasts between the varying securing habits. In spite of the fact that Stahl ( 1999 ) had investigate about the procurement habits, teachers are as yet obliging in estimation and guidance to students ‘ securing. Since 1970, interminable understudies have profited by larning about how they learn and the distinctions of larning habits among individuals ; numerous educators have made strong use of larning habits in their guidance (, 1970 ) . It is non only in light of the fact that inclining habits ought to be found and supported however there are a few advantages of estimation and learning students to comprehend their securing inclinations. By understanding the procurement habits, educators can instruct orchestrating to the researcher ‘s way. An educator who teach only blending to his ain habits will makes larning all the more hard for the students ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . Understudies learn most usefully when the plans utilized are close with their best securing habits. Along these lines, teachers ought to other than help understudies to happen their ain obtaining way. An awareness of larning habits can help to better the strategies for educators ‘ introduction ( ) . In any case, we ought to recover that one obtaining way is non thought to be preferable or top notch over the others however is rather favored by the researcher ( Weimer, 2012 ) . Another likelihood that the insignificant demonstration of larning about larning habits is to elevate teachers to pay all the more taking care of such course they are introducing ( Radzyner, 2009 ) . Educators who comprehend the significance of larning habits may get down offer a more extensive blend of talks, research lab work, medicines and others assortment utile course that may end up being preferable for all understudies other over routine one significant learning strategy. Weimer ( 2012 ) said that understudies contrast in their inclusions, foundation discernment and capacities however non in their procurement habits. In any case, there is no grounds recommends that giving to researchers larning propensities will take to better procurement. All things considered, teachers should help students to put their obtaining habits. Knowing their ain securing way helps researchers to develop confirmation and to larn to pull off their ain procurement ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . It will other than help students to take or negligence things that cause them occupations in larning. After distinguish understudies ‘ procurement habits, educators can learn them how to use their encephalon best and give them knowledge into their qualities, failings and wonts. Additionally, by recognizing and understanding the understudies ‘ obtaining habits, students and educator can use methods better to oblige one another. Understudies can better their speed and nature of larning. The obtaining technique will other than pleasant. Orchestrating to Wikipedia, favored learning habits can direct the way we learn what's more change our inside speak to encounters and the way we review data. Understudies will profits by recognizing how they process data best. In this way, numerous attendants and methods were still suggested from instructors about cognizing and recognize students ‘ obtaining habits even there is n’t equivalent grounds base to warrant incorporating larning styles evaluations into general instructive example ( Moore, 2010 ) . Understudies that comprehend the distinctions of larning habits will other than help them in get others and help them partner to and pass on better with the different individuals throughout their life. On the off chance that the figure of disappointments when discuss strongly with other diminishing, students will encounter certain and fulfill in working with others. By understanding ain obtaining habits, we can other than chop down the accentuation and annihilation of larning encounters in the situation to improve of the limitations of hapless educators (, 2010 ) . Instructors are so convincing or speaking to the idea of estimation and guidance to understudies ‘ obtaining habits in light of the fact that the cognizance of larning habits contrasts can help educators learn in a mode that effectively arrives at most students (, 1970 ) . Educating by coordinating a collection of dynamic larning plans can do learning all the more fulfilling and upgrade understudies ‘ rationale at a similar clasp. Despite the fact that educators can approach larning habits from various subjects and encounters, a trepidation of the diverse procurement habits is cardinal to the single assaults of learning ( ) . Be that as it may, if an educator depends on solitary researchers ‘ best way, on the other hand of helping them build up the other larning habits they are feeble in will pass on downsides in their obtaining. At the point when researcher is urge to maintain a strategic distance from nations they are powerless in, the hidden intellectual achievements in that nation will remain frail and that researcher may lose the opportunity to the full build up a variety of procurement devices. Along these lines, each researcher needs a solid establishment in the core subjective abilities no undertaking which larning way they lean toward ( ) . Intellectual constituents are the interior control of the arrangement of running the cognizance ( Kazu, 2009 ) . There are mental capacities required for since a long time ago run capability in core subjects, for example, origin, perusing and figuring. Psychological achievements can be improved through guidance. One of another chance disadvantage of using larning habits to control course is the difficulty of be aftering an exercise which consolidates every one of the four procurement habits. Indeed, even it is n’t hard to remember both audile and visual obtaining habits for an exercise, yet the dismal truth is numerous students have the material and kinaesthetic securing way ( Kelly, 2013 ) . Hence, it is non conceivable to influence all obtaining habits in an exercise. In the event that a teacher attempts to using larning habits to guide course however bungles exist between larning habits of most understudies in a classification, the students may go unmindful and exhausted in the class. As the result, students perform sick in preliminaries, obtain debilitate about the classs, the course of study and even themselves. Understudies may get down inquisitive on the off chance that they are in the correct calling. Most sincerely, society will loses possibly top notch experts (, 2002 ) . Moreover, teachers may see coordinating a grouping of instructional sc
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare and Contrast Essay on High School and College - Getting an Accurate, Comprehensive Resource
Compare and Contrast Essay on High School and College - Getting an Accurate, Comprehensive ResourceFor parents of a child who is going off to college, it is very important that they have a complete, precise, and informed understanding of what kind of college and high school information that their child needs. This article provides a brief overview of what the comprehensive high school and college information that parents should be able to look up on the internet for their child.If you are looking to use the web to compare and contrast essay on high school and college, then you will want to start with two very helpful resources. The first resource is a website that contains very helpful educational information on all of the subjects that you will be dealing with as a parent of a student going off to college. It has a helpful course outline and outlines, and it also contains resources and advice for parents looking to get an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the subject matte r that is covered in their child's high school education.In addition to the online course outline and curriculum outline, this site has detailed descriptions of most subjects that parents will need to know about when trying to find comprehensive information on college and high school education. Most parents will find this resource helpful as well.Another good source of comparison and contrast essay on high school and college is the College Board website. This is a very useful resource that also covers a large number of subjects that are covered in an American public high school education. If you really want to find some comprehensive information on college and high school education, this website is a great place to start.There are lots of different courses and subjects that are covered in college and high school education, so using a tool like this is a great way to see how different courses and subjects are arranged. The College Board also has some resources that can help you see h ow to compare and contrast essay on high school and college.For parents looking to find comparison and contrast essay on high school and college for their child, they should also take a look at their state's school district. While the state website might not be as detailed as the College Board's website, it will help them to see how different schools are arranged.Finally, if you are looking to compare and contrast essay on high school and college you should take a look at what the family needs and wants for their child. By doing this, you will be able to get yourself and your child exactly what you are looking for.Using the tools and resources that are available to you on the web for comparing and contrasting essay on high school and college, you will be able to get yourself and your child exactly what you are looking for. Take a look around and find the best resources available.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Aging and Marriage Essay Example For Students
Maturing and Marriage Essay A major angle in keeping a marriage effective is how much correspondence happens between the two individuals included. For a sound relationship there is a requirement for a considerable amount of correspondence. Correspondence, as expressed in class, is one of the key components to an effective marriage. There must be some open conversations and trust in the relationship to make it anyplace. On the off chance that you can not converse with your accomplice you won't have the option to tackle issues in a solid way. You must have the option to advise your accomplice things to assist you with learning and develop with them. You need to figure out how to bargain and help each other out. Correspondence must be a piece of your relationship here and there. You can't experience your life not conversing with your accomplice about significant issues that you ought to have the option to converse with them about.Another significant issue examined in class was gay people and marriage. Gay marriage is a significant issue since it manages a generally huge minority of the United States. This issue is significant today concerning a wide range of thoughts. There are such a large number of thoughts of ethics, family esteems, and those of equity, defendability, and right to security. The angle with the most pertinence is continually surrendered over to discuss. Gay people are gay because of a blend of variables. These components are condition and society-the outside impacts and hereditary qualities. Consequently, gay people don't choose their own sexuality, nor do heteros. In this way, gay people ought to have indistinguishable rights from heteros, one of these rights being marriage. This is the reason it is vital to open strategy whether homosexuality is foreordained. I am not gay and I am not composing this to protect gay people. I simply accept that the entire issue is unjustifiable towards gay people. Marriage goes past the advantages, be that as it may. The establishment of marriage is an extremely regarded one, and holds a lot of nostalgic incentive for some individuals. In America, all men are to be made similarly. Does this reject gay people? Many think so basically in light of the fact that they accept that marriage is definitely not a right, yet a benefit. This contention implies that since gays won't carry a kid into the world normally, they don't merit the benefit of marriage. That doesnt appear to be reasonable. Diverse age bunches hold their own suppositions with marriage issues. Some youngsters, ages 18-25 are utilized to gays since gays have risen in this age. Moderately aged individuals may feel fine with the issue or ticked off. Individuals with families could feel that gay relationships around their locale are unique and unappealing. More seasoned people have experienced the maturing procedure and have not been comfortable with gay issues up to this point in the previous twenty years. Since they are more seasoned, they are increasingly antiquated and are accustomed to deduction the manner in which they thought forever and a day prior. This is essentially that a man and a lady begin to look all starry eyed at, get hitched, have youngsters and develop old together. In any case, a gay marriage is an issue that these more seasoned residents should be confronted with. Ladies make up dominant part of that more established populace and have a future that is longer than mens. Because of longer lives, ladies are required to encounter interminable diseases and incapacities. They are likewise bound to live alone, be single and gotten poor in their mature age. Visiting a burial ground, you can see that most of the individuals perished were old men. This finishes up possibly that men were a greater amount of the diligent employees previously, who allowed ladies the chance to care more for themselves and in turnthey lived longer lives. The old are dealt with diversely all around the world.The level of older individuals in the United States has significantly increased since 1900, the number of inhabitants in old is relied upon to twofold among now and the year 2030. Not exclusively is the number more noteworthy, however they are likewise living any longer. .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 , .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 .postImageUrl , .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 , .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00:hover , .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00:visited , .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00:active { border:0!important; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00:active , .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00:hover { darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u53ca6098d7 a354210b45da565ae51f00 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u53ca6098d7a354210b45da565ae51f00:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Cyber Bullying : Danger And Need Essay Even however there is an enormous populace of old individuals in the United States, we as a general public neglect them as though they arent there. I think it is superb when I see a more seasoned couple that has been hitched for quite a while. This implies they have paid attention to their marriage very are as yet dedicated to one another. Having an effective marriage is more troublesome in todays world than fifty or sixty years prior. Later on, I accept there will be an ever increasing number of single ladies and men on account of all the miscommunications between the two. As expressed previously, marriage is something to pay attention to and take a stab at keeping one.By discussing great with each other, a wedded couple might be cheerful and develop old together. Book index:
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Film 12 Years A Slave - 1177 Words
The film 12 Years a Slave is based on the true story of Solomon Northup, a black man born free. He is a wealthy man in New York and has a finesse at playing the fiddle. Two white men ask Northup to join their music group, to play the fiddle, but instead intoxicate him and sell him into slavery. Northup is sold to a Louisiana plantation owner, and he is called â€Å"Platt†. Northup spends twelve years of hardship in Louisiana, working in a cotton plantation primarily, until he is eventually freed by his friends from New York. The main character of this film, Solomon Northup, was born as a free man in the city of Minerva, New York, in 1808. Northup was born free as his father was freed from slavery earlier. In 1829, Northup married Anne Hampton and the couple had three daughters. Northup grew up renowned in Minerva, especially for his skill at playing the fiddle. In 1841, two men offered Northup the opportunity to play in their music travel group, which Northup agreed to. Later in Washington DC, the two men intoxicated Northup, and sold him to a Washington slave master. Northup was then shipped down to Louisiana where he was auctioned off as a slave. He was purchased by a plantation owner named William Ford, who was a kind master. The next year Ford was in debt and was forced to sell Northup to another plantation owner, John Tibeats. Tibeats was merciless and ruthless, and he despised Northup. On one occasion, Tibeats attempted to whip Northup for not following orders, butShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Film 12 Years A Slave 883 Words  | 4 Pages12 years a slave based on Solomon Northup’s 1853 co-authored publication of his personal story as a kidnapping victim sold into slavery, the film expands on and sometimes detours from the book’s original narrative but also provides an extremely vivid and accurate portrayal of the antebellum South. It is incredible in its incorporation of so many facets of the slave system in this periodâ€â€f rom the kidnapping itself, to the methods of enslavement, hiring out, the white class structure, the ways laborRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film 12 Years A Slave Essay1180 Words  | 5 PagesViewing 12 Years A Slave for the first time was excruciating. The director of the film depicts a vivid view of the horror that African Americans endure during the slavery era. He illustrates one man s journey, Solomon Northup, starting out as a free man, being captured, becoming property, to finally being able to see his family in this same lifetime. The writer s objective for the viewer was to create a timeline of events that could happen to one through this horrific stage. By glimpsing intoRead MoreThe Film 12 Years A Slave By Steve Mcqueen1946 Words  | 8 PagesOverview of Film The film 12 Years a Slave is directed by Steve McQueen, and is based on a true story of an African American man named Solomon Northup. Solomon Northup was a free man from New York in the late 1800s, and was tricked, kidnapped and sold into slavery. Solomon spent 12 years of his life as a slave in Louisiana. He was stripped of his identity, given the name Platt, forced to hide that he was literate, and inform anyone that he was a free man that was kidnapped. Fortunately, SolomonRead MoreHistorical Drama Film 12 Years A Slave 3107 Words  | 13 Pagestoday has dreadfully dark connotations. We associate it with cruelty and injustice. We think of the United states, the deep south, the brutalising of African Americans, or more recently maybe the critically acclaimed 2013 epic historical drama film ‘12 Years a Slave’ Yet slavery is embedded in almost every society’s history and in past times was not seen as an inhumane practice. In fact slavery was practiced right here in Australia and for the purposes of this essay in the North-West of Australia. NotRead MoreCultural And Historical Significance Of The Film 12 Years A Slave2679 Words  | 11 PagesThe Cultural and Historical Significance of the Film 12 Years A Slave The cultural and historical significance of the film has changed and reshaped the views and cultures of African Americans with the roles that they have as a race in society as a result of the racial formation and performance portrayed in the film. The movie presents a verifiable and precise account of the collective experience of slaves in the United States of America in the late 18th century. The basic facts of the movie fromRead MoreEssay On 12 Years A Slave1170 Words  | 5 Pageshollywood blockbuster on how they turn fact into fiction. As always, I’m your host, Zodie Bolic. On tonight’s show, we will be analysing the portrayal of Solomon Northup in the movie ‘!2 Years A Slave’, based on Northup’s besting selling memoir of the same name. In ‘12 Years A Slave’, Solomon Northup, a 33 year old free black man, is kidnapped and forced into slavery. Northup, an accomplished violinist is drawn to Washington by the promise of money and employment by two men, latter to be his kidnappersRead MoreAnalysis Of Django Unchained And 12 Years A Slave1543 Words  | 7 Pagesmovie Django Unchained and how it took a somewhat satirical approach on slavery and how slaves were treated in the 19th century. But when I saw 12 Years a Slave, and how it took a more serious approach on how slavery was in the 19th century. There were a lot of compare and contrasts that came up as I finished watching both films. So nonetheless, this is a double feature analysis on Django Unchained and 12 Years a Slave. Here I will summarize and discuss about the two movies and how they’ve impacted meRead MoreAnalytical Argument: What Deserves to Belong in The American Bible?1110 Words  | 4 Pagesto choose from and I think he did a grea t job in choosing works of writing that merged with his principles about America. Based on what I have seen is his criterion, I believe that the film 12 Years a Slave directed by Steve McQueen, rightfully belongs in Prothero’s The American Bible: Whose America is this? This film belongs in Prothero’s text because it perfectly fits and follows all the criteria Prothero used to choose all the works in his anthology. Prothero’s criteria for choosing the novels andRead MoreAnalysis Of Solomon Northup s 12 Years A Slave1525 Words  | 7 PagesWritten by Solomon Northup and published in 1853, 12 Years a Slave is an autobiography describing the horrible experiences that Solomon himself faced, within a span of twelve years, after having been kidnapped as a free man, beaten, and sold into slavery. As a tribute to Northup s powerful memoir, in 2013 a film was created, also called 12 Years a Slave, which served to retell Northup s story through the power of cinematic effects, actors, and cameras. However, even though the movie is based entirelyRead MoreHope And Faith Can Endure And Conquer : 12 Years A Slave1263 Words  | 6 Pages 12 Years a Slave is a historical film adapted from the slave narrative memoir of 1853. The 12 Years a Slave is stirred by an African-American man by the name Solomon Northup who in 1841 was kidnapped while in Washington D.C and later forced into slavery. He worked in farms in Louisiana for a period of twelve years before he was released. Steve McQueen is the director of 12 Years a Slave that was written by John Ridley with Chiwetel Ejiofor starring as Solomon Northup. (McQueen n.p). 12 years
Friday, May 15, 2020
Rape And Sexual Assault, And Severe Injury Essay - 958 Words
Rape Sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and severe injury are all results of rape. Sexual assault is a criminal act in which a predator forcibly has intercourse with a person. There are many different types of rape. Stranger rape is a form of rape where victims are randomly chosen and do not know their rapist. The most common type of sexual assault is known as acquaintance rape. Acquaintance rape occurs when the predator knows his, or her, victim. Some examples of acquaintance are including a family member, employees, classmates, or bosses. Also, acquaintance rape commonly occurs when the victim and attacker are invested in a committed sexual relationship. Attackers find victims when they go on dates. Many cases involving acquaintance rape are immensely difficult to trial in a court of law, because many victims are married or are dating their attacker. These cases are hard to prove as rape, because the defense can use the excuse that it was rough consensual intercourse. When a vict im is under the adult age of eighteen, the sexual assault is known as a statutory offense. Statutory rape includes when an adolescent has sex with an adult, even though it is consensual sex, because in the eyes of the law a child cannot fully understand all the consequences of sexual relations. Gang rape is a form of rape where there is more than one attacker. This form of sexual assault is common among college campuses, and in prison. Many victims submit to their attacker. Both men andShow MoreRelatedCrimes That Relate to Chemical Addiction.1237 Words  | 5 Pagescommitted an assault. One of the crimes that relate to chemical addiction is sexual assault. Many people feel that sexual assaults only happen to women, but actually, it happens to men more frequently. Sexual assault is when a person commits an act of sexual penetration by the use of force or threat of force; or commits an act of sexual penetration and the accused knew that the victim was unable to understand the nature of the act or was unable to give knowing consent; or commits an act of sexual penetrationRead MoreThe Prosecution Of Sexual Assault1232 Words  | 5 PagesThe prosecution of sexual assault is unlike the prosecution of any other criminal offence. There an intense focus on the character and motivation of the complainant. Traditionally, this focus has translated into a preoccupation with aspects of the complainant s behavior which is not immediately related to the circumstances of the offence. One example is whether the complainant provided a â€Å"recent complaint†after the assau lt. This focus also results in an extraordinary interest in the demonstrationRead MoreSexual Assault And Its Effects On Society1389 Words  | 6 Pages Abstract Sexual assault is something that can affect people emotionally, physically, psychosocially, psychologically, and even spiritually. As often as it occurs in society, the effects that sexual assault can have on an individual are all relatively similar. Sexual assault is any sort of sexually-based action in which one or more participants have not given consent. Often times, people refer to sexual assault as simply rape, however there are other dimensions to sexual assault which can includeRead MoreAndrew Turner s Sentence Of His Crime Was Unacceptable And Caused An Outrage Essay1468 Words  | 6 Pagestrial. The Judge Persky stated that a longer sentence would have had severe impact on Turner (Vaidyanathan, 2016). Therefore, in relation to a feminist perspective within this case, it is expected that in a patriarchal society that men are frequently holding the position of social, legal and institutional dominancy and power over women. Thus, being able to be positioned to withhold majo r benefits from women who rejects them sexual access; moreover, to threatening penalties and harm (Whisnant, 2013)Read MoreThe Stanford Rape Case At Stanford University Campus Essay1744 Words  | 7 PagesThe first case study that will be discussed is the Stanford rape case which occurred at Stanford University campus in January 18th 2015. The perpetrator’s name is Brock Turner. Turner and the victim attended a Kappa Alpha fraternity party. He was found guilty of raping and sexually assaulting a 22-year-old woman, who was found unconscious and heavily incapacitated behind a dumpster in an alleyway. The victim was given a pseudo-name (Emily Doe), and remains anonymous. Turner was a three-time championRead MoreThe Labeling Theory And Stigmatisation Essay1259 Words  | 6 Pages This was his first sexual experience and his virginity was taken. The perpetrator is anonymous and got away with the crime. Eastmond did not report his rape case, because he felt that victims are n ot taken seriously and he thought that he would ‘be viewed as a criminal’, and feared to be labelled as a homosexual (BBC and Kelsey, 2016). Male rape victims are less likely to report their crime for various reasons. According to Nicholas Groth and Ann Burgess (1980), male rape myths stems from theRead MoreSpousal Rape Essay964 Words  | 4 PagesCan a husband rape his wife? I find myself amazed by the number of people who believe that they can’t. It seems, the common mindset is that when a man and woman marry, the woman somehow become the man’s property, for him to do with what he wants, whenever he wants, regardless of her feelings. Well, I disagree completely and feel it is my duty as a past victim of spousal rape, to set the record straight that rape is rape, regardless of marital status just as murder is murder regardless of maritalRead MoreTrauma Is A Form Of Punishment913 Words  | 4 Pagessimpler terms, trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event. Symptoms of trauma may be more prevalent in prisoners detained in solitary confinement for a lengthy amount of time and prisoners who ar e the victim and or witness of severe attacks and sexual assaults. Solitary confinement began in the United States in the 1800’s as a progressive movement to see if isolation could reform inmates. The practice was later abandoned when it was discovered that isolation did not reform prisoners, insteadRead MoreForensic Nurses1444 Words  | 6 PagesForensic Nursing: Child Abuse The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network state that every two minutes, someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. In 2007 there were 248,300 victims of sexual assault (US department of Justice). ï ¿ ¼ Sarah, a girl who dealt with abuse while at a friends house said, â€Å"At 11 my best friends step father raped me. I had went and stayed there for the night and he must have thought that I was an easy target. Im 17 now and it has changed me life completely.†Read MoreSexual Assault Essay examples1113 Words  | 5 PagesSexual Assault described in technical terms is defined as any sort of sexual activity between two or more people in which one of the people involved is involved against his or her will. (3) The description of against his or her will extends to varying degrees of aggression, ranging from indirect pressure to a direct physical attack. While sexual assaults are associated with the crime of rape, it may cover assaults which would not be considered rape. What constitutes a sexual assault is determined
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Ethics Of Being An Amputee - 1626 Words
The Ethics of Apotemnophilia Introduction Apotemnophilia, a disorder that involves both neurology and psychiatry, involves fantasies (mostly sexual) of being an amputee. This disorder primarily involves patients that suffer from a body dysmorphic disorder in which certain parts of their bodies feel â€Å"foreign†to them. Obviously, there are many debatable questions relating to the issue of apotemnophilia, including patient and doctor consent, autonomy, medical laws, and more, but here I focus on the ethical questions of apotemnophilia, from a constructivist and utilitarian perspective in which I argue that patients do have the right to do what they will with their bodies in their own pursuit of happiness, since knowledge and what is or isn’t†¦show more content†¦This â€Å"alien†sentiment has been echoied by other pateints suffering from this disorder: â€Å"In that instant, that very first encounter, I knew not my leg. It was utterly strange, not- mine unfamiliar. I gazed upon it with absolute non-recognition [...] The more I gazed at that cylinder of chalk, the more alien and incomprehensible it appeared to me. I could no longer feel it as mine, as part of me. It seemed to bear no relation whatever to me. It was absolutely not-me – and yet, impossibly, it was attached to me – and even more impossibly, continuous with me†(Sacks, 1991, p. 7) This was the sentiment of the patients Dr. Smith operated upon successfully who reported being much happier after the fact. However, when a third patient requested the same surgery, the hospital administration became involved and the surgeon and his patients became the source of public and media disputes. One of the biggest argument concerning this case and others like it, is that these patients, considering their mental conditions, could not actually have given informed (i.e., sane) consent because the request itself is considered â€Å"wrong†by society’s standards. Of course the question of competency and whether or not someone is able to make rational decisions is the real question here and one to which a definitive answer just cannot be obtained. According to author Carl Elliot (2007) in his book, A New Way to be Mad, just because someone wants a healthy limb removed does not make them
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Climbing and Life free essay sample
I was average, normal, any other synonym should fit. I spent my childhood staying inside, playing video games and conforming to what the general public around me was doing. I did this because i felt it was what I was supposed to do, not necessarily because it was in my best interest. It took me about 15 years before i established a sense of direction in my life. Direction meaning that i began to have a true reason for the things i was doing; an ultimate goal. The ultimate goal as to achieve happiness. I began rock climbing in a gym when i was 15, in the weeks following i retired from the school sports i participated in to devote all my time between school and climbing. I fell in love with it, everything, the people, the setting, but most of all i loved that everything was up to me. I took control, deciding what i wanted to do and why i wanted to do it. We will write a custom essay sample on Climbing and Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After a few months of climbing in the gym i was invited to go climbing in the Shawangunks just outside of New Paltz. I was to climb a route by the name of High Exposure (5.6 G), it’s one of those routes that is so far out there that you feel as if you are on another planet. There was nothing more i could have asked for. Walking down the carriage path was gut wrenching. My palms began to perspire from a combination of coffee from the bakery and the thought of ascending this amazing formation of metamorphic quartz conglomerate. We hiked to the base of the two hundred foot arete and prepared our climbing safety gear. My friends, both twice my age both insisted that i take the sharp end (going up first, more dangerous) to gain the full experience of high exposure. I left the ground and entered the vertical realm, surrendering my safety and making a commitment to the rock. Nearing the top of the first pitch the route runs along the exposed arete, producing the illusion that the earth just dropped another thousand feet and the fear either grips you or floats away with the wind buzzing around you. The sun peered out from behind the clouds as i topped out on a 15 foot ledge coveted by climbers as the Grand Traverse ledge, I then constructed an anchor to safely lock into the rock. As i stood up and around t o set my partner on belay I was submersed into the 300 degree expanse hundreds of feet from the ground, golden rays of light selectively illuminated its chosen section of the cliff as I took a seat on the prow of what felt like the edge of the earth, dangling my feet in thin air. As i was taking in rope to belay my partner up, it happened. I experienced an epiphany of sorts, and had a moment of clarity. It violently cashed into me that this was the most forfilled that i had ever felt, an overwhelming sense if purpose fell on my shoulders and it was immediately clear. Climbing was the hardest thing i had ever done, it tampers with you both mentally and physically. Ultimately climbing is pointless, yet it holds more meaning and purpose than anything in my life. Climbing gave me a reason to be the best i could be. I have now been climbing for 3 years and done over 100 routes in the Shawangunks. It is my favorite place in the world because it changed the way i look at the world. Every aspect of my life has been effected by my climbing, it has made me a more determined and positive person, but most of all, it innervated a new psyche i had never experienced before. I became more active towards my goals and dreams, the ultimate goal to be happy. I want to go to school to be a graphic designer because it will allow me to live the lifestyle that i want to lead, so i can always follow my goals and passion. I believe beyond doubt that attending suny new paltz is what i want, Not because i read a pamphlet or because a representative sold me on the campus and student averages. I want to attend New Paltz because its the only school that can seamlessly combine my two passions, its the school that will bring about the most happiness in my life.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Biography of Amedeo Modigliani, Modernist Artist
Biography of Amedeo Modigliani, Modernist Artist The Italian artist Amadeo Modigliani (July 12, 1884–January 24, 1920) is best known for his portraits and nudes, which featured elongated faces, necks, and bodies. The distinctly modernist works were not celebrated during Modiglianis lifetime, but after his death, he achieved great acclaim. Today, Modigliani is considered a crucial figure in the development of modern painting and sculpture. Fast Facts: Amadeo Modigliani Occupation: ArtistBorn: July 12, 1884 in Livorno, ItalyDied:  January 24, 1920 in Paris, FranceEducation: Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence, ItalySelected Works: The Jewess (1907), Jacques and Berthe Lipchitz (1916),  Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne (1918)Famous Quote: When I know your soul, I will paint your eyes. Early Life and Training Born into a Sephardic Jewish family in Italy, Modigliani grew up in Livorno, a port city known as a safe haven for those fleeing religious persecution. His family suffered financial ruin at the time of his birth, but they eventually recovered. A sickly childhood prevented the young Modigliani from receiving a traditional formal education. He battled pleurisy and typhoid fever. However, he began drawing and painting at an early age, and his mother supported his interests. At age 14, Modigliani enrolled in formal training with local Livorno master Guglielmo Micheli. Modigliani often rejected the ideas of classical painting, but instead of disciplining his pupil, Micheli encouraged Amedeos experimentation with different styles. After two years of success as a student, Modigliani contracted tuberculosis, which disrupted his artistic education and perhaps his entire lifes trajectory: a mere 19 years later, the disease would claim his life. Parisian Artist In 1906, Modigliani moved to Paris, the center of artistic experimentation. He settled in an apartment in Le Bateau-Lavoir, a commune for poor, struggling artists. Modiglianis lifestyle was raucous and arguably self-destructive: he became addicted to drugs and alcohol and engaged in numerous affairs. Biographers have speculated that Modiglianis ongoing struggle with tuberculosis spurred his self-destructive lifestyle. In the early 1900s, tuberculosis was a leading cause of death, and the disease was contagious. Perhaps by burying his struggles under the influence of substances and hard-partying, Modigliani shielded himself from potential social rejection as well as the suffering caused by his illness. Painting Modigliani produced new work at a furious pace, creating as many as 100 drawings a day. Most of these drawings no longer exist, however, as Modigliani typically destroyed or discarded them during his frequent moves. In 1907, Modigliani met Paul Alexandre, a young physician and patron of the arts, who became one of his first steady customers. The Jewess, painted in 1907, was the first Modigliani painting purchased by Alexandre, and is considered one of the prime examples of Modiglianis work during the period. A few years later, Modiglianis most productive period began. In 1917, with the patronage of Polish art dealer and friend Leopold Zborowski, Modigliani started work on a series of 30 nudes that became some of the most celebrated work of his career. The nudes were featured in Modiglianis first and only solo show, and it became a sensation. Police tried to close the exhibition down on the first day due to charges of public obscenity. With the removal of some of the nudes from a storefront window, the show continued a few days later. A photograph depicting Portrait of Jeanne Hebuteme on display in a gallery. Ben A. Pruchnie / Getty Images Modigliani created a series of portraits of fellow artists including Pablo Picasso while World War I raged in Europe. Among the most famous of these works is a portrait of the artist Jacques Lipchitz and his wife, Berthe. After beginning a relationship with Jeanne Hebuterne in the spring of 1917, Modigliani entered the final stage of his work. Hebuterne was a frequent subject for his portraits, and they are marked by the use of more subtle colors and elegant lines. Modiglianis portraits of Jeanne Hebuterne are considered some of his most relaxed, peaceful paintings.  Sculpture In 1909, Amedeo Modigliani met the Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi. The meeting inspired Modigliani to pursue his lifelong interest in sculpture. For the next five years, he focused on sculpting. A 1912 Paris exhibition at the Salon dAutomne featured eight stone heads by Modigliani. They demonstrate his ability to translate ideas from his paintings to a three-dimensional form. They also reveal strong influences from African sculpture. Laura Lezza / Getty Images At some point in 1914, at least partially influenced by the rarity of sculpting materials with the outbreak of World War I, Modigliani abandoned sculpture for good. Later Life and Death Modigliani suffered from the progression of tuberculosis throughout most of his adult life. After a series of affairs and relationships, including one with Russian poet Anna Akhmatova in 1910, he appeared to live a life of relative contentment with 19-year-old Jeanne Hebuterne beginning in 1917. She gave birth to a daughter, Jeanne, in 1918. In 1920, a neighbor checked on the young couple after not hearing from them for several days. They found Modigliani in the final stages of tubercular meningitis. He succumbed to the disease in a local hospital on January 24, 1920. At the time of Modiglianis death, Hebuterne was eight months pregnant with the couples second child; she did by suicide the following day. Legacy and Influence During his lifetime, Modigliani was stubbornly idiosyncratic, refusing to associate himself with the art movements of his era, such as Cubism, Surrealism, and Futurism. Today, however, his work is considered pivotal to the development of modern art. Sources Meyers, Jeffrey. Modigliani: A Life. Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, 2014.Secrest, Meryle. Modigliani. Random House, 2011.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Free Essays on Wealth
WEALTH AND DEMOCRACY:A POLITICAL HISTORY OF RICH AND POOR Kevin Phillips' insight into American politics and economics has helped to make history as well as record it. The books he has written, including The Emerging Republican Majority (1969) and The Politics of Rich and Poor (1990), have helped to influence presidential campaigns and changed the way America sees itself. Phillips is widely acknowledged as one of the nation's most perceptive thinkers, he turns his attention to the United States' history of great wealth and power, from the American Revolution to what he calls "the Second Gilded Age" at the turn of the twenty-first century. â€Å"The Second Gilded Age†has been staggering enough in its concentration of wealth to dwarf the original Gilded Age a hundred years earlier. However, the tech crash and then the horrible events of September 11, 2001, pointed out that great riches are as vulnerable as they have ever been. In Wealth and Democracy, Kevin Phillips charts the ongoing American history of great wealth–how it has been accumulated, its shifting sources, and its ups and downs over more than a time span of two centuries. He explores how the rich and politically powerful have frequently worked together to create or perpetuate privilege, often at the expense of the national interest and usually at the expense of the middle and lower classes. The book is filled with intriguing chapters on history and a bold analysis of present-day America. Phillips does well clarifying the dangerous politics that go with the excessive concentration of wealth. Kevin Phillips also profiles wealthy Americans–from Astor to Carnegie and Rockefeller to contemporary wealth holders–he provides details about the peculiarly American ways of becoming and staying a multimillionaire. He exposes the corruption spawned by a money culture and financial power, evident in economic philosophy, tax favoritism, and selective bailouts in the name of fre... Free Essays on Wealth Free Essays on Wealth WEALTH AND DEMOCRACY:A POLITICAL HISTORY OF RICH AND POOR Kevin Phillips' insight into American politics and economics has helped to make history as well as record it. The books he has written, including The Emerging Republican Majority (1969) and The Politics of Rich and Poor (1990), have helped to influence presidential campaigns and changed the way America sees itself. Phillips is widely acknowledged as one of the nation's most perceptive thinkers, he turns his attention to the United States' history of great wealth and power, from the American Revolution to what he calls "the Second Gilded Age" at the turn of the twenty-first century. â€Å"The Second Gilded Age†has been staggering enough in its concentration of wealth to dwarf the original Gilded Age a hundred years earlier. However, the tech crash and then the horrible events of September 11, 2001, pointed out that great riches are as vulnerable as they have ever been. In Wealth and Democracy, Kevin Phillips charts the ongoing American history of great wealth–how it has been accumulated, its shifting sources, and its ups and downs over more than a time span of two centuries. He explores how the rich and politically powerful have frequently worked together to create or perpetuate privilege, often at the expense of the national interest and usually at the expense of the middle and lower classes. The book is filled with intriguing chapters on history and a bold analysis of present-day America. Phillips does well clarifying the dangerous politics that go with the excessive concentration of wealth. Kevin Phillips also profiles wealthy Americans–from Astor to Carnegie and Rockefeller to contemporary wealth holders–he provides details about the peculiarly American ways of becoming and staying a multimillionaire. He exposes the corruption spawned by a money culture and financial power, evident in economic philosophy, tax favoritism, and selective bailouts in the name of fre...
Monday, February 24, 2020
An evaluation of the child protection frame work in England and Wales Essay
An evaluation of the child protection frame work in England and Wales from 2000 2014 - Essay Example This essay discusses that various developments have been achieved with regards to the child protection in England and Wales, a factor that has been attributed to the increased scrutiny of the child protection systems after the incident of Victoria Climbie, Baby P namely Peter Connelly and Daniel Pelka. Developments that have been undertaken regarding child protection in England and Wales include the 2010 initiative, in which the Secretary of State for Education in England asked Professor Eileen Munro to undertake an objective and independent review regarding the state of child protection in England. The Social Work Task force preceded the Munro review, which was mandated with the task of advising the Government on the best strategies that could be adopted in order to effectively reform the entire social work profession in England. The Munro review concluded that the child protection system in England was characterized with high levels of direction and bureaucracy and that there was a dire need to create a balance between professional judgment and prescription. Moreover, the report findings were biased towards the development of framework that could enable professionals working with children protection to remain focussed. The above analysis portrays a major gap and shortcomings regarding the various problems that needed to be addressed in order to enhance effective child protection framework. The limitations depicted in child protection range from inadequacies in legal policies to protect children as well as the policy regulation on how Child Professional, Doctors and Parents can help reduce the level of child abuse and deaths in England and Wales.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Source evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Source evaluation - Essay Example This source is reliable, considering that it has drawn its content and conclusions from other scientific studies. This being the case, the source presents a well-balanced argument from both sides, backed by the relevant scientific data collected by the scientific studies. The conclusions and arguments of the source have been drawn from a data set comprising of responses from questionnaires sent to over 7,000 doctors, which was compared to responses obtained from 3500 professionals working in different fields (Chen, n.p.). Thus, while there is the element of the doctors being prone to long working hours, the major influential factor in the doctor’s burnout, was their immediate involvement in front-line access to care (Chen, n.p.). The source therefore does not present any form of bias. The source presents a well-balanced argument, considering that it draws its argument from scientifically conducted studies, as opposed to mere observation regarding the lack of competency of the doctors. The balanced argument in the source is presented through the presentation of the problem on the one hand, and the explanation of the causes of the problem, on the other hand. Therefore, while the source argues for the existence of doctor’s burnout problem, it gives the relevant explanation, that the causes of such burnout could range from the limited time that the doctors are allowed to be with the patients, to the prescription restrictions offered by the health insurance companies (Chen, n.p.). Further causes could be the lack of sufficient empathy from the doctors, to increased rate of errors, which may be caused by involvement in other administrative tasks. Further, to balance the argument that doctors are increasingly demonstrating signs of classic burnout; the source draws backing from a real life situation, where there is an increase in the number of the Americans who are seeking medical services without being insured.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Pricing policies Essay Example for Free
Pricing policies Essay The main Factors that affect the price being charged by your chosen business for their product/service The pricing decisions for a product are affected by internal and external factors. A. Internal Factors 1. Cost While fixing the prices of a product, the firm should consider the cost involved in producing the product. This cost includes both the variable and fixed costs. Thus, while fixing the prices, the firm must be able to recover both the variable and fixed costs. 2. The predetermined objectives While fixing the prices of the product, the marketer should consider the objectives of the firm. For instance, if the objective of a firm is to increase return on investment, then it may charge a higher price, and if the objective is to capture a large market share, then it may charge a lower price. 3. Image of the firm The price of the product may also be determined on the basis of the image of the firm in the market. For instance, HUL and Procter Gamble can demand a higher price for their brands, as they enjoy goodwill in the market. 4. Product life cycle The stage at which the product is in its product life cycle also affects its price. For instance, during the introductory stage the firm may charge lower price to attract the customers, and during the growth stage, a firm may increase the price. 5. Credit period offered The pricing of the product is also affected by the credit period offered by the company. Longer the credit period, higher may be the price, and shorter the credit period, lower may be the price of the product. 6. Promotional activity The promotional activity undertaken by the firm also determines the price. If the firm incurs heavy advertising and sales promotion costs, then the pricing of the product shall be kept high in order to recover the cost. B. External Factors 1. Competition While fixing the price of the product, the firm needs to study the degree of competition in the market. If there is high competition, the prices may be kept low to effectively face the competition, and if competition is low, the prices may be kept high. 2. Consumers The marketer should consider various consumer factors while fixing the prices. The consumer factors that must be considered includes the price sensitivity of the buyer, purchasing power, and so on. 3. Government control Government rules and regulation must be considered while fixing the prices. In certain products, government may announce administered prices, and therefore the marketer has to consider such regulation while fixing the prices.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Greek Literature :: Greece Literature Poetry Myths Essays
Greek Literature The great British philosopher-mathematician Alfred North Whitehead once commented that all philosophy is but a footnote to Plato . A similar point can be made regarding Greek literature as a whole. Over a period of more than ten centuries, the ancient Greeks created a literature of such brilliance that it has rarely been equaled and never surpassed. In poetry, tragedy, comedy, and history, Greek writers created masterpieces that have inspired, influenced, and challenged readers to the present day. To suggest that all Western literature is no more than a footnote to the writings of classical Greece is an exaggeration, but it is nevertheless true that the Greek world of thought was so far-ranging that there is scarcely an idea discussed today that was not debated by the ancient writers. The only body of literature of comparable influence is the Bible. The language in which the ancient authors wrote was Greek. Like English, Greek is an Indo-European language; but it is far older. Its history can be followed from the 14th century BC to the present. Its literature, therefore, covers a longer period of time than that of any other Indo-European language . Scholars have determined that the Greek alphabet was derived from the Phoenician alphabet. During the period from the 8th to the 5th century BC, local differences caused the forms of letters to vary from one city-state to another within Greece. From the 4th century BC on, however, the alphabet became uniform throughout the Greek world. CLASSICAL PERIOD There are four major periods of Greek literature: preclassical, classical, Hellenistic-Roman, and Byzantine. Of these the most significant works were produced during the preclassical and classical eras. Epic Tradition At the beginning of Greek literature stand the two monumental works of Homer, the 'Iliad' and the 'Odyssey'. The figure of Homer is shrouded in mystery. Although the works as they now stand are credited to him, it is certain that their roots reach far back before his time (see Homeric Legend). The 'Iliad' is the famous story about the Trojan War. It centers on the person of Achilles, who embodied the Greek heroic ideal. While the 'Iliad' is pure tragedy, the 'Odyssey' is a mixture of tragedy and comedy. It is the story of Odysseus, one of the warriors at Troy. After ten years fighting the war, he spends another ten years sailing back home to his wife and family. During his ten-year voyage, he loses all of his comrades and ships and makes his way home to Ithaca disguised as a beggar. Both of these works were based on ancient legends. The stories are told in Greek Literature :: Greece Literature Poetry Myths Essays Greek Literature The great British philosopher-mathematician Alfred North Whitehead once commented that all philosophy is but a footnote to Plato . A similar point can be made regarding Greek literature as a whole. Over a period of more than ten centuries, the ancient Greeks created a literature of such brilliance that it has rarely been equaled and never surpassed. In poetry, tragedy, comedy, and history, Greek writers created masterpieces that have inspired, influenced, and challenged readers to the present day. To suggest that all Western literature is no more than a footnote to the writings of classical Greece is an exaggeration, but it is nevertheless true that the Greek world of thought was so far-ranging that there is scarcely an idea discussed today that was not debated by the ancient writers. The only body of literature of comparable influence is the Bible. The language in which the ancient authors wrote was Greek. Like English, Greek is an Indo-European language; but it is far older. Its history can be followed from the 14th century BC to the present. Its literature, therefore, covers a longer period of time than that of any other Indo-European language . Scholars have determined that the Greek alphabet was derived from the Phoenician alphabet. During the period from the 8th to the 5th century BC, local differences caused the forms of letters to vary from one city-state to another within Greece. From the 4th century BC on, however, the alphabet became uniform throughout the Greek world. CLASSICAL PERIOD There are four major periods of Greek literature: preclassical, classical, Hellenistic-Roman, and Byzantine. Of these the most significant works were produced during the preclassical and classical eras. Epic Tradition At the beginning of Greek literature stand the two monumental works of Homer, the 'Iliad' and the 'Odyssey'. The figure of Homer is shrouded in mystery. Although the works as they now stand are credited to him, it is certain that their roots reach far back before his time (see Homeric Legend). The 'Iliad' is the famous story about the Trojan War. It centers on the person of Achilles, who embodied the Greek heroic ideal. While the 'Iliad' is pure tragedy, the 'Odyssey' is a mixture of tragedy and comedy. It is the story of Odysseus, one of the warriors at Troy. After ten years fighting the war, he spends another ten years sailing back home to his wife and family. During his ten-year voyage, he loses all of his comrades and ships and makes his way home to Ithaca disguised as a beggar. Both of these works were based on ancient legends. The stories are told in
Monday, January 13, 2020
Was the English Civil War a War of Religion?
Was the English Civil War a war of Religion? The English Civil Wars of 1642 to 1651 had religious connections indefinitely, yet to say that they were wars of religion is slightly blindsided. Economics, national and foreign policy and the rule of King Charles I all played pivotal roles in the wars, in particular, the role of the King and his failings to rule. Such failings lost support for the King on a large scale and led to the argument that this was the beginnings of democracy where the people wanted to look elsewhere from the monarchy for a better governed country.The wars were not fought intently for religion but instead against the monarchy and the dreadful rule of King Charles I for a better led democracy. Such democracy was largely connected and associated with the Parliamentarians who offered opposition to the failing Royalists and hope for change. With the Royalists and the Parliamentarians fighting for power and for leadership of their country, two parties with no major rel igious qualms were set to go to war.For the Roundheads, the ultimate desire was not religious but was to â€Å"safeguard parliaments place in the constitution from the creeping threat of royal absolutism’ that had seemed to be prevalent since at the least 1626. †The parliamentarians offering opposition to the Royalists were in a political sense, seen as the answer in the search of democracy through which they gained mass support. However in answering the question, religious connections must be analysed with a mind on the importance to the civil wars.Importantly, England was a strictly protestant nation after the Reformations of the 16th century and King Charles struggled with Parliament in connection to religion and caused much tension and ill feeling within England. In keeping with his high Anglican faith, the King appointed his main political advisor, William Laud as the new archbishop in 1633. The Protestant people of England accused Laud of Catholicising the Churc h of England and in turn Laud imposed fines for not attending Anglican Church services.He aroused further public anger in 1637 by cutting off the ears of three gentlemen who had written pamphlets attacking Laud’s own views. Such strict and brutal behaviour caused fear in the people and alienate Laud’s church. Further still, the marriage of King Charles to the Roman Catholic French princess Henrietta Maria 1625 had previously caused a general fear of Catholicism to emerge in England but this was only built upon by the measures Laud had instigated. Clearly religion did have an impact yet it is the subsequent effects that matter.These religious matters crucially caused a lack of support for the monarchy and the realisation that the monarchy needed Parliament to govern effectively. The King was blind to this and this forced the people to look elsewhere for democracy. This was the true nature of the war to fight for control and a new democracy. To continue, King Charles the First showed incompetence throughout his rule losing the support of his people gradually but surely. A series of failings displayed his inability to rule yet first and foremost was the manner of King Charles.Michael Young describes Charles as ‘a stubborn, combative and high-handed king, who generated conflict†whilst Richard Cust continues that â€Å"he was not stupid, but he did suffer from what Russell calls ‘a tunnel vision’, which made it very difficult for him to understand anyone’s perspective other than his own. †Shy and obnoxious, Charles was unwilling to conform to parliament insisting that he was chosen by God to rule in accordance with the doctrine of the â€Å"Divine Right of Kings†.Many parliamentarians feared that setting up a new kingdom as Charles I intended might destroy the old English traditions that had been integral to the English monarchy and its country and this belief from King Charles I of the divine right of k ings only exacerbated this. Importantly at this point, parliament was subject to dissolution by the monarchy at any time and they had to weary of this. In all, King Charles was unsuitable to rule England and his character flaws along with his beliefs and reluctance to compromise left him on a one way path to disaster and crucially, unpopularity.He needed parliament yet he himself did not know it, instead his own policies and decisions would alienate him from the people and would be his very downfall. More so disastrous for his reign than his â€Å"indecisive, inadequate and ineffective†personality were the policies of King Charles I. The King wanted to take part in the Thirty Years’ War of Europe at huge costs and with heavy expenditure. Parliament foresaw these impossible costs of the war and refused to support King Charles yet this did not stop the King in pressing ahead with his European Wars.His conquests continued past the dissolution of parliament into his †˜personal rule’ until he was forced to withdraw from the war making peace with Spain and France; the monarchy’s finances were shattered and the King had dissolved Parliament ending any hopes of financial support from taxes. Here the King demonstrates his naivety with the country sustaining incredible financial troubles with little reward to show for it but most importantly he lost further support of the people. People began to question his ability to rule and began to look elsewhere towards parliament.Perhaps the clearest indication though that he was unable to rule without parliament came with his 11 year Personal Rule. For 11 years, King Charles avoided calling a parliament during which time he made several crucial mistakes. Most importantly, without Parliament, Charles was left with little revenue and so he looked to other means of income. Controversially, the King tried to implement Ship taxes, exploiting a naval war-scare and demanding tax from inland counties to pay for the Royal Navy.The tax was questionable at best, supported by law but regarded as an illegal tax; men refused to pay the ship tax and argued that the tax was illegal in court, but most lost and were fined. Further resentment to the King was growing among the English people and again they blamed the Kings lack of parliament and his inability to rule without it. King Charles I foolishly looked to enforce policies in Scotland also. The King had hoped to unite England with Scotland and Ireland to create a single kingdom with a uniform High Anglican church.This idea scared Parliament with fears of losing traditional English ways evident. Despite this, summer of 1637 saw Charles I interfere with Scottish religion introducing a new high Anglican English book of prayer to the Scottish despite the Church of Scotland having strict traditions. This was duly followed by resistance and riots in Edinburgh followed by a rebellion. Naturally the King responded by leading an army to the Sco ttish border and challenging the rebellion.A second war followed in 1640 where embarrassingly King Charles’ forces were defeated by a Scottish army who continued to capture Newcastle; Charles now had a rebellion on his hand but with insufficient finances he could not defend anything of the like, he was forced to form a new parliament and seek the taxes that they brought. The Scottish were demanding ? 850 a day to keep them from advancing and this was all Charles’ own doing in trying to change religion in Scotland. It can be argued as indeed C. Russel does that, â€Å"Religion undoubtedly contributed heavily to the outbreak of the Bishops wars.It contributed to the English defeat in the wars, by building up a party in England whose sympathies were on the Scottish side. †However these religious disputes were not a direct cause of the civil war rather that once again King Charles had made a mistake and proven his inability to rule without the credible parliament. The people were becoming all too aware of these failings and his delusions. The dislike for King Charles I continued to climb with his ordered execution of Thomas Wentworth May 1641.The King had sacrificed one of his chief advisors in the hope of preventing war yet it was all in vain. Here his incapability’s had resulted in an execution and the backlash in Ireland was total chaos with the faithful Catholics fearing a protestant resurgence. Further tension between the monarchy and parliament was seen and the King looked very weak at this point. Finally, the end of King Charles of England rule came in 1642, early in which he had attempted to capture five members of the House of Commons.The King had gone accompanied by 400 soldiers to arrest the five members on charge of treason yet upon arrival at parliament the Speaker refused to reveal the whereabouts of the suspects. Crucially, Lenthall replied â€Å"May it please your majesty, I have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as this house is pleased to direct me whose servant I am here; and humbly beg your majesty's pardon that I cannot give any other answer than this is to what your majesty is pleased to demand of me†voicing his determined allegiance not the King but to Parliament.This portrayed the feeling between Parliament and the King and it was only then that the King saw that he had real opposition. Following his latest failing Charles had fled from London in fear of his own safety but continued to negotiate with Parliament through until the summer to no avail. With the summer passing towns and cities began to voice their allegiance for either the Royalists or the Parliamentarians and the war was beginning to emerge. Quite literally King Charles had got it all wrong and had even sparked off a civil war with his attempts to arrest parliament members.Importantly it was the King’s attempts to arrest members of parliament that sparked the war as opposed to any religio us factors or disputes and the Kings incompetent ruling of the country that continued to fuel the civil wars for years to come. In conclusion, the English civil wars on 1642 to 1651 were not wars of religion. Without doubt religion played a role in the distancing between the King to his people and Parliament and also with the Bishops wars, yet it was not integral to the emergence of the war or indeed throughout the war.Rather the war was a war of power and control with Parliament attempting to provide democracy to the unsatisfied people in contrast to the diabolical failings with the rule of King Charles I. King Charles was incapable of ruling the country, demonstrating his incompetence with endless examples to make the people want for a new democracy and better leadership for their country; and that they did with support for Parliamentarians seen in huge numbers. The Kings failure to rule and govern the country had directly led to intervention from the Parliamentarians and the star t of the English civil wars. Word Count – 1920Bibliography 1. Coward, B. (1980) The Stuart Age; England 1603 – 1714. Pearson Education Limited 2. Cust, R. (2002) ‘Politics, Religion and Popularity’, Charles I and popularity. (ed. ,Cogswell, T. Cust, R. Lake, P. ) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 235 3. De Groot, J. (2004). Royalist identities. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 4. Hill, C. (1958). Puritanism and revolution: Studies in interpretation of the English revolution of the 17th century. London: Secker ; Warburg. 5. Kishlansky, M. (1999) ‘Tyranny Denied: Charles I, Attorney General Heath, and the Five Knights’ Case. 42: 53 6. Morrill, J. S. (1993). The nature of the English Revolution: Essays. London: Longman. 7. Parliament. uk; Speaker Lenthall defends Parliament against the King. Accessed 27th March 2012. Available from http://www. parliament. uk/business/publications/parliamentary-archives/archives-highlig hts/archives-speakerlenthall/ 8. Russell, C. (1990) The Causes of the English civil War. Oxford: Clarendon Press 9. Sproxton, J. (1995). Violence and religion: Attitudes towards militancy in the French civil wars and the English Revolution. London ; New York: Routledge. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- [ 1 ]. Coward, B. (1980) The Stuart Age; England 1603 – 1714. Pearson Education Limited [ 2 ]. Cust, R. (2002) ‘Politics, Religion and Popularity’, Charles I and popularity. (ed. ,Cogswell, T. Cust, R. Lake, P. ) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 235 [ 3 ]. Cust, R. (2002) ‘Politics, Religion and Popularity’, Charles I and popularity. (ed. ,Cogswell, T. Cust, R. Lake, P. ) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 235 [ 4 ]. Kishlansky, M. (1999) ‘Tyranny Denied: Charles I, Attorney General Heath, and the Five
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Tesco express the sub brand of tesco plc - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 28 Words: 8461 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? The organisation which we have taken for the study is Tesco Express the sub brand of Tesco Plc. In our study we are going to identify, describe and evaluate the following management area of Tesco Plc, where we will be involving Marketing Principles to give proper management report on the basis of below strategies: The Organisation Orientation Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Tesco express the sub brand of tesco plc" essay for you Create order The competitive advantage of the organisation The Impact, positive and negative of the organisations Marketing Mix Management report of Tesco Express- Strength, weakness and improvements that will help to maintain competitive advantage in near future Origin of Tesco Tesco Plc the leading Britain retailer among the top three retailers in the world. They are operating 3700 stores among the world and they have employed around 470,000 employees. They are operating in 14 countries and they are UK, Republic of Ireland, India, China, Japan, Czech Republic, Hungary, Malaysia, Poland, Slovakia, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, and USA. Tesco Plc was started by Jack Cohen in 1919 and the name Tesco was first appeared in the shop in Edgware in 1929 since the company has grown they were implementing their innovation in different business. Jack Cohen founded Tesco and his first day profit was  £1 among his  £4 sales on selling a grocery from the stall in East London. In the year 1924 the first in-house brand of Tesco has launched and they named that product as Tesco Tea. The names come from the initial of TE Stockwell, who was a partner in the tea supplies and the CO from Jack Cohens Surname. In the year 1932 Tesco stores limited have changed to Tesco private Limited Company. Tesco the brand which have changed their way they do business so fundamentally in each and every part of its company. Because of this change they have done in to business which also includes the loyalty management. For that they have taken a different expertise among the world as the earliest and that they have that named as Clubcard. Tesco joined with DunnHumby and created a Clubcard to tracks the buying behaviour of their 13 million customers, through recording and tracking consumption data from shopping bills. Tesco and DunnHumby have jointly built, maintain and mine a rich customer database with information derived from all customer touch points. Using this customer database, Tescos marketing department is then able to manage changes in either individual or general consumption patterns and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly. Clubcard is a reflection of the attributes of the business and its commitment: a strong team ethic, a commitment to serving customers, and most of all, top-to-bottom retailers pragmatism. Tesco made customer loyalty marketing work, when every other British supermarket loyalty programme in the late 1990s failed, faltered or never got started. Every year since 1995, headlines have proclaimed the death of loyalty scheme, usually enthusiastically supported by other retailers whose loyalty schemes are distant memories. Yet Clubcard is never questioned as a strategic priority by the management. Instead, Tesco has responded to the critics by measurably building sales through Clubcard, using the relevant knowledge it creates to improve the way it runs its business. The Organisation Orientation: Definition An approach to business that centres its activities on satisfying the needs and wants of its customers. The production department when starts to manufacture the product, it focuses on the promotion, distribution, pricing etc. How Tesco implemented its Market orientation: It overall beats the competition in producing the best quality product to the end users with great customer satisfaction as mentioned below. Flexibility Plan and goal setting Managerial and interpersonal skills Flexibility Tesco Express is widely opened across the cities in UK and gives options to many consumers to shop easily. In total there are around 150 shops which is great benefit to the consumers. They have introduced online trading where customers can place an order and buy it without any hindrance. Self billing has been bought up to avoid queues, saves time and energy, people can use the self bill system and pay by themselves and also introduced Club cards in which they can measure sales and improve accordingly by collecting database. Plan and goal setting Every organisation has its own plans and works only with the setting right goals at right time. Plans are to maximise sales and profits, maintains No 1 retail store in UK. Targets competitors and remains as a market leader, provides goods/services that are cheap and affordable to public. Business plans and modules are followed to achieve respective goal. Each objective has deadlines to meet so they have to meet their set objective within the stipulated period of time. Ex- Point of sale is an important merchandising activity to remind, people to stock up, just in case, a different product in categories has been brought together under Barbecue Theme, and a sale tends to increase. With the exceptions of meat, Tesco Express has brought all its barbecue products together under one category in store in order to promote sales and profits. Managerial and interpersonal skills- Still not yet completed Marketing: Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. (C.I.M, 2001) In this cut throat competition, Tesco innovates and re-innovates the new product as per the marketing environment in comparison with its fellow competitors. Healthy competition gives the best outcome of the product like price and quality. The main aim is to maximize customers value as a source of competitive advantage. Tescos Marketing Concept Meets customer needs, wants and preferences more effectively and more closely than competitors Asda, Sainsbury WM Morrison supermarket. The basic philosophies of the organisation are production and sales, it integrates the various activities like production, selling, distribution promotion, advertisement and human resource management in a profitable way for the service of the customers. Production: Focuses on the goods where quality matters and profit is gained on the volume of sales. Quality should be maintained in all the stages of production Tesco the company which are offering more than 100 products under their own brand Tesco. Comparatively they are quality oriented and price oriented. These products are mainly targeted their customer daily needs. They are following exact market economics to market their products. Sales: Even Tesco has its own products in Tesco express also they sell products from different brands too. While comparing with other products Tesco products is more cost effective and with high quality. Tesco Express is one of emerging sub brand in the UK is offering the customer to minimise their shopping time. New innovation has been brought in the form of advanced technology for the customers to generate and pay their own receipts by them. Goals have been divided into 3 different sets- Once it sets up the plan with the right objective, the next strategy is to maximise sales with customer satisfaction. Let us take through with 3 different sets of goals. The organisation recognises the market movements of its competitors in order to maintain good mindset in peoples mind. It strives hard to satisfy customers needs, preferences and taste which is very big task. The last and foremost goal is carried out in the internal management to increase productivity with great coordination among staff members who works as a team. Let us concentrate on planning aspects with involving planning strategies as discussed below. Marketing Planning: Marketing Planning: Turning strategies into implementable action and it is a detailed written statement where each and everyone in the organisation must follow the principles and guidelines and act accordingly. Planning is decide in advance what to do and what not to do, planning plays a vital role in the supermarket division as it deals with FMCG products, in day todays business the sales increases rapidly when everything goes according to plan. Internal and External Environment Key Aspects- Position of Tesco when compared to other companies. Where are we now? Significant improvement has shown in identical market in UK Marketing Audit Market Research Environment Analysis How did we get there? They got there simply because of good performance which was solid. Where are we heading and where do we want to be? Tesco express has strived to achieve the highest standards to ensure the long-term access to quality products and maintain their position as the UKs number 1 supermarket. Tescos aim is to keep customers happy, to achieve high profit margins, to motivate workers, expand its marketing strategies, and support economic issues and to be friendly towards the environment. Tesco aims to cover every conceivable part of the consumer base with management controls. Review Procedures Management Controls How might we get there? It has good marketing mix strategies and implements successfully. By doing so it has reached heights by giving services to consumers. Tesco Express should make als Marketing Mix Which way is best? Are we on course? How can we ensure arrival? Choice criteria Screening Modelling Company Profile SWOT Once marketing planning is carried out successfully the next step is to concentrate on marketing audit. It can be analysed with the inclusion of Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats (SWOT). Once the major part is carried out successfully with all the research analysis and datas, it gives us the strategic position. The overall evaluation of a companys strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats is called as SWOT analysis. It is a way of monitoring the external and internal marketing environment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Good marketing is the art of finding, developing and profiting from these opportunities. A marketing opportunity is an area of buyer need and interest that a company has a high profitably of profitably satisfyingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. There are three main sources of market opportunities are. The first is to supply something that is short supply. This requires little marketing talent, as the need is obvious. The second is to supply an existing product or service in a new or superior way. The last method often leads to a very new product or service by offering lower price with good quality. To evaluate opportunities companies can use Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA) to determine their attractiveness and profitably of asking questions such as Can we focus the target markets and reach them with cost-effective method and trade markets? Can we deliver the benefits better than any actual or potential competitors? Will the financial rate of return meet or exceed our required threshold for investment? Does our company possess or have access to the critical capabilities and resources we need to deliver the customer benefits? Can we articulate the benefits convincingly to a defined target market? Based on the above Kotlers theory we will be giving out SWOT analysis data. Strengths A wider range of products including fresh and healthy food are available. Tesco express has added around 800 new product lines last year. Stores have increased by over 35% since 2000. Quality of products is sold. All classes of people can afford to buy. It has strong Market Leadership. Strong and good brand image. Weakness Range of stores is limited in Tesco Express and price is not as good as main stores. Inventory turnover is weak. Does not respond queries in time. It mainly concentrates and depends only in UK and Europe. Turnover is poor. Opportunities Planning to open retail environment in Euro zone. Tesco Express has been bought up in density area to satisfy customers requirement with ease. Opportunities in India and other international markets and also they have got private labelling schemes. Threats Intense cut throat competition High interest rates in UK. Labour wages are increasingly at a higher rate. Difficult conditions in International markets. Competitive advantage of the organisation Jack Welch, former CEO of GE says,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? If you dont have competitive advantage, dont competeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. (Jobber 2007:773) In the face of global competition and cut throat competition, there are many competitors are growing day by day and the rule of survival for the fittest comes into picture. Companies are forced to survive by increasing the production and sales at a better rate. With todays technology changing day by day oragnisation has to put the best foot forward to stay and compete. As a result they gain enormous experience to handle different sets of consumers and their buying habits Marketing is all about to generate transactions and to generate relationships. No organisation stands alone in the market without competitors; the company cannot develop its products by developing the product range and its features but also faces the competitive environment of the market. The factors which analyses the changing economic environment in the trading community and reacts accordingly. The competitors also influences various factors such as success or failure of a business in any market conditions, this is why it is important to consider systematically a number of aspects of competitive behaviour. Competitive analysis is a systematic approaching in understanding the key factors of the planning strategy in terms of objectives, resource allocation and implementation through the marketing mix. A good understanding of these factors reveals the organisation to be in a stronger arena in building and sustaining foundations for the firm to hold its position to maintain the reputation in the longer run. Once an organisation finds with whom it is competiting and which category of the competition of the emerging market. When competitors are identified, the probability of forming them into clusters, depending on focus and strategy. The outcome of the identified clusters identifies strong and weak competitors in each group which can be considered as the strategic opportunities defined. These are the number of different characteristic that can be used for identifying strategic segments, which in turn provides a useful framework for evolving opportunities in business environment that leads to an order of implementing organisational behaviour techniques of competitors data that relies on financial performance of the segments served in marketing strategies. The arch rival of Tesco express is Costcutter The arch rival of Tesco express is Costcutter because they are the one who have similar marketing policies to overcome its rival. Tesco Express is spread all over the United Kingdom with in and around 1000 outlets but Costcutter is with 1600 outlets. Comparatively Tesco express and Costcutter got the same logic of attracting their customers to sell best quality with reasonable price . However when we analyse the competitive advantage of Tesco to overcome its fellow competitors with new innovation called Auto billing and paying system but Costcutter lacks with that facilities. opening as wel as closing times varies with Costcutter as it is opened 24 hours open and Tesco express opens from 6am in the morning and closes 10pm in the night. So all we can say is that they are the perfect competitors with having leads and falls with each other in different facts. Tesco express is using different segmentations to make the Tesco express successful among their competitors and their segmentations are geographic, usage and loyalty; On geographic segmentation they categorise their shops according to the market. They mostly were concentrating on the region where they can have the more people who are be the bread and butter consumer that means people who wants to buy one or two products at that specific period of time. Theres a brand familiarity that you dont always get from a local store and the concept is familiar through use of the superstore predecessor. On usage segmentation being an express the range are limited and choice or very little and the price is bit higher than its own Tesco extra. On the loyalty segmentation they have just rock the concept called à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Clubcardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. They have track the customers with the card and it make them to analyse to find the exact need of customer and they serving them according to their needs. Mission Every business has its goals/objectives and works on directions set by the management. No firms can succeed without objectives and tagline of Tesco is, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Every little Helpsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. This tagline has created a realistic statement which is motivating and creates intent in the organisation. The realistic purpose is to provide focus and direction through the conduct of the business. Specific Measurable Accurate Realistic Time bound (SMART). SMART comes into picture once SWOT analysis is completed. Strategy Behaviour standards Tescos Marketing Objectives The main aim is to retain customer satisfaction and maintain number 1 Retail Company in the UK. To maximise sales and profit To provide reasonable price to the consumers. Marketing Environment Marketing environment and its influences. It has been divided into 2 different categories based on 4ps. Micro Environment Macro Environment Micro Environment has been divided into 4 divisions namely Suppliers Distributors Competitors Customers Macro Environment has been divided into 5 divisions namely A) Socio Cultural Environment Factors affecting demographic structure of the population, lifestyles, attitudes, cultures, issues of public and private concerns, tastes and demands. B) Technological Environment Creates new product opportunities and improve production. C) Economic Environment It determines demand and supply chain. D) Political and legal Environment Rules, laws and regulations are operated as per the Government bodies. Ex: Smoking in public places E) Ecological Environment -Factors such as global warming, pollution, recycling, packaging etc. Macro environment with Tescos principles Socio Cultural Environment Brassington and Pettitt has given definition regarding Demographic, where he briefly explains that it is the study of the measurable aspects of population structures and profiles including factors such as age , size, gender, race, occupation and location. Tesco express has widely opened across and also outside UK to satisfy customer needs and preferences. Where in it represents strengths and weakness. There are wide range of products to satisfy all ages and all classes of people. It broadens tastes and demands according to peoples lifestyle and their expectations. If it does not satisfys then customers can lose interest and faith. Technological Environment- When an organisation uses more and more different techniques then flexibility comes into picture. Tesco express operates paperless transactions. It brings out new innovation strategies to market the product as per the existing environment. The recent one which it has introduced new way of billing system call, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ Till à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“, where customers can pick, pack and invoice themselves.. This new system has given new dimensions to the customers to save an extra time. Market research is carried out on a regular basis where an organisation collects information with the respect to the customer focus Economic Environment- In this Economic environment 2 key words which handles the whole market is demand and supply. When there is a demand in the market supply increases automatically, this will have a huge impact in the business environment. They concentrate on the factors affecting economic business and monitor them in order to overcome. Political and legal Environment- Each and every organisation concentrates on the government laws, rules and regulations. Tesco Express follows strict rules and regulations and gives out warning signals to the customers. It also gives smoking free environment. Ex- Smoking is prohibited Ecological Environment- It aims to set up a greenery environment in the form of waste, packaging, recycling, and also cutting carrier bag use. It converts waste into an energy source and reduces the amount of waste going to landfill by over a third and works on waste targets scheme which are reviewed and reported every week. We have taken examples of 2 like packaging and recycling. If we take packaging with the product name called Eggs. Packaging helps to protect and preserve food for longer duration and promotes the product to reach the customers in the best condition. Recycling facilities are available in all our markets except China and Turkey. Tescos future plans are to implement recycling facilities even in respective countries as mentioned to have a global impact in the marketing environment. In UK we have 600 recycling centres of our larger stores. Last year we helped customers to recycle approximately 200,000 tonnes. Market Segmentation The identification of groups of individuals or organisations with similar characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy. (Jobber 2004) Segments can be defined on the basis of Tesco principles. ? Customer Satisfaction- customers can be pleased all the time because all the products are available under one proof so chances of pleasing them will be on higher note. They dont target individuals indeed they target on the whole. Customers have variety of products to choose and satisfy their preferences. Ex- Products are sold to all age groups with reasonable price and with most importantly good quality Methods of Segmentation Geographic It targets customers as per the location, country and also takes into consideration whether it is Rural and Urban. Before it opens any new branches, it undergoes market survey based on the customers potential within the respective location. It also makes sure that for which county products are produced, plans for the available resources so that can be used up to the fuller extent, different sets of people has different taste and preferences according to their lifestyle. Ex China and UK. In China people have different lifestyle as compared to UK. Demographic Once it does sets up the business by creating a layout of the geographic successfully, now the next part is to introduce product based on the marketing analysis which includes people age, sex, race, income, occupation, socio-economic status. It collects complete database and then goes forward. Surveys are conducted at regular intervals with the interest of not losing customers focus and interest. This reduces the negative impact on the organisation. Geo-Demographic Geo- Demographic is nothing but the combination of geographic and demographic. Organisation works on the purchasing behaviours of the people. Once it gathers the available date by doing research in first and second stage and then works as per the prescribed plan. Postcode systems can assist agencies in the new business development, customer profile and identification. Psychographic Tesco divides the market on the basis of life style and personality of the consumers. It targets people of all ages with their requirements. From grocery, eatables to liquor. Types of Target Marketing Need to include on the basis of Tescos target marketing with the inclusion of 4 ps. Undifferentiated and differentiated marketing. Let us talk about the Positioning of Tesco. In earlier days Tesco did not have the brand name but when sales started picking up and demand was on higher side, it did not compromise quality in order to reduce price and it is very convenient to the customers to purchase products as quality of products are available. Once customers got an idea how good Tesco is then Tesco gained its brand name. With the brand name Tesco started to experiment the products with greater profits and then it is managing the customers with great customer loyalty. Philosophy of entire marketing mix hinges with good positioning and failed to do so creates unsound positioning. Positioning Strategies Reasonable price Good quality More and variety of Products Clearance sales Weekend offers and Festive offers Keys to successful positioning are based on competitiveness, successful positioning, creditability and consistency. Repositioning of product Takes place when positioning of products declines. Change in customer tastes and preferences. New competitors enters the market Marketing Mix An Effective marketing mix Tesco compromises on price and does not compromises on quality More demand and more supply. Customers loyalty Refer The Impact, positive and negative of the Tesco Express marketing mix Marketing mix is divided into 7ps but let us concentrate on 4 ps which as follows. Promotion Place Price Product. We will critically discus 4 ps in the following stages. Promotion Promotion is generally referred as awareness created towards the introduction of new product and also the availability of the existing product by means of selling activities and advertising. The main aim of promotion is to spread awareness of the products, uses and benefits. It helps the organisation to position their products in the market to reach customers. The effective tool of promotion of Tesco Express is in the form of television and email adverts, message should be clear and simple so that it can reach the targeted audience by creating a desired response. There are different types of promotions such as advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotions. Promotional strategy- One of the Tescos key strategies in the promotional activity is, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Clubcardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? loyalty scheme where it has been a huge success and in turn their market share has been increased. This change has led them to be a market leader. They were giving best and competitive prices to the market, products like fresh vegetables, fish, chicken , mutton, beef and all sorts of necessary day to day needs which were outsourced from the farmers , fish, mongers , butchers directly. They have opened number of convenience stores in every possible place and therefore have a good appeal to a huge number of customers in the market environment. Therefore had a very huge response when they had introduced the club card plus debit card scheme. They not only target higher classes of people but also different classes of people. Introduction of Tesco finest and also budgeted version called Tesco value which is having very huge impact in all the classes of the people. Now it shows how they promote their market to reach different classes of people. Advertising- It can be defined as any paid form of non-personal promotion transmitted through a mass medium. The sponsor should be clearly identified and the advertisement may relate to an organisation, a product or a service. The key difference, therefore, between advertising and other forms of promotion is that it is impersonal and communicates with large numbers of people through paid media channels. (Ref 1) Each and every organisation will advertise for the products produced, Tesco has always gives ads saying that they sell cheapest product in the whole of UK and it is one of the cheapest selling supermarket, where they claim that the price of the products is at least a penny less than their competiting firm in the advertisement featuring Prunella scales and Jane Horrocks comparing bills between Tesco and other stores. Stringent rules has to be followed when it is giving comparative advertising as per UK governments rule and abides the body for advertising standards, the Committee of Advertising Practice as listed in the rules and regulations act. They also have different advertisement taglines called, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Every little helpsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? We sell for lessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“1 billion pounds offà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“is youre nearest the dearestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Low prices every day because we sell 10000 everydayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. There have been many advertisement campaigns stating that their products are cheaper to their direct competitors. Personal selling and sales force- According to fill (2002, p. 16), personal selling can be defined as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“An interpersonal communication tool which involves face to face activities under taken by individuals, often representing an organisation, in order to inform, persuade or remind an individual or group to take appropriate action, as required by the sponsors representativeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. (Ref 2) Tesco has been occupied in all the field of business with a brooder marketing strategy; as far as personal selling is concerned they do not need, since they vastly deal with day today products. The only personal selling that they follow is online shopping which is not related to this category of marketing. Sales Promotion- According to the institute of sales promotion, sales promotion is: According to the institute of sales promotion, sales promotion is: The store offers a wide range of promotional offers in various times, if they open a store they would give away vouchers having a 2 pound discount on every six pounds spent for every passerby, club card members, computer tokens for schools. Below are the examples of New Year sales promotion. Examples of the New Year promotions offers include: Danepak Maple Cure Back Bacon 220g, was  £3.00, now  £1.50 Extra Large Pineapple, was  £3.00, now  £1.50 Baking Potatoes 2.5kg, was  £1.92, now  £1 Dolmio Original Bolognese Pasta Sauce 750g, was  £2.12, now  £1.06 Princes Tuna Chunks In Brine 4X185g, was  £5.39, now  £2.69 Maryland Choc Chip Hazelnut Cookies 150g, was 86p, now 43p. Kelloggs Special K Oats and Honey 425g, was  £2.87, now  £1.40 New Covent Garden Plum Tomato Sweet Basil Soup 600g, was  £1.97, now 98p Pampers Baby Wipes Sensitive Refill 63, Buy One Get One Free,  £2.29 Gillette Fusion Sensitive Skin Hydra Gel 200ml, Buy One Get One Free,  £3.89 Technika 24 Full HD TV with Free View DVD, was  £279.97, now  £229.97 Acer 4GB, 15.6 Laptop, was  £497, now  £397 Garmin Sat Nav, 215W, was  £149.97, now  £99.97 *The average basket was made up as follows: Products This year Last year Bananas loose 1kg  £0.98 £0.99 Tesco luxury soft toilet tissue white 12 roll  £5.03  £5.04 Becks bier 18x275ml  £10.00  £14.15 Hovis soft white medium 800g  £1.14  £1.24 Tesco 2 salmon fillets 240g  £2.98  £3.23 Gala apples pk class 1  £1.57  £1.58 Nescafe original coffee 200g  £4.44  £4.45 Heinz baked bean in tomato sauce 415g x 4 pack  £2.16  £2.18 Pg Tips pyramid 160 teabags 500g  £3.00  £3.45 Lurpak slightly salted spreadable 500g  £2.00  £2.41 Walkers variety 18pk  £1.70  £3.03 Baking potatoes 2.5kg tray  £1.99  £2.28 Tesco beef mince 900g  £3.50  £3.75 Mccain Homefries 2.25kg  £2.25  £2.52 TOTAL  £42.74  £50.30 (ref 4) Public relations and publicity- Stanley(1982, p. 40) defined PUBLIC RELATIONS as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“A management function that determines the attitudes and opinions of the organisations publics, identifies its policies with the interests of its policies with the interests of its publics, and formulates and executes a programme of action to earn the understanding and goodwill of its publicsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Tesco maintains a good relation with the customers as per the sources, they have responded to query in time and they have attended to every problem faced by the customer, compromising on quality is not possible but most times they compromise on price. Good coordination is maintained even with their suppliers to maintain high standards. It also involves in wide range of charity operations. Ex- Ref 5 We aim to give at least 1% of pre-tax profits to charity and in 2008 our contribution was  £57 million or 1.9% (compared to 1.95% in 2007). Tesco are committed to being a good neighbour and to acting responsibly for our communities on a local, national and international level. These are few examples in how they actively involve in public relations through charity and other operations. The public relations of the company are taken care by the following companies. Public relations (ref 6) Tesco uses a range of Public Relations firms including: Weber Shandwick Worldwide; 72 Point (part of the SWNS Group the UKs biggest independent press agency); CHA, the workplace communications consultancy; Good Relations;142 GGK Public Relations (Poland);143 The Maitland Consultancy. Lawson Lucas Mendelsohn (LLM)144. Marketing communications budget: Pickton and Broderick (2001, p. 67) define integrated marketing communication as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“.a process which involves the management and organisation of all agents in the analysis, planning, implementation and control of all marketing communications contacts, media, messages and promotional tools focused at selected target audiences in such a way as to derive the greatest economy, efficiency, effectiveness, enhancement and coherence of marketing communications effort in achieving predetermined product and corporate marketing communications objectivesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?.(ref 7) (Some more points)/p So we have discussed about promotion and then we will concentrate on place. Place Place means where the organisation is set up and it depends on distribution channels and market research. The main responsibility of the is to reach the product to the customers in the right time and at the right place. Good channel strategy highlights the growth of the company. Tesco express has different distribution channels, like most other retailers they draw the products from their suppliers to their regional warehouses or distribution centres which is then prepared to be delivered to their stores. In an idea to reduce their prices and improve their reliability of the products they have extended their logistics practice by collecting directly in their factories and to their suppliers. They are using 3 types of transport in order to reach the customers early. Ex we have taken road, rail and canal #Road: In response to the fear of over congestion of roads and a huge increase in fuel prices and concern over its carbon foot print Tesco are switching of their supply chains to alternative modes. #Rail: The Eddie Stobart group partnered Tesco in distribution of its products in the year 2006. #Canal: The Tesco started using the Manchester ship canal in 2007 to ship wine from Liverpool to a distribution facility in Manchester. The wine is previously offloaded from the south coast so that it completely avoids the road traffic. Market coverage: Ensuring that the product is made available through appropriateintermediariesso that: (a) the potential customer can access it as easily as possible; and (b) the product is properly displayed, sold and supported within thechannel of distribution. Market coverage might involve intensive distribution, selective distribution or exclusive distribution. (ref8) According to Tesco express they target on a place where it is easily accessible and effective they setup stores or acquire the existing stores in that area they have been successful with that kind of strategy, they do a lot of ground work dating back from the customers and then to the aisle rows, they are frequently replacing the items which are sold out. Specific channel members: In the Tesco the channel members are appointed by the company itself where each one of the member in that board has a specific area to cover where the price negotiation, order approval and all the other necessive is taken care. Each department in the Tesco has its own head where the deciding authority is that person so they do-not have any intermediaries it is all B2B dealings. They outsource it directly from the producers. Warehousing: Warehousing is an important link in the physical distribution chain. It enables goods to be stored and subsequently moved according to customer demand. The type and role of the warehouse will vary according to the demands of the products. (ref9) In this part the Tesco has been playing an completely efficient and an more organised way of warehousing they are frequently being refurbished with the products. There are a number of warehouses situated in the places which are easily accessible for the stores maybe it a superstore, express, extra or a metro. Product- Product means commodity offered for sales and it gives be benefit to customers. We often distinguish between product and services, service mainly on tangible products. It also means physical products which satisfy the customer needs and preferences. While competiting in the market, product should have its own uniqueness in order to create its value. The features which make a product to stand out are: Packaging Services Reimbursement Brand Name Quality Safety Tesco on basis of the above mentioned features: Packaging Services overall gives a good appearance and should not appear vague. Good packing attracts more customers. Their packaging is much concentrated to keep a product fresh, secure and in perfect condition. They also use it to communicate things for cooking instructions and nutritional information. Take care of packaging and recycling together. Wherever possible Tesco express chooses packaging that most councils recycle. Tesco is working on reducing all of their packaging, but currently focusing on key areas where they can make the biggest impact, these includes wines, sauces, preserves and canned foods. In 2005, Tesco were one of the first retailers to sign a voluntary agreement called the Court auld Commitment a government led scheme to reduce packaging waste across the grocery industry (Ref:1) Reimbursement: Each and every marketing organization handles return policies. Tesco return policies are entitled with terms conditions. If a customer has paid by cash and obtain a refund, they would refund them in cash. If a customer has paid by Clubcard voucher then Tesco would refund on their payment card or send a cheque or give an equivalent in Clubcard points. In the event of a refund, all Clubcard points received for the purchase of a refunded item would be removed from the Clubcard account. Brand Name: Tesco plc the brand which was joined in the bandwagon of ace grocery and super market business which is going to turn 100 years in 2019. They have gained their reputation in and around 14 countries with their branding expertise. Among that Tesco express have gained a great expectation among the crowd. This makes the Tesco express to be the wise player in the market.Brand is an important part of a product, which can add value to a product. Nowadays customer tends to choose Intangible Business identifies Tesco, the UKs biggest retailer as the most valuable brand with Sainsburys as second. Quality: Tesco is known for à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“A low priced, goodquality productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Ref: 2) Every product which is supplied to customers follows strict quality specifications, which has been drawn up and agreed based on what the customers tell what they want. This ensures consistency of product and value for money of the customers every time. Quality and life of products are viewed constantly all through the supply chain, from grower to store assistant. Processes such as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Would I Buy It are practiced which empowers anyone involved with the product from harvesting to packing and on the shelf, to reject any products which they themselves feel either has fallen below specification or as a customer they would be dissatisfied with. The range of fundamental produce lines which à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Quality Shopping Basket are tested independently every month, to ensure that they deliver on taste and keeping quality. This is in addition to the 90 dedicated Quality Control Inspectors employed in Tescos distribution depots who inspect all products for quality and 18 Technical Managers who work closely with the suppliers and the growers in strategic management of product quality and supply. Safety: Health and safety measures are mandatory as per the regulations act of UK government and it is carried out in Tesco as well. All different types of safety equipments are installed in the stores to benefit customers and staff members during unforeseen circumsatances. Natures Choice is our unified farm management scheme that ensures fruit, vegetables and salads are produced with high safety and environmental standards. It various from the British Farm Standard in that, it implies equally to the international suppliers and reflecting the number one consideration. Natures Choice scheme brings a host of Benefits: (Ref: 3) Balanced use of plant protection products, fertilizers and manures Prevention of pollution Protection of human health Authoritative use of energy, water and other natural resources; Reuse and recycling of resources Wildlife and landscape conservation. Tesco Express takes proper care and proactive approach of environmental sustainability and believes neglecting the responsibilities may subject to the customers trust. Natures Choice illustrates Tescos commitment of protecting and whenever possible enriches the environment and to raising standards and range of the industry. The customers demand for the fruit and vegetables which are fresh, tasty and excellent value. Not only this, but they expect Tesco to ensure that these fresh products are grown safely and with minimal environmental impact. It matters greatly to Tesco and to the customers where and how the product is grown. Natures Choice seeks to ease customers concerns about environmental issues and provides them with the assurance that Tesco fresh fruit, vegetables and salads are procured only from those who have demonstrated that their production and produce handling systems are environmentally safe, sound and responsible. Price Price means setting the right value for the right product and it not stable for every product in the market. It depends on the market environment, straight forward calculation of input and output determines the marginal cost. Price has never been fixed and it keeps on changing as per the changes in the market. Scope of implementing the product depends on the brand name and value of the product. Competitors play an important role in the pricing strategy. Price is variable and scope of implementing the product into the market depends upon the branding and the value of the product and it may face the role of the other company in the same field and also includes that if piece of a product reduced. It will initiate a repulsive range which will strike the price of a product to a higher level in the same field. Its been a very flexible element of pricing strategies that is to upgrade the pricing of an element that floats around the market and which has direct impact on the revenue and income. The main course of pricing is to create trends to stimulate the influence of setting price of a product that which has an impact of different policies of the market in pricing of the product. Now let us explain what are the terms of pricing Terms of pricing Tesco Express compare prices with its competitors by creating matches between products which are similar in terms of brand and quality. Manufacturer brands like Walkers, Kelloggs, and Coca Cola are compared on an exact match basis. It fixes better price and expects better customers. When comparing own brand products with competitors it also compares them on similar quality ex. Tesco Express compares value with their equivalent products which has value, Standard with their equivalent Standard products and Finest with their equivalent Finest product. It has brought Price Check box which compares the other rate of the product that available in the market through online ,which makes the customers to save their valuable time and money Now let us give a brief analysis of strengths, weakness and changes that we suggest for Tesco express in the long run Environment friendly The major strategy that Tesco introduced in the environmental aspects is to reduce the carbon impact of the food packing and it has signed an agreement with UKs government, to ensure the emission of carbon impact will not arise in the process of packaging the product. Tesco has replaced the glass bottles used for storing wine with that of plastic bottles as it can be recycled. The quality of product can be maintained for longer duration, cost effective with minimal maintenance as plastic bottles can be recycled and reused. Club card Tesco Express has passed its 15th anniversary of the loyalty scheme successfully. The most popular loyalty scheme in UK -Clubcard may be the longest running loyalty scheme with the latest technology. It has launched an iPhone application which converts phone into an electronic Clubcard, people can scan their phone screen without having to search for their card while purchasing as it is added advantage to the end users. The Clubcard iPhone application is the third to be released by Tesco, the first named Tesco Finder is just like GPS which helps customers find their nearest Tesco and shelf location of any product in a given store. The second application named Tesco Wine finder which recognise the labels on bottles of liquors. Customers can also take a photo of a bottle where they can view the product details online. Pricing strategies Marketing managers should not consider the price alone, as he has to consider other factors like product, place and promotion. He has to validate all the possibilities of future factors when fixing the price for the product. Before fixing the price of the product, as it is expresses itself to the customer that low price tag on it, which defines the quality of the products Cost orientated pricing: companies often use various methods in setting up prices, the general method used are full cost pricing direct cost pricing( D. Jobber 2001) ,full cost pricing is assumed as the total number of products to the The customer actually assumed before the product actually sold, that implies the number of the product controls the cost of the product, if the sales gets reduced the company wouldnt gain income. In direct cost pricing the total cost of making the product is included in pricing that which does not depends upon the percentage of sales, that further denotes that when these products price gets reduced the company would run in a loss Competitor-oriented pricing: Competitor oriented pricing method involves in setting price of the product by competitive bidding basis. When the buyer and the supplies mutually agree with the price set for the product Market oriented pricing: Conclusion We have analysed in and out of Tesco Express involving marketing principles. Now we will give management report involving merits, demerits and recommendations. Advantages Tesco Express having many advantages which interns benefits the customer. Even though market environment is changing everyday but the scope of customer satisfaction remains same. Tesco Express outlets presents in all the high streets They are having a good brand name even though price is on higher side people tends to buy Customers can buy products through online and getting deliver on their doorsteps with the specified time Clubcard is the major aspect among their competitors to maintain the loyalty among the customers Quality of the product is maintained as they will not be compromise on the price Cook and serve bakery is creating more attraction among the customers Friendly staff members with pleasing manners which makes the customers to be come again Charge Free cash point facility available Categorisation of products which makes the customer to be more comfortable in choosing their product Disadvantages Price is more dynamic which makes the customer to be confused Priority should be given for the goods with the short time expiry date Brand choice are very limited as customer do not choose Customer complaints are not acknowledge on time It is not user friendly for the people who using for the first time As only FMCG products are available compared to other products, customers cannot use that for longer period of time Limited choice on frozen products Recommendations Adding more automatic till machines will avoid queue Making cost similar to their competitors which attract more customers Adding more choice to the products will make the customer to be repeated Making Tesco express as 24/7 will increase the fame Issuing a add-on Clubcard will make customer more convenient Implementing a mobility for the perishable goods will make the sky high response from the customers
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