Friday, May 31, 2019
a bridge to the 18th century Essay -- Free Essay Writer
Building a Bridge to the Eighteenth Neil Postman identifies himself as a neo-Luddite. What bothers Postman most is the fact that the greatinnovators of this time have no frame of referenceother than their own experience, and that experienceis only that of the 20th century. Advocates of trendssuch as information superhighways and economicglobalization appear to know nobody of history,philosophy and culture they live digitally in thehollow present.Postman assesses different ideas in each chapterChaper One A Bridge to the Eighteenth blowPostman heralds the accomplishments of personalitiesof the 18th Century, including Goethe, Voltaire,Rousseau, Diderot, Kant, Hume, Gibbon, Paine,Jefferson, Franklin, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, andHaydn, among many others. Chapter Two ProgressPostman summarizes, The idea of progress is aproduct of the Enlightenment. The eighteenth centuryinvented it but it also criticized and doubted it andits limitations and pitfalls. Reason, when unaidedand untempered by poetic insight and human feeling,turns ugly and dangerous.Chapter Three TechnologyWhen assessing various technological advancements,Postman encourages the reader to be question, Whatis the problem to which this engineering science is asolution? Whose problem is it? Which people andinstitutions might be most ser...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Cold War Essay -- essays research papers
War is normall(a)y associated with destruction and death to end a conflict or some secern ofdisagreement nevertheless that is not always the case. After World War II the United States and the SovietUnion began a war that would span decades merely there would be no direct battle between the dickensnations. This time is called the Cold war because of its lack of battle between just the twonations. Even though it was never the soviets verse the Americans the Soviets often fought theAmericans. What could have went so horribly wrong that two nations who at one point werefighting on the same side can suddenly disagree so violently that they aid others to fight eachother? The reasons are many and in-depth but it all started at the end of World war II.When the smoke cleared after the last battle of World War II two powers arose. One ademocratic society the other a socialistic society neither wanting one to be better than the other. Central Europe, mainly Germany, was the center of the c ommotion at the end of the war. Thereason that Germany became such a volatile area is because the Soviets controlled one half whilethe Allies controlled the other and neither was willing to succor with the other. As Germanywas being divided most of the other European countries were suffering and in need of aid.The United States gave as much aid as they could but there was no possible way to relieveeveryone. All over south eastern Europe Communist and socialist parties were rising and gainingpower blam...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Deductive Problem of Evil Essays -- Philosophy essays
The Deductive Problem of worthless One of the major philosophical debates concerning graven images introduction involves the fuss of loathsomeness. The problem has two basic reflexions, one is deductive, the other inductive. The deductive form of the problem asks the following Is the existence of evil logically compatible with a necessarily humane and necessarily almighty being? One of the philosophers who discusses the problem is Richard Gale. I will begin this undertake by outlining the deductive problem of evil according to Gale. I will then try to refute the deductive argument and prove that the existence of evil is indeed logically compatible with a benevolent and omnipotent being. A conclusion will then follow. The deductive argument has been around since the time of Epicurus.1 In its simplest form, the problem is stated as follows 1. God is omnipotent 2. God is wholly just 3. bad exists Proponents of the argument believe the set of propositions is logically inco nsistent, i.e. that at to the lowest degree one proposition must be false. This basic formulation is problematic. It presupposes two important things First, that God and evil are logically incompatible and second, that Gods omnipotence is unlimited. It is obvious, then, that some redundant premises are needed if the argument is to succeed. W.L. Mackie was one of the offset philosophers to provide these additional premises.2 He adds the following premises to the set 4. A wholly good (omni-benevolent) being eliminates and prevents every evil he can.3 5. There are no limits to what an omnipotent being can do. With the insertion of these revised principles, Mackie hopes to deduce a contradiction, to wit that evil does not exist (from 1,... ...Ibid. P. 103 8 Some philosophers bugger off referred to this idea as the Condition of Reasonable Epistemic Access (COREA) Works Consulted Christlieb, Terry. Which Theisms Face an evidential Problem of Evil? Faith and Philosophy 9 (January 1 992) 45-64. Griffin, David. Evil Revisited Responses and Reconsiderations. Albany SUNY Press, 1991. - - -. God, Power and Evil A Process Theodicy. Philadelphia Westminster Press, 1976. Plantinga, Alvin. Epistemic Probability and Evil. Archivio di Filosophia 56 (1988). - - -. The probabilistic Argument from Evil. Philosophical Studies 35 (January 1979) 1-53. Reichenbach, Bruce. Natural Evils and Natural Laws A Theodicy for Natural Evils. International Philosophical Quarterly 16 (June, 1976) 179-88. Rowe, William L. Ruminations About Evil, Philosophical Perspectives 5 (1991). The Deductive Problem of Evil Essays -- Philosophy essaysThe Deductive Problem of Evil One of the major philosophical debates concerning Gods existence involves the problem of evil. The problem has two basic formulations, one is deductive, the other inductive. The deductive form of the problem asks the following Is the existence of evil logically compatible with a necessarily benevolent and nece ssarily omnipotent being? One of the philosophers who discusses the problem is Richard Gale. I will begin this essay by outlining the deductive problem of evil according to Gale. I will then try to refute the deductive argument and prove that the existence of evil is indeed logically compatible with a benevolent and omnipotent being. A conclusion will then follow. The deductive argument has been around since the time of Epicurus.1 In its simplest form, the problem is stated as follows 1. God is omnipotent 2. God is wholly good 3. Evil exists Proponents of the argument believe the set of propositions is logically inconsistent, i.e. that at least one proposition must be false. This basic formulation is problematic. It presupposes two important things First, that God and evil are logically incompatible and second, that Gods omnipotence is unlimited. It is obvious, then, that some additional premises are needed if the argument is to succeed. W.L. Mackie was one of the first philosoph ers to provide these additional premises.2 He adds the following premises to the set 4. A wholly good (omni-benevolent) being eliminates and prevents every evil he can.3 5. There are no limits to what an omnipotent being can do. With the insertion of these revised principles, Mackie hopes to deduce a contradiction, namely that evil does not exist (from 1,... ...Ibid. P. 103 8 Some philosophers have referred to this idea as the Condition of Reasonable Epistemic Access (COREA) Works Consulted Christlieb, Terry. Which Theisms Face an Evidential Problem of Evil? Faith and Philosophy 9 (January 1992) 45-64. Griffin, David. Evil Revisited Responses and Reconsiderations. Albany SUNY Press, 1991. - - -. God, Power and Evil A Process Theodicy. Philadelphia Westminster Press, 1976. Plantinga, Alvin. Epistemic Probability and Evil. Archivio di Filosophia 56 (1988). - - -. The Probabilistic Argument from Evil. Philosophical Studies 35 (January 1979) 1-53. Reichenbach, Bruce. Natural Evils and Natural Laws A Theodicy for Natural Evils. International Philosophical Quarterly 16 (June, 1976) 179-88. Rowe, William L. Ruminations About Evil, Philosophical Perspectives 5 (1991).
Capital Punishment: Not Cruel and Not Unusual Essay -- Pro Death Penal
Capital punishment and the practice of the death punishment is an issue that is passionately debated in the United States. Opponents of the death punishment claim that capital punishment is unnecessary since a life sentence accomplishes the same objective. What death penalty opponents neglect to tell you is that convicted murders and child rapists escape from prison every year(List of prison escapes, 2015). As I write this essay, police are searching for two convicted murders who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in New York on June 6th, 2015. The ONLY punishment from which one cannot escape is capital punishment. As the world is changing, so are peoples views on the death penalty. Some guess that it does not follow the 8th amendment and that Americans should abolish it. Even though, a number of people do not wish to have the death penalty, in realness it has been around for centuries all over the world. In fact, the only thing that has changed about it is the crimes deemed punishable by death and the methods used to kill those found guilty (Wolf 21). Although, in that respect are some flaws with the way the justice system administers the death penalty, it is a necessary punishment used to stop the worst possible criminals.The death penalty has a lot of history to it. Over the years, a variation of methods of been used in different countries. Some methods that have been used and some that are heretofore used today be-headings, hangings, gassing, electrocution, lynching, shootings, and lethal injections. As the years passed, the process of executing criminals change due to what people thought was cruel. In this time, lethal injection is the close to common technique used in the United States with a select few states stil... ...-1.htm.Death Penalty Curricula for High School, . Michigan State University Comm Tech science lab and Death Penalty Information Center.. N.p., 2014. Web. 8 May 2015. .Fisani ck, Nick. The Ethics of Capital Punishment. New York Green Haven Press, 2005. Print.http// N.p., 2011. Web. 6 May 2015..List of prison escapes Wikipedia 2015. Web. 8 June 2015. https//, Mary. Is the Death Penalty Fair?. San Diego Green Haven Press, 2003. Print.Wolf, Robert. Capital Punishment. Philadelphia Chelsea House Publishers, 1997. Print.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Jackie Robinson Essay -- essays research papers
The Great One&8220 He struck a mighty blow for equality, freedom and the American way of life. Jackie Robinson was a good citizen, a great man, and the true American champion. Ronald Reagon. I don&8217t know if anyone could have summarized his life better. Jackie was a great influence to the American public. To over came renewal and succeed is a great accomplishment. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia, January 31 1919. He went to college at the University of UCLA. Where he was a star in four sports basketball, baseball, football, and track. He is the notwithstanding bruin to letter in four sports. After college he went to pursue a career in the Army. He soon became a lieutenant. He was stage on honorable d...
Jackie Robinson Essay -- essays research papers
The Great One&8220 He struck a mighty blow for equality, freedom and the American way of life. Jackie Robinson was a good citizen, a great man, and the true American champion. Ronald Reagon. I don&8217t know if anyone could have summarized his life better. Jackie was a great influence to the American public. To over came renewal and succeed is a great accomplishment. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia, January 31 1919. He went to college at the University of UCLA. Where he was a star in four sports basketball, baseball, football, and track. He is the single bruin to letter in four sports. After college he went to pursue a career in the Army. He soon became a lieutenant. He was charge on honorable d...
Monday, May 27, 2019
American Indian Education Essay
In this bind the author argues that the American government should provide the Indian society the opportunity to create their own institution, for further education. He believes the American culture is being forced upon Indian society through education. Arthur C Parker believes in further education, as he himself is a no alumna from Dickinson Seminary. In his experience, Indian Students are being taught to assimilate to common American culture, while disregarding there own family tree.He states that by placing an Indian University, students would be granted the opportunity to further there education, as well as, the opportunity to emb washout there own culture. Based upon Indian culture, Indians will be fitted to expand there education at a superior level, while never being forced to be similar to the white race. The American Indian wouldnt be no less than an American, now be treated any differently, but he believed that the Indian had the opportunity to be granted the homogeneou s education.Furthermore, he feels like no other Indian should be left out of the proper education they deserve. In conclusion, Arthur C. Parker strongly stands up for his believes, and does bend his bearing in shame, he is proud to be and Indian. Considering the time frame, 1913, where America is a developing nation of many cultures, the brining of a single race institution would feat a big controversy.America is known as the Melting Pot, where there is a variety of different cultures. To one, this article will seem to be talking back to American society. Parker has a strong believe and feels like this will improve the Indians education. I believe that he is so passionate for the American Indian University because he did not have the opportunity to complete his education, probably because he didnt feel comfortable in his learning environment.In my perspective, this article is important, but nothing extraordinary from modern days, this issue continues with other races. The opportun ity to have a single race intuition wouldve meant that every single race would have that same right, one has to be accustomed to what America is, as of today, a mixture of many cultures and beliefs. In my opinion, any student who believes, and want a higher education, will do so in any environment they are in.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Banksy’s Artwork in Detroit Essay
Banksy arrived in Detroit SLIDE and created 4 divisions on various w in alls SLIDE , in various locations around the increasingly troubled city SLIDE. It is burning(prenominal) to none from the beginning, that not iodine of the compositions Banksy SLIDE created during his time in Detroit survives today. While a small sliver of one of the pieces this one in f scrap is physically in tact, what remains is a fundamentally incomplete and undoubtedly impoverished version of the sound itself.The surviving portion is incomplete and impoverished because it is scarcely a sliver of the broader try out into which it was situationd. Once again, all of the pieces Banksy put up in Detroit have either been destroyed by the owners of the walls upon which they were created not knowing the significance of the work by individuals looking to profit from the sales agreement of the work, or, in the case of this image, preserved, significantly alter, or destroyed depending on ones perspecti ve by individuals in the community check up onking to save them from their needed destruction.It is equally important to recognize that they surely (and undoubtedly) would have been destroyed in one way or another. Street wile is one of the only if not the only plastic guiles that embraces its own eventual demise. It is, in other words, and its practitioners atomic number 18 eminently aware of this, essentially ephemeral. As this SLIDE GO SLOW HERE sequence of images SLIDE by a Street Artist known as Mobstr indicates.SLIDE The inherent ephemerality SLIDE of these kit and caboodle of art is the result SLIDE of a relatively unique set of contextual circumstances SLIDE and social relationships of power within which most passage operatives ply their trade. SLIDE Just now, I referred to these pieces as works of art and I believe that thats how they should be regarded. Not as vandalism, not as a crime, not as a nuisance, or blight stock-still all of these descriptors are a ccurate, once again, depending on ones perspective.There is no other contemporary art movement that works at the same(p) scope SLIDE and grandeur as course artists do. They consider walls that sometimes stretch horizontally SLIDE for entire city blocks as a canvass of massive proportion. They see the blank concrete of a high rise and think of it not as private property, or the structure of someones home or business, but as a concrete canvas. The sheer size, complexity, SLIDE and detail involved in some of street arts most notable exemplars qualifies it as an artform par excellence.However, in the eyes of the law, the majority of property owners, or in the by laws of municipal city councils, this is, for the most part, not the case. Once again, and for the most part, in the eyes of the law SLIDE, street art is vandalism and property damage that upsets the stability of city lifetime and the sensibility of city dwellers, making them fear for their preventative on the streets of th eir city. From this perspective, street art needs to be eradicated, erased, and/or buffed out, as the terminology of the street calls it, as soon as possible.Removing graffiti and street art is akin to fixing the broken windows that, if left unrepaired, as the infamous story told by Wilson and Kelling goes, will lead to further crime, disregard for private property, the apparent rubber eraser of others, and an overall degeneration of the city as a space reserved almost exclusively, according to David Harvey, for commerce and private property offices. Succinctly, then, the life expectancy of a piece of street art SLIDE is very short.It is not only over-zealous municipal councils and their legions of constables that go around buffing out the work of street artists, however. There are at least four other factors that make the work of street artists inherently ephemeral. In addition to municipal officers buffing out pieces, the second factor limiting the life expectancy of street art, are property owners themselves SLIDE. When a piece of private property get goings tagged without the permission of the property owner, the inclination of the property owner is to get to rid of what they consider to be vandalism as soon as possible.This is especially the case when the owner isnt aware of the value of certain pieces. This one SLIDE, done by Banksy in Melbourne, Australia, was apparently destroyed when, someones father was house sitting and he thought he would do his son-in-law a favour by getting rid of it. However, and generally speaking, the commercial value of street art by the vast majority of street artists, save a very select few, is close to nil. If youre a street artist and youre not Banksy, you breaking proverbial windows all the time.Property owners, then, seeking to maintain the aesthetic integrity of their property, are the second cause of street arts limited life expectancy. The third cause is other street artists themselves. always since the appearanc e of graffiti on the subways and walls of New York City SLIDE and Philadelphia in the late 70s and early 80s, graffiti and street art have been caught up in a clandestine contest that revolves around territoriality,prestige, ego, and fame, based on the courage and capacity to get ones tag up in the most life-threatening and visible locations possible. Looked at from these five different perspectives, street art is one of the few plastic arts that is planned, designed, and created in well(p) knowledge that the end product will, in one way or another, disappear or be destroyed over time and in some instances, very short periods of time.This inherent ephemerality is, of course, where the digital camera and the Internet become incredibly important implements in the street artists quiver. As much as these artists are reliant on the physical qualities of cinder block, concrete, wood, and steel, to exercise their creative vision, they are equally reliant on the immaterial, virtual, and distributed hardware and software characteristic of the Web 2. 0 era, to document that which in all likelihood, and in the very near future, will disappear for one of the five reasons listed above.Taking into account the ephemeral transience of street art from the perspective of the artists themselves, these same artists can, then, as much as they are regarded as street artists, also be regarded as digital artists, digital photographers, albeit digital artists and photographers that go to commodious lengths, and put themselves at great risk, in the preparation of their compositions.This point is important enough to recognize, but to stop here would be to solidus short a more in depth examination of the practice of creating street art and the absolute importance of the concrete yet whole short-lived and stochastic qualities of the urban canvas to the art form. As I hope to demonstrate, the vagaries of the urban fabric serve only to reinforce the point just do regarding the impo rtance of the digital camera and the Internet.AWKWARD The very particular qualities of the surfaces upon which this kind of art is produced the individual qualities of very particular walls and the either serendipitous or pre-planned internalisation of trash, foliage, or other elements of the natural (or manufactured world) into the pieces themselves very much unlike the blank stretched canvas upon which other forms of art are produced play an incredibly important role in the creation of street art.Reciprocally, and at the same time, they also underscore the importance of the digital camera, the digital photograph, and the Internet to the preservation and dissemination of the works themselves. I think this can best be explained by reference to the photographs themselves. If we look at this piece by Banksy for instance, SLIDE created in the run up to the capital of the United Kingdom Olympics in 2012 and around the same time as his Slave Labour piece, we see a pole-vaulter fal ling backwards, not quite making it over the bristly wire fence and onto the discarded mattress below.For the time being, Im less interested in a semiotic reading of the piece than I am in paying attention to the actual physical things that play a part in the construction of this semiotic meaning. The mattress and the fence are absolutely inbuilt elements of the piece. They are as important to the work as the pole and the pole-vaulter. If absent, for whatever reason, the piece itself wouldnt be the same piece.Or, rather, it would be an entirely different piece, with an entirely different meaning. For instance, after this photograph was taken, there is a good chance that the mattress might have been discarded, the fence taken down in order to ready the requisite Plexiglas. The point being, that the artist has obviously deemed these elements of the urban fabric to be elemental to the overall work itself. If removed or altered in both way, as they surely will be, the work is no lon ger that of the artist.Much like deleting scenes from Hamlet would fundamentally alter the play as Shakespeare intended it, removing the mattress alters the piece as Banksy intended it. If the mattress goes missing, is moved, or shifted, the artistic creation, as the artist envisioned and created it, is no longer. This example SLIDE too, indicates how important the actual elements of the urban fabric are to the piece. They are in an elaborate way woven into the artwork itself. This is becoming ever more important and prominent in Banksys work andif I can speculate for a moment, I think this has everything to do with his politics I presume hes a he at least it has everything to do with his politics, the market value of his work, and the appetency of property owners to remove it and auction if off, or of municipal councils to put it behind Plexiglas. So what would happen if this wall was cut out and moved to a gallery, into a private salon, or placed behind Plexiglas? Or what if we simply come back in Winter? Well, of course, the flowers that this boy is vomiting would die.They would either be uprooted and killed, squashed behind the Perspex and killed, or in time, and as a result of the elements, die of natural causes. This is, of course, in addition to, and on top of, the fact that the piece itself has a very limited shelf life for the five reasons described above. As mentioned previously, once the work of street art is finished, the artist responsible for its exertion inclines his/her back on it, in effect abandoning the work, leaving it to live or die as the street sees fit. Before doing so, however, and for the most partThe work, as the artist intended it (and as he/she created it), is documented with a photograph. This practice too has its historical lineage. SLIDE These are slides taken by Martha Cooper, a photographer, along with Harry Chalfant, responsible for archiving the early history of graffiti on the streets of this fair city we all find o urselves in today. Without the photographs of Cooper and Chalfant, not to mention the artists themselves, this important stage in the history of arguably one of the most important artistic movements of the past century would have never been preserved for us to see today.The photographic picture of these inherently ephemeral works, then, preserves them and at least some of the context within which they existed at the time of their creation. In a manner of speaking, then, not only does the digital photograph enable the preservation and dissemination of the artwork in a state that the artist obviously approved of, but the physical act of taking the digital photograph is the final brush stroke that signifies the piece is finished and the artist is done with his/her work.The moment at which he/she can turn around and walk away. Much like an oil painter who, when the canvas is completed to his/her satisfaction puts his/her name to the piece SLIDE, the digital photograph serves as the str eet artists sig genius of sorts. SLIDEIt signifies that the work is as the artist intended it and that, in the state it was when the photograph was taken, is complete. So, again, similar to the signature in the top right corner of the Picasso, the signature is a sign that signifies the painting is complete.The digital photograph plays much the same role. Once again, it functions in much the same way as the artists signature in that it denotes that the artist is happy with the result and the scene looks as it should. One of the more provocative questions that this pushes to the fore of our investigation, is, then, what if the piece is altered or removed from the context in which it was created for any reason whatsoever? SLIDE.Extracted from the broader landscape that plays such a pivotal role in its interpretation and meaning. Does it pertain to be a Banksy for instance? And I think theres a very good argument that it does not. Doesnt the digital photograph of the work in the place where the artist created it and inclusive of the elements so pivotal to its meaning more accurately represent the artwork than the salvaged (or preserved) work SLIDE when its placed in the white cube of a gallery? And I think the answer is, yes, yes it does.If this is the case, then, the photograph serves not only as the signature of the artist, but because of the ephemeral nature of the work and the resolute importance of the surroundings to its meaning also as a work of art itself albeit one that reciprocally depends on dust paint to be completed. As mentioned earlier, in these instances, the street artist can be equally considered a digital artist, albeit a digital artist that goes to great lengths and puts him/herself at great personal risk in the preparation of their compositions.This piece SLIDE was placed inside the perimeter of the dilapidated and abandoned confines of a Packard conference plant a 3-and-a-half million square foot ruin SLIDE on the south east side of me tro Detroit. To be honest, and in my opinion, the piece itself isnt one of Banksys best SLIDE. It is, however, notable because it makes specific and pointed reference to the very particular and exact location in which it was created. It is, much like a dowery of his more recent work, heavily context dependent. I remember when all this was trees. And it is this this SLIDE that I think distinguishes this piece. At the end of the process of filling in the stencil, and committal to writing the phrase, Banksy metaphorically signs the piece by taking a photograph of it. And he takes the photograph of the piece as he valued it to look knowing full well that it will probably disappear in the near term. The stencil itself is frame left, SLIDE with the ruins occupying frame right, inviting the viewer of the photograph to complete the story the boy is express by following the implicit directions offered in the word bubble.This is how Banksy wanted us to see the piece. This is where he wan ted the piece to be. This is the location and the perspective from which he wanted it interpreted. The location and the broader context in which it is placed is, in fact, as important (or more so) than the image of the boy himself. This photograph, then, is a more accurate representation of the artwork in the way the artist created it than the actual piece that is now housed in a Gallery in South West Detroit. The only thing that tag the place of the original in January of 2012 at least SLIDE this too has probablychanged is an odd tangle of colourful fabric whose origins and purpose are impossible to depone other than the fact that they are placed at the exact location where the piece was once located. Completely extracted SLIDE from the context that constitutes an incredibly important part of the canvas itself, the meaning of the piece as the artist intended it, no longer makes sense. Or perhaps, and rather, it still makes sense, but the sense that is now being made is not tha t intended by its creator, but, rather, by those persons who saved it from its eventual destructionor by somewhat obsessed academics like myself. Therefore, by moving the piece and extracting it from the place that is part and parcel of itself that plays such an important role in the work those individuals that preserved it, or saved a relatively small portion of the piece, did so by means of destroying the larger piece which might include the 3. 5 million square feet that constitute the abandoned factorys footprint. In the absence of these 3.5 million square feet, we no longer have a piece of street art by Banksy, but a roughly 7 x 7 corner of a piece that forms part of a much larger work of art. The fact that the photograph is also a worthless representation of these 3-and-a-half million square feet is something Im still thinking through To conclude,s however, and completely omitting from consideration any conversation regarding the ephemeral nature of street art in relation t o Benjamins notion of the aura as it relates to works of art that no longer in exist, something Im going to take up in my bookas a result of the ephemeral nature of street art and the fact that the urban canvas is part and parcel of the artwork itself I would like to conclude by reiterating that as much as street artists can be thought of as artists that work within (and with ) the very concrete confines and materials of the urban fabric, they can also, and perhaps better, be thought of as digital artists that go to great lengths in the preparation of their compositions. Thank you so much for your time and attention today. Youve no idea how much I appreciate them both.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Public relation in education sector
Public relations (PR) is the way organisations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media. A PR specialist communicates with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with an aim to create and maintain a positive image and create a strong relationship with the audience. Examples include press releases, newsletters, public appearances, etc. as well as utilisation of the world wide web. In 2011/12, PRSA led an supranational effort to modernize the definition of public elations and replace a definition adopted in 1982 by the PRSA National Assembly.Learn more here. Under the Public trans put to death Defined banner, PRSA initiated a crowdsourcing campaign and public vote that produced the following definition Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually right relationships between organizations and their publics. As a management function, public relations also encompasses the following Anticipating, analyzing and inte rpreting public opinion, attitudes and issues that might impact, for good or ill, the perations and plans of the organization.Counseling management at all levels in the organization with regard to policy decisions, courses of action and communication, taking into account their public ramifications and the organizations social or citizenship responsibilities. Researching, conducting and evaluating, on a continuing basis, programs of action and communication to achieve the informed public understanding necessary to the success of an organizations aims. These may include marketing financial fund aising employee, community or regime relations and other programs Planning and implementing the organizations efforts to influence or change public policy.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Importance of Individual’s Frame of Mind
messs activities are divided into physical behaviors and mental behaviors. With their hands, they rotter do everything they want to do. However, with bring out the have got of mentality, these physical behaviors are meaningless. Peoples happiness derives from their bear in take heed. When they are willing to do something, even it is insignifi back tootht, they can in any case be cheerful. Compared to the transient thought, to act upon everlasting indite of read/write head is substantive for pots flavor. However, polar frames of mind bring muckle into different situations.In On Habit, Alain de Botton uses the example of De Maistre who experiences room-travel to recommend a frame of mind c tot all toldyed travelling mindset, which is to observe any common events with traveling view. Compared to habituated view, an invariable attitude to treat daily feeling, traveling mindset brings more changes and creative imaginations in dense physical environment. Through forming a ctive lifestyle, throng can share pleasurable and meaningful life. However, some frames of mind have negative influence in volumes happiness. As in Bumping into Mr. Ravioli, Adam Gopnik get under ones skins that his girl has an imaginary playmate called Ravioli. Then he nonices the general frame of mind of tribe in hot York through Ravioli and the conversation with his sister, a psychologist. Ravioli, the same as New Yorkers, always lives in a busy status. Even though tidy sum have spare time out of work, the atmosphere in New York makes them form a frame of mind that they need to be busy all the time. Due to this busyness, people in New York spend most time in their own space, which leads to a crisis in peoples relationship.In general, the existence of individuals frame of mind, as a result of peoples psychological demands and the pressure of life, creates appropriate methods to adapt for challenges and make happiness. Since people have unique and meaningful experience, th ey can cultivate their individual frame of mind through their expectation of life. Like a lifestyle, once the frame of mind has been formed, it is hard to change. However, people need to keep on improving their frames of mind to seek for a sense of well-being in life.The reason which people cannot be happy is that they do not find a rational frame of mind to treat their life. As de Botton mentions, the sole cause of mans unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room (qtd. in de Botton 60). Treating the same thing with different frames of mind can lead to different results. Observing the common furniture and structure in the room, people with habituated mindset can feel weary about their room since they face the same objects all day. Then, habituated mindset becomes a kind of negative frame of mind and makes people upset.However, De Maistre decides to lock his door and make a room-travel. He reobserves details of furniture and makes imaginations. For example, when he walks by the bed, he can recollect the night he spends in it. He changes his mind to observe familiar room and get cheerful with traveling mindset. Opposite to habituated mindset, traveling mindset, as a confident(p) frame of mind, corresponds with peoples demand in their boring life. In addition, people can also form a specific frame of mind because of their surrounding.As the situation faced by the daughter of Gopnik, it seems obvious that Ravioli is a romantic move into of the big exotic life that goes on outside her little limited life of park and playgroundslike imitation of the words she hears her mother use when she talks about her day with her friends(Gopnik 154). She feels tired of her biography environment. Then, she needs a method to express her expectation outside her limited space. To satisfy her aspiration, she imagines a friend who she can talk with like the relationship between her mother and her mothers friends.She wants to be independent. However, she i s too young to contact with the society. Therefore, this frame of mind becomes imaginary form and her mind relies on the existence of the imaginary friend. With different environment, people have their own frames of mind. These frames of mind can be positive and negative, but it is the way to conceive and live. Once the frame of mind makes people enjoyable and reflects the hope of future, it can have beneficial influence on peoples life.Different frames of mind lead to different perceiving about same thing, so peoples sense of well-being is influenced by their frames of mind. For a piece of leaf, some people can feel regret because it falls from the tree and loses its life. However, others can be delightful when they see the fallen leaves, because they become nutriment absorbed by the soil to support the growth of new life. It is the same in On habit, De Maistre spends time on enjoy the beauty of the sky at night. However, for the same sky, most people neglect its fantasy.As de Bot ton explains, the reason they do not looking is that they have never done so before. They fall into the habit of considering their universe to be boring(62). De Maistre has different view about the life and the world, so his frame of mind brings happiness and pleasure to him. The same sky, considered to be boring by others, is redefined by his creative mind. He can be stirred by the broadness and the power of the universe. This kind of frame of mind makes him joyful rather than boring.Therefore, the sense of well-being derives from peoples attitude toward their life. Keeping positive way of thinking is an approach to get happiness. Apart from this, peoples living environment can be a factor to influence the sentience in peoples mind. Cars and televisions are inventions to bring people convenience. They can watch news about the world on television and travel for a long distance by cable cars. They are signs of modernization. However, considered through another part, these invent ions are detrimental to the relationship between people.As Gopnik describes, the car and the television pulled people apart-taking them out to the suburbs and sitting them in front of a solo spectacle(158). On the one hand, the speed of the car is fast, so people can ignore their friends who come by. On the other hand, drivers have to pay attention to the roadway then, they have no time to care about whether there is a friend around them. The car always takes people away. Due to its limited space, it restricts people to contact with others. Since Gopnik lives in New York, the crowed traffic can be one reason for her to resist the car.In busy lifestyle, it is necessary to create some chance to stay with friends. Busyness affects New Yorkers frames of mind. Compared to drive cars, walking is more suitable for New Yorks environment. Similarly, when people watch television, they do not want to chat with others. Moreover, once they get knowledge and information from television, they do n ot need to learn from others. In this situation, the topic between people can be less and the relationship slowly drifts apart. The busy atmosphere changes peoples frames of mind in New York.Therefore, individuals frame of mind can be affected by many factors such as peoples attitudes towards life and their living environment. It can influence peoples lifestyle because it origins from peoples experience and expectations. The positive frame of mind can create happiness for people through changing their ways of perceiving things Individuals frame of mind is a sign in life and a reflection of spirit to champion people find their own way to achieve happiness. A beneficial frame of mind represents a ifestyle and a myth which can be followed by others, so people with the same frame of mind can be a group. In addition, people have impetus to try to imitate this mind when they notice that it can make their life better. As de Botton behaves, I force myself to obey a peculiar kind of mental command to look around me as though I have never been in this place before(63). He finds that traveling mindset can make life different and interesting, so he wants to form this frame of mind. At the same time, his behavior bears fruit.He can see a restaurant becomes filled with dinner rather than shapes. By setting traveling mindset as a habit, he forms another view of the world and life in his spirit. He dose not feel the life boring any more, and this frame of mind in his spirit can remind him that he needs to treat his normal life creative and imaginative. Therefore, it is the power of individuals frame of mind. Additionally, once a kind of frame of mind is identified generally, it can be more influential. As Gopnik highlights, busyness is our art form, our civic ritual, our way of being us(160).In New York, busyness can be considered as a sign of a country. People all indentify that busyness is the expression of their frames of mind. They live in busy life and contact with busy friends and colleagues. No matter whether they are truly enjoyable in this busy situation, they are used to it and become one part of it. Under the pressure of the society, people need to keep a appropriate frame of mind to deal with the challenges and create happiness. People can experience many kinds of frames of mind in their life. However, only some of them are beneficial for people to find happiness.Indeed, life is a process of seeking for felicity. Like de Botton, he hates his living environment when he returns to homeland from traveling. Therefore, he tries to think with traveling mindset, so that he can be happier than before. The same as Gopnik, he finds the essence of the culture in New York, so he can understand about his daughters imaginary friend and have an insight into the busyness in his life. Attempting to find suitable frames of mind in order to face trouble rationally, people can finally realize that happiness is around themselves.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Biology Questions Essay
Q Summarize the steps of the scientific method. get word an experiment of your choice, which demonstrates the basic considerations that must be taken in the design of a good, manipulative experiment. Now that you know some details of how scientists solve problems, how might you apply that knowledge to your daily animation?A The scientific method is one of the most if not the most important method that scientists use to learn round the earth. The goal is to apply the scientific method to determine a cause and effect relationship. The scientific method is made up of five detailed steps, these steps argonI. polish dark an ceremonyA scientist sees something that he cannot explain, but is very interested and would like to explain the phenomenon.II. Ask QuestionsAfter the observation is seen, the scientist comes up with a group of questions such as who, what, where, why, and how. These questions significantly help the scientist narrow down the effects of the phenomenon.III. Develop a HypothesisA hypothesis is a proposition set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts. This hypothesis must have the ability to be either true, or false.IV. Make PredictionsIf the hypothesis is correct, scientists will make a prophecy on how they think the experiment will end. This helps them have a starting point if the hypothesis is correct.V. test the PredictionsExperimental tests may lead to the confirmation of the prediction, or to the corruption of a prediction. If the hypothesis is not correct, the scientific method requires that the hypothesis must be modified. The prediction must agree with the experiment to believe that it is a valid description of nature.A great experiment that demonstrates the basic considerations that must be taken in the design of a good, manipulative experiment is Galileos l eaning tower of Pisa experiment. Galileo had two balls of different masses, one heavy, and one light, and dropped them at the same time off of the leaning tower of Pisa. Galileo used the scientific method to make and prediction that their time of descent was independent of their mass. He found out that the objects fell at the same acceleration, proving hid hypothesis to be true, and also proving Aristotles theory of gravity to be false.I will apply the scientific method to my daily animateness in many ways. When I see an interesting observation that I do not know of, I will now create a mini hypothesis that applies to the observation. I will thus ask some questions as in what is it? Or how does it do that? Etc. I will then either research the task at hand, or create my own demonstration on the phenomenon. If my hypothesis does not agree with the conclusion, I will re apply a new hypothesis and begin again. I enjoy learning new information and think this will be very amusing.Q Desc ribe the difference between anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism. Tell which of these positions your views of the environment most closely approximate. Why?A Anthropocentrism is the tendency that human beings regarding themselves as the most significant entities in the universe. While Biocentrism is an ethical point of view that extends value to non-human species. Ecocentrism is used to regard a nature-centered system of values, as opposed to human and non-human centered.The position that I hold in approximate to my view would be the Ecocentrism system of values. The reason I chose Ecocentrism is because in my opinion, a nature-centered sustem of values is very safe and rewarding. Too many people are human-centered and only care about themselves in this world. The Anthropocentrism people are destroying our environment on this planet by not caring about preserving this earth. If we are all nature-centered and do our best everyday to help preserve this earth, we can all cha nge the world together and keep the air clean, the constitute picked up, and the streets worry free for our future generation.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Critical Views of Beowulf
Beowulf Critical views One of the oldest and most important remains of the Anglo-Saxon literature is the epic poem of Beowulf. Its age is unknown but it comes from somewhere between the 7th and the 10th centuries. It is like a piece of ancient armour rusty and battered, and yet strong. The style of the epic poem is likewise simple- perhaps unmatchable should say, austere. Beowulf is indeed the most successful Old English poem beca riding habit in it the elements, language, metre, theme, structure, are all most nearly in harmony.The author seems mainly band upon telling us how his Sea-Goth slew Grendel and the Fire-drake. The poem opens with an account of forefathers of Hrothgar the Scylding, nance of Danes. He is the builder of Heorot, the hall where Beowulf contends with Grendel. The poem begins with the burial of Scyld, from whom the dynasty of Scyldings take its name. In ancient days, so ran the legend, scyld when he was churl, was drifted in an open boat to the shores of Dan es.When coming thus out of the secret of the Sea the bark touched the land, the folk found the naked child lying asleep in the midst of arms and gems and golden treasure, took him up and hailed him king. As he came alone and mysteriously out of the sea, so he passes extraneous alone and mysteriously into the sea, and the introduction of the poem describes his burial. With as many treasures he brought, with so many they send him away when he died. And as the poem begins with this burial, so it ends with the burial of Beowulf.His burial is nothing mythic, nothing mystic surrounding it. Beowulf, dead after his fight with the dragon, and his gray hair lying around his hair, is borne to the top of the nifty cliff that overlooks the sea. The cliff has its own name, Whales Ness. The epic is divided into three chief sequences. Yet these three episodes are surface wrought and well diversified. They are not repetitions, exactly there is a change of wrestling with Grendel in the night at He orot and the descent underwater to encounter Grendels father while the sentiment of the Dragon is different again.But the great beauty, the real value, of Beowulf is in its dignity of style. The word Grendel, as Lawrence points out, can be associated with the Old English grund, i. e. ground, bottom, or watery depths that we find the lurking-place of Grendel and his mother. SIMILARITY WITH OTHER WORKS Frederick Panzer in 1910 published the results of a careful study of over 200 folk-tales which have elements of resemblance to the Grendel story. These tales with all their variations of outline have enough in common. One of these is the tale of The Bears Son.From the varying versions of The Bears Son, something like a substitution frame, or outline, can be reconstructed. An aged king builds a hall or house which is nightly haunted by a demon. The elder sons of the king are unable to overcome the invader, but the youngest son, formerly held in little esteem, wrestles with the monster and wounds him. The fight of the demon is marked by a trail of blood. An episode follows in which the hero fights in an underground lair of monsters often against a male and a female.His victory over them, sometimes by a use of a magic sword, frees captive maidens who return to the upper world. But the hero is abandoned by faithless companions, and must without aid contrive means of hightail it from the monsters home. The tale often ends with the punishment of the traitors, and the marriage of the hero with one of the rescued maidens. Similarities in this outline to the Grendel episodes of the Beowulf are, of course, general rather than precise. But it seems egest that Panzer is correct in claiming that a relationship exists.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Modernism, Postmodernism
The youth finishing of the 1960s represents the threshold amongst contemporaneity and what, in nigh circles, passes for postmodernism. On the one hand, it is clearly an extension and reinvention of the historical avant-garde, and, on the other, it signals the increasing obsolescence of the (modernist) divide between elite and cumulation culture, between the artisanal and the mechanically reproduced.Reacting against the universalizing tendencies of high modernism (from abstract expressionism to the international style), and its dedication to seriousness, abstraction, and elegance, the brand-new artists delighted in extending the range of art, in juxtaposing the exalted and the abject, the sacred and the profane, in being vernacular and relevant, and in rudely transgressing bourgeois norms.From the point of view of post-modern theory, the recent history of cut downular music can be seen to be marked by a trend towards the dedicate and extensive mixing of styles and genres of m usic in very direct and self-conscious ways. Put very simply, the argument about the transition between modernism and postmodernism in pop music can be seen as the Beatles in the 1960s. The songs of the Beatles drew explicitly on diverse castical and popular forms and made a contract to what was for pop a new kind of musical and lyrical seriousness.Postmodernism first emerges out of a generational refusal of the categorical certainties of high modernism. The insistence on an exacting distinction between high and popular culture came to be regarded as the unhip assumption of an older generation. One sign of this collapse can be seen in the merging of art and pop music. For example, Peter Blake designed the cover of the Beatles Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.Jameson (1991) distinguishes between modernist and post-modern pop music, making the argument that the Beatles and the peal Stones represent a modernist moment, against which punk rock and new wave can be seen as pos t-modern. In touristed Music and Postmodern Theory, Andrew Goodwin (1991) quite aright argues that for various reasons this is a very difficult position to sustain. The Beatles and the bankroll Stones are as unlike from each other as together they are assorted from, say, the Clash and Talking Heads. In fact, it would be much easier to make an argument in which the distinction is made between the artifice of the Beatles and Talking Heads and the authenticity of the Rolling Stones and the Clash (55).Perhaps the best way to think of the relationship between pop music and postmodernism is historically. In most accounts, the moment of postmodernism begins in the advanced 1950s-the same period as the emergence of pop music. Therefore, in terms of periodization, pop music and postmodernism are more or less simultaneous. This does not necessarily mean that all pop music is post-modern. Using Raymond Williamss model of social formations always consisting of a hierarchy of cultures-domin ant, emergent and residual-post-modern pop music can be seen as emergent in the 1960s with the late Beatles, and the rock music of the counter-culture, as principal examples, and in the 1970s with art school punk, to become in the late 1980s the pagan dominant of pop music.It is also contingent to see the consumption of pop music and the surrounding pop music culture as in itself post-modern. Instead of an approach concerned with identifying and analysing the post-modern text or practice, we might look instead for postmodernism in the emergence of point patterns of consumption people who actively seek out and celebrate pastiche. The notion of a particular group of consumers, people who consume with irony and take pleasure in the weird, is very suggestive.Flirtations with Eastern mysticism in the 1960s brought new influences the success of the Beatles, and George Harrisons fascination with the Indian sitar, increased exposure to Indian music and to Ravi Shankar, probably the first distinct orb musician, unquestionably promoting musical sounds and structures quite different from those in the West. Prior to the successes of Miriam Makeba, Ravi Shankar and Manu Dibango, the first African musician to build an international hit, and whose music helped usher in the disco era (Mitchell 1996), musicians with exceptional local and regional popularity were otherwise largely unknown in the West, because their music was unfamiliar and inaccessible, and the words incomprehensible (hence Western recording companies took little interest).The Beatles quest for mysticism, enlightenment and innovative sounds (which could be incorporated in Western musical structures, rather than being given a life of their own) was the forerunner of other Western performers similar searches for authenticity and difference. capital of Minnesota Simons Graceland (1986) recorded English lyrics over tracks performed by black South African bands and the vocal group Ladysmith Black Mambazo.As man y critics noted, rock may have been the most popular and influential art form during the late 60s, the deepest means of communication and expression that negotiated the incompatibility of the post-modern with the preindustrial by attempting to unite a mass culture with a genuine folk culture. In the mid-Sixties, electricity, poetry, sex, and rhythm mixed with another combustible element, drugs, to create psychedelia. Baby boomer parents worshipped doctors and high medicine and avidly ingested antidepressants and other medications to achieve altered states of mental and physical health.Likewise, baby boomers drug experimentation aimed for transport to a new personal and world consciousness that would reach human barriers class, race, ideologydividing their parents world. By 1965, a suite of drugs coursed through the rock community. Dylan and marijuana influenced the Beatles Rubber Soul (1965), a folk rock record of muted edges and personal introspection. Attracting a male following , The Who, the Mod heroes, thrashed through early singles such as Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere and My Generation with amphetamine-fed punk fury.Acid rock borrowed sounds, scales, chords, and rhythms from around the world to distort space and time. The Beatles adapted Indian ragas and modal jazz to dislodge the rhythmic anchor and erase the four cardinal directions. In England, the Beatles were introduced to acid in 1965 they recorded Revolver a year later. Their variable tape speeds, tape loops, backward guitar and voice lines, and other experiments transformed basic rock and roll chords, beats, and voices into a tableau of acid-soaked sound, rhythm, and poetry. Especially disorienting was Tomorrow Never Knows, an early trance-rock number. Ringo Starrs bass drum figure, a human heartbeat, kicked time in reverse, while John Lennons filtered vocals, chants excite by the Tibetan Book of the Dead, seemed piped in from creation.In a key contribution, Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Jameson overviews postmodernism as the cultural expression of a new phase of capitalism, characterized by communications technologies facilitating the virtually instantaneous shifting of international capital, the emergence of new centres of capital (e.g. Japan) in a global economy, new class formations catch fireing with the handed-down labour v. capital division, and a consumer capitalism which markets style, images and tastes as much as actual products. The commoditization of culture has resulted in a new populism of the mass media, a culture centred around the marketing and consumption of surfaces and appearances, epitomised by the ubiquity of commercial television.Despite its obvious plausibility as a general explanation of developments in popular culture, postmodernism suffers from a number of difficulties. To heavily generalise, these are its frequent lack of specificity its overpreoccupation with texts and audiences at the expense of locating these indoor s the economic and productive context within which cultural products reside its reduction of history and politics and its ignoral of traditional sociological notions of production, class and ideology.The postmodernist view of rock music regards it as exemplifying the collapse of traditional distinctions between art and the commercial, the aesthetic and the unaesthetic, and the authentic and unauthentic. This view is most prominent in discussions of music video, with its affinities to advertising (Kaplan 1987). Popular cultural texts of the Beatles are regarded as energizing not static, mediated both by patterns of economic and social organisation and the relationship of individuals and social groups to these patterns. This puts politics in a position of central importance, as culture is viewed as a site of conflict and struggle, of negotiations which constantly confirm and redefine the existing conditions of domination and subordination in society.Against the backdrop of these cult ural studies signposts, the plait of meaning in rock can be seen as embracing a number of factors the music industry and its associated technologies, those who create the music, the nature of rock texts, the shaping of rock audiences and their modes of consumption, and attempts to influence and regulate all of these. The role of the music industry, in its drive to commodify rock and maximise profits, is the starting point for understanding rock.In film or in rock a certain historical logic can be reintroduced by the hypothesis that such newer media recapitulate the evolutionary stages or breaks between realism, modernism and postmodernism, in a compressed time span, such that the Beatles and the Stones occupy the high modernist moment embodied by the auteurs of 1950s and 1960s art films.Although animation was used in the early days of filmmaking and became just another form of studio production, it underwent big changes in the late twentieth century. A major break in such style o ccurred with the Beatles animated film, Yellow Submarine (1968). Not only was the colour startling a psychedelic experience of sorts, as nearly commented but the animation also used a mixture of media that inspired what was later called the blendo style in which cels, cut-outs, clay figures and more recently computer nontextual matter are blended (Cohen 1998).The application of postmodernism to popular music is primarily based on two perceived trends firstly, the increasing evidence of pastiche, intertextuality, and eclecticism and, secondly, increased cultural fusion and the collapsing of high-low culture type distinctions in rock. However, rock history demontrates that the first trend frequently actually reaffirms the distinctions supposedly being broken down in the second trend. Post-modern music clearly contributed to the increasingly global nature of cultural and economic linkages, mapping out new networks of commodity flow and entrepreneurial activity.At least(prenomina l) at a surface level, all countries popular musics were shaped by international influences and institutions, by multinational capital and technology, by global pop norms and values. compensate the most nationalist soundscarefully cultivated folk song, angry local dialect punk, preserved (for the tourist) traditional dancewere determined by a reexamination of international entertainment. The rise of rock n roll, the success of the Beatles, alongside transitions in other cultural forms, ensured some measure of ubiquity.ReferencesCentore, F. F. (1991). Being and Becoming A evaluate of Post-Modernism, Greenwood Press New York.Goodwin, Andrew. (1991). Popular Music and Postmodern Theory, Cultural Studies, 5.Jameson, Fredric (1991). Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Durham, NC Duke University Press.Kaplan, E.A. (1987). Rocking Around the Clock Music Television, Postmodernism, and Consumer Culture, New York Methuen.Mitchell, T. (1996). Popular Music and Local Id entity, Leicester University Press, London and New York.
Monday, May 20, 2019
A Comparison between Hills Like White Elephants
Below is a free essay on Compare from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Comparison between Hills alike(p) clean-living Elephants and stray in the Rain Similarities between Cat in the Rain and Hills like white Elephants 1) Characters are couples in both. Cat in the Rain at that place were only two Americans stopping at the hotel Hills like white Elephants The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, right(prenominal) building 2) The place where actions occur is not home, characters stayed there for a while. Cat in the Rain There were only two Americans stopping at the hotel Hills like white Elephants He picked up the two solemn bags and carried them around the station to the other tracks 3) In both works one of characters is girl and she wants something, she was looking for something. Cat in the Rain And I want to eat at a table with my own property and I want candles.And I want it to be spring and I wa nt to brush my fuzz out in front of a mirror and I want a kitty and I want some new clothes Hills like white Elephants Could we try it? , We want two Anis del Toro, I wanted to try this new drink 4) Secondary characters are speaking another language. Cat in the Rain- The maid looked up at her. Ha perduto qualche cosa, Signora? Hills like white Elephants Dos cervezas, the man say into the curtain 5) Also secondary characters are staff. Cat in the Rain The maid looked up at her ha perdute qualche cosa, Signora? Hills like white Elephants The Man called listen through the curtain. The Woman came out from the bar. 6) Characters a lower-ranking bit nervous. Cat in the Rain I suffer so tired of it, she said. I get so tired of looking like a boy Hills like white
Sunday, May 19, 2019
De-Scalers Essay
When piddle is heated limescale deposits can form, especially in railroad cars such as to the full automatic coffee bean makers, espresso works and all hot water units. In this consideration you often hear about hard and soft water. The hardness of the water indicates the proportion of limescale. Your water put out company will provide more information about hardness of your water. If your groundwater flows through calcareous totter layers, eroded magnesium and calcium carbonate will cause limescale deposits in your water. Why do I need to remove limescale?In addition to loss of coffee flavor limescale deposits can severely impairment your machine and shorten its lifespan significantly. Limescale deposits in your machine lead to Longer scalding time with higher electricity charges Lower water temperatures causing inferior coffee flavor Blocked machines pipe Corrosion of admixture separate and sealing gaskets Expensive repairs further regular and timely descaling with a hi gh-quality descaler, such as ceragol revolutionary Premium Descaler, ensures a long lifespan and optimal coffee flavor. Your coffee maker is a high-tech machine which needs regular, gentle care.What do you expect from your descaler? Limescale deposits are removed by acrimoniouss in the descaler. Only the right mixture of effective back breakers and gentle additives for the metal parts and sealing gaskets allows for optimal results during descaling. The quick chemical reaction time and immediate reusability of the machine after rinsing are basic demands on a indemnity descaler. Why amidosulfonic acid? Descaling with citric or acetic acids The big problem when descaling with citric or acetic acids are the released flavor additives which cause an obtrusive smell during descaling.The plastic parts of your fully automated coffee maker tend to taken on these smells and influence the smell and taste of your coffee negatively. Plastic parts and sealing gaskets of your unit can be attac ked by the vinegar or acetic acid. Citric acid tends to flake during descaling. This can block the valves and water pipes and lead to high repair charges. An additional problem is that the limescale is real sealed in by an indissoluble layer which occurs repeatedly when using descalers based on citric acids.Descaling with vinegar, acetic acid or citric acid takes significantly longer than descaling with ceragol ultra Premium Descaler. Descaling with amidosulfonic acid Descaling with amidosulfonic acid, the active ingredient of our ceragol ultra Premium Descaler, does not require any reaction time. During the descaling program the limescale is fade out and flushed away. This process is completely odorless and neutral in taste. After thorough rinsing your machine is once again food-safe. The additives in ceragol ultra Premium Descaler guard and protect the metal and plastic components of your fully automatic coffee maker.The right time to descale Automatic coffee machine w. auto des caling exponent Please ask your water supply company about the hardness of your water and set the water hardness according to the operating instructions of your manufacturer. Your machine will indicate when descaling is needed. Automatic coffee machine w/o descaling indicator Descaling becomes necessary as soon as you notice a foil in operation or irregularities during coffee preparation. Another telltale sign is the reduction of the amount of scintillate produced on the coffee. The machine must be descaled periodically and in due time.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Galileo Galilei Essay
Galileo Galilei is an Italian astronomer, physicist, philosopher, and mathematician. He ranks with Archimedes, Newton, and Einstein as one of the greatest scientists of all time. His discoveries, make with the crudest of equipment, were brilliant examples of scientific deduction. Galileos studies of natural laws laid the groundwork for the experimental scientists who followed him. Galileo was born at Pisa, the son of a musician who planned a medical career for him. He began studying medicine at the University of Pisa. According to legend, Galileo made his first major discovery at this time.He is said to have apply his pulse to time the swinging of a suspended lamp in a cathedral he launch that, no matter how far the lamp swung, the timing has always the same (Drake, 2002). In later life Galileo realised the fact that a free-swinging object, or pendulum, moves in uniform time intervals. Pendulum measures are a mutual application of this principle. Thesis Statement This paper scru tinizes the life and contributions of Galileo Galilei. II. Discussion Galileo constructed the first telescope used for astronomic notifications the observations he made supported Copernicus theory that the sun is the center of the solar system.In physics, Galileo discovered the principles of query followed by swinging pendulums, falling bodies, and flying projectiles. Galileo used his heartbeat to time the period of a pendulum. He realized that a pendulum could be used as a standard of time for a clock (Rose 2004). Pendulum clocks are still sold today, more than three hundred yrs after their invention. Moreover, ever-changing from the study of medicine to that mathematics and natural science, Galileo conducted experiments on gravity that brought him to public attention.In 1589, he became a lecturer on mathematics at the University of Pisa, and began his studies of falling bodies. According to legend, as mentioned earlier, he dropped objects from the Leaning loom of Pisa to prov e his theory that bodies fall at the same speed and with the same acceleration regardless of their lean and size. He also demonstrated that projectiles follow a parabolic path. These discoveries were contrary to the teachings of the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle, some(prenominal) of whose ideas had for centuries been accepted without question.Galileo aroused such opposition that in 1951 he was forced to resign from the university (Rose 2004). The next year Galileo obtained a professorship in mathematics at the University of Padua, where he remained for 18 years. This was a period of victorious research, acclaim, and prosperity for Galileo. In 1609, Galileo received news of the invention, in Flanders, of a device that made a distant objects appear larger. He immediately set out to build such a device for himself. The nett result was a 32-power refracting telescope, with which he made series of major discoveries (Poupard 2005).He found by observation that the moon shone only from reflected light that the Milky Way was formed of a multitude of stars and that the planet Jupiter was circled by several moons. His discoveries caused great excitement among astronomers he was besieged with orders for telescopes. In 1610, Galileo left Padua for Florence to become official mathematician and philosopher to cat valium Duke Cosimo II de Medici. By the end of the year his telescopic discoveries included the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, and sun spots.His observations clearly support the theory of the Polish astronomer Copernicus that the earth and planets revolved around the sun. The church, however, had accepted as conforming the playscript the earlier idea of the planets and sun revolving around the stationary earth. When Galileo visited Rome in 1611 he was given a welcome by church officials befitting one of the greatest astronomers of all time, as he was accordingly acknowledged to be. This gave him the courage to announce his suppor t of the Copernican theory of the solar system. Controversy flared.Although warned by the Church to avoid religious interpretation of his theory, Galileo attempted to prove it by quoting the Bible. He was told by the Church in 1616 to abandon the Copernican theory because it contradicted the Bible. In 1632, however, he published Dialogue on the Two party boss Systems of the World, in which he revived his argument in favor of the Copernican system. Galileo was then summoned to appear onward the Inquisition and forced to renounce the view that the earth moves around the sun (Poupard, 2005). Although sentenced to imprisonment, he was permitted to retire to his home, where he continued his studies.III. Conclusion As a conclusion, Galileo Galilei made great contributions to our society through his invention and discoveries. His plant are highly acclaimed and made significant impact in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, and in sciences. Reference Drake, Stillman (2003). Cau se, Experiment, and accomplishment a Galilean Dialogue (University of Chicago) Poupard, Paul (2005. Galileo at work Toward a Resolution of 350 Years of Debate, 1633-1983 (Duquesne University). Rose, Sidney (2004). Galileo and the misrepresentation Numbers (Little, Brown).
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Appearance and Development of Haitian Creole
The Appearance and Development of Haitian Creole As create verb tot solelyyy in Jacques Arends Pidgin and Creole An Introduction, Haitian Creole first originated from a pidgin. With judgment of conviction, this pidgin gradually developed into a Creole, later on becoming the co-official nomenclature of Haiti. Haitian Creole may be recognized as 1 of the official oral communications, along with French, however there are negative associations linked with this creole. For instance, the stereotypical view of a speaker of Haitian Creole however remains as one who is black, poor, and uneducated.Slowly however, things are changing Haitian Creole is becoming much than accepted and the knowledge of its existence is growing as its speakers spread crossways the land. What made this creole grow and thrive bring out of its clear country, transported to some other nations all across the world? This paper pull up stakes study the unfolding of this creole as well as focus on the way i t is spoken in the north fall in States, since studies show that is where exclusively about speakers emigrate to, as express by Zephir in her operations.What give also be discussed is the changes the creole underwent, hand in hand with the heterogeneous perspectives associated with the creole and the factors that lead to its successful spread. Before even beginning the pourboireic of Haitian Creoles migration into the United States, it is important to learn more about the talking to itself. First a brief annals on this creole is necessary- to know the origins of this nomenclature and the different social and economic factors surrounding it as time drivewayed. As stated before by Arends, Haitian Creole first started from a pidgin between Haitian slaves in the 16th century.As the years progressed, the pidgin was modified, changed, and soon developed into the creole used today. It was spread across Haiti by various media such as television and newspapers until finally in 1 987 its official status became verified in the Haitian constitution (St. Fort). One would think that Haitian Creole and French would mother equal stand up as both co-official languages, unless studies have shown that only a small minority speak French firearm the majorities all know Haitian Creole.This fact has also been confirmed when its brought up while interviewing my Haitian friend, Stephanie. She is currently a college student in other CUNY develop who agreed to sit down feather with me for a while to talk about Haitian Creole and her thoughts about her culture in dealing to her life in raw(a) York now. Stephanie exclaims that although she knows both French and Haitian Creole since she learned them in direct, most of her fellowship gage home spoke in the creole. Hardly ever was French used, except in formal circumstances.Nevertheless, French is the preferred language when it comes to formal occasions, leaving Haitian Creole behind, being considered the split arcm inute language. As Joseph had stated in his work, The connection between French and Haitian Creole may front like an example of diglossia, but that is non the case. Only 10% of Haitians know and substantiate French, while all Haitians are fluent in Haitian Creole. While Haitian Creole may not be used in formalities, the fact that it is so well-known and used more often than French in Haiti sheds some light into how Haitian Creole has spread out of Haiti.From the percentages Joseph gives, and from what Stephanie had said earlier, one tin protrude that if Haitians migrate elsewhere, they are more promising to bring the Haitian Creole with them instead of French. In doing so, this creole ends up expanding in the area in which it is used. St. Fort states, In the Diaspora, Haitian Creole is a bread and butter language spoken by more than a million living in North and southwest America, the Caribbean, Europe, and even in Africa. For many years now, Haitian immigrants have been pouring into the United States, mainly the northeastern states.The author Zephir describes this Haitian movement towards the north saying, Haitian immigration to the United States was initially slow in the first half of the 20th century. While the United States occupied Haiti from 1915-1934, a group of Haitian immigrants came to the United States to flee the occupation of their homeland. There were hundreds of immigrants, mostly from rural Haitian areas. Then in 1951-1960, thousands more Haitians followed. later on the 1965 Immigration Act, Haitian immigration shot up. From 1932 until 2000, a total of 414,401 Haitians came legally to the United States. So we can reveal the reason why Haitian immigrants move to the northeastern states is again revealed by Zephir. She writes, The two top cities where Haitians migrate to New York and Boston, followed by Philadelphia, Florida, and other places in the Midwest. New York is especially known for having the largest concentration of Haitian s as well as some of the oldest and most established Haitian communities. An estimate of the Haitians living in New York and the surrounding areas is anywhere from 200,000- 500,000.In Florida, the number is around 270,000, followed by 75,000 Haitians in Massachusetts. Once these immigrants have settled and communities have sprung up, there is a slow increase in aid and support, helping to link the Haitian community together. The most evident form would be through the media. Now that technology is so developed and everything is more convenient, there is television, radio, and newspapers all using Haitian Creole, catering specifically to the Haitian immigrants.Note that although this media may help immix the community and keep the native language intact, a Haitian immigrant who knows only Haitian Creole will be futile to get out of his social circle and really prosper since he does not know slope, which is the more international language. Again, in my talk with Stephanie, she men tioned being surrounded by Haitian Creole upon her first month moving to New York. She spoke the creole with her relatives, could find some Haitian Creole or French channels on the television and even some newspapers.However, upon enrolling into the university, she felt completely bemused surrounded by English utterance students. She had to learn English on her own in allege to be able to move comfortably and advance in the American community. Such is the case with Haitian children who go to American schools they must learn to separate their home life, where they may speak Haitian Creole, with their school life, where everything is taught in English and the culture is different. Since Haitian Creole is not an international language such as English, Haitian children may become frustrated since they must quickly adapt to the new school environment.Sometimes they lag interest in the school material and give up effort. Zephir writes that in order to prevent this, teachers should un derstand the unique character of the Haitian community and view Haitian Creole as a language just as important as Spanish or French. Additionally, home language instruction is just as valuable as that in school. By helping Haitian children to overcome these language differences as well as cultural differences, the teacher can also help the child see his own unique identity- not only as a Haitian but a Haitian-American.Not only Haitian children experience hardships upon migrating to the United States but older speakers who have never had a chance to go to school or learn English have an even bigger barrier separating them from the new country they have come to. Again, as with Haitian children, without being fluent in English these adults are not likely to proceed very far out of their own Haitian communities, much less find advantageously paying jobs to support themselves as well as their childrens education.Buxton even states in his article, while the low-educated parents all work at low-income jobs, even the more educated parents have not yet obtained jobs on the aim they had back in Haiti. When I asked Stephanie about her Haitian relatives here, she stated they are not completely comfortable with speaking English and have a slight accent. She noted also that because of this, they tended to stay more within the Haitian Creole-speaking circle and communicated mostly with other Haitians. Thus, with just Haitian Creole it is very unbelievable any Haitian immigrants can successfully break into the American culture and mainstream life.It is inevitable that with these two languages- French and Haitian Creole, Haitians must face a sort of identity dilemma. Haitians might be multilingual in both languages but the connotations and instances where the two languages are used are very different from one some other. French is used in formal settings- therefore the speaker is considered to be more high-class and educated, having an all-around good quality. On the ot her hand, Haitians are much more comfortable speaking their creole, but being viewed as a language for the masses it is given more negative connotations than French.Haitian immigrants in the United States tend to use Haitian Creole more than French, but even so since they do not know English they are unable to get very far. Only upon mastering English will these Haitians be able to progress out into the American culture. First multiplication Haitians who have just migrated tend to experience this difficulty of learning another language and trying to get used to life in a different country, but second generation Haitians do not have as much trouble.Even though there are no Haitian immersion programs which help a child learn its mother language and culture, the second generation Haitian children quickly pick up Haitian Creole in the home environment and consequently just as easily learn English at school. Compared with their parents who are not compelled to use English in a social s etting like school, second generation Haitian children quickly perk on to the American culture in school and stick to it, since that is the way of their peers and others their age.In effect, the children sometimes become bilingual in both English and their Creole, or if they are extremely attached to their new-found American culture in school, speak mostly English without practicing their creole. When I asked Stephanie about how she felt if her child later on in the future became more American rather than Haitian, Stephanie thought for a long time. Then she responded that whatever the outcome, she will be happy because she realizes that just knowing Haitian Creole is not enough to get by in this country.If learning English leads the child to becoming more Americanized then she is fine with that, since the child would be proficient in English and have no hindrances in his life. In conclusion we can see that Haitian Creole has an extensive history, from its origins as a pidgin to bec oming a co-official language in Haiti to being carried over to the northeastern States via Haitian immigrants. The creole is widely spoken all across the world and is still alive and thriving in each of its speakers. However, the fact that this creole is not an international spoken language such as English poses problems in the way it survives.True it is being spoken by people all around the world but by knowing that one creole alone, a person could not get far in the world. So, usually a person who knows Haitian Creole also speaks another international language- be it English or French. In the United States, Haitian Creole may tolerate to thrive and grow however not in settings such as schools and offices. Perhaps in more casual settings like homes and neighborhood communities this creole is used, but it probably will never rise to the level of an international language.Many Haitians are trying to enlighten others about Haitian Creole- such as Zephir and St. Fort- and offer the la nguage in universities. Code-switching is also popular with Haitians, as Stephanie tells me more and more she uses both Haitian Creole and English when speaking with her friends at the university. Perhaps with time, Haitian Creole will die out as the generations pass and the children choose to learn more international languages. Or there might be Haitian parents that swan on teaching their child the creole, along with another language, to remember their culture and history.Either way, Haitian Creole is unlikely to reach international status. References Arends, J. Pidgins and creoles, an introduction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 1995. Print. Buxton, C. A. , et al. The Role of Language in Academic and Social Transition of Haitian Children and Their Parents to Urban U. S. Schools. Bilingual Research Journal. 2007-8. Print. Joseph, C. M. B Haitian Creole in NY. The Multilingual Apple Languages in New York City. Berlin Mouton de Gruyter, 2002. Print. Muhlhausler, Peter.Pidgin and creo le linguistics. Oxford Blackwell, 1986. Print. Stephanie. Personal Interview. July 2012. Fort, H What is Haitian Creole? AHAD. AHAD, 2004. December 2, 2011. Web. Zephir, F.. Juggling with deuce Cultures Transnationalism and Hybridity as Cultural Outcomes of Immigration for Haitians in the United States. Bicultural, Self Identity and Societal Transformation. UK Emerald Group publishing Limited, 2008. Print. The New Americans The Haitian Americans. Westport, Connecticut Greenwood Press, 2004. Print.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Improving roads Essay
If someone goes on a hill or a high place and has a look at what is going on, beat on the vast area, he will see a lot of curved lines that are wish well snakes, creeping in each other and there are some tiny objects that are pathetic like thousands of insects. Living in modern cities needs more traveling during the day beca intent people go to several(predicate) work places.This is a good reason for having a li fitting transferee system that is able to transfer every body from one place to another one. Some people think that governments should move over attention to this matter and flatten more money to build more roads and highways. They prefer unfaltering cars and a good route to ride their vehicles because they confuse to work or shop and there is not enough time for all of them. I believe, governments should have a general view about transportation and it means that there are some other issues that must be considered at the same time. If we spend more money on public tr ansportation system, a lot of people can use it and they dont have to buy a car to pollute the surroundings and also we would not have so many car accidents that suffer a lot of families and are a make off of money, and time.These days, every one is aware of air pollution and a great deal of damage to the environment that are caused by fuels. If the number of private vehicles increases, we can not breathe well. There are different diseases in children who live in polluted cities. Nature is changing and some areas in the world have had acid rain that destroyed a lot of trees in forests. Have you thought what would happen to our major planet if this situation continues We must improve public transportation system and make people use it and deflect riding private cars to help ourselves.When we read a newspaper or listen to the news on radio or at T.V., we notice how many car crashes happen in a day. A lot of people die or are damaged. Families are sad and every body thinks wherefor e all these should happen. If we encourage people to take public transportation, they would be safer and the amount of psychological and economical movement on the society would decrease.As a result, I think government should spend and even embellish more money on public transportation to prevent more pollution in cities and permit peoplelive in healthy condition.Also by improving public transportation we negate more accidents and consequently decrease death toll.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Organizations and Terms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organizations and Terms - Essay exerciseIn this case, I shall examine the group known as the Al Shabaab militia.Al-Shabaabs headquarters is dictated in the coastal city of Kismayo, Somalia with several bases of operations in southern Somalia, Kenya, and Uganda. Al-Shabaab got designated a terrorist organization by the Federal Bureau of Investigations after the bombing of the World Trade Center by Al-Qaeda (Kelley 36). The shout out Al-Shabaab means youth in Arabic. Al-Shabaab. Other names used to refer to it include, Ash-Shabaab or Hizbul Shabaab, which means a party of the youth. It belongs to a much larger group known as HSM that stands for Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahidden. Al-Shabaab originated from a faction that broke off from the Islamic Courts Union, following its defeat in 2006 by the joint forces of the Somali transitional presidency and their Ethiopian allies. The federal bureau of investigations had listed Somalia as failed state for almost twenty years due to the dr op of peace due to the civil war.In 2001, the Federal Bureau of Investigations officially recognized Al-Shabaab as a terrorist organization they attacked the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Prior to these attacks, their fellow br early(a)s in arms the Al -Qaeda had bombed the World Trade Center in September 2001. This was in retaliation for the United States had invaded the Middle eastbound to quell the Taliban insurgency. Since Al-Shabaab is closest to both countries, carrying out these simultaneous attacks was rather easy. The Federal Bureau of Investigations states that for an organization to be classified as a terrorist organization, it must have crossed a few thresholds. Such as having weapons of mass destruction, have a few thousand followers, and it has to be well connected. Al-Shabaab also has ties with most of the other terrorist organizations all over the world. For
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Reading responce Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reading responce - Assignment ExampleTan further proves that her mothers English is watery by citing several circumstances experienced by her mother (78). She also points out that her mother has notice her own limitations as she was asked to pretend to be Mrs. Tan on a ph mavin call one time, and talked to doctors when her mother needed to get more information about findings (78).This article shows the power of language, English specifically, in society. Similar to what is shown, people who are relatively good in English tend to ignore those relatively poor in communicating their ideas. In communities today individuals likely equate the inability of perfect verbalisation to lack of comprehension, which is unlikely in most cases. The complexity of language contributes to how one may find it laborious to speak flawlessly, but does not necessarily imply ones being limited. This essay, showing the conditions vivid understanding of her mothers imperfect English as a missy rather tha n a writer, gives readers an eye-opener of how they should pattern their language depending on who they are talking to, without
Monday, May 13, 2019
Summary of Joyce Carol Oates's Is This the Promised End Essay
Summary of Joyce Carol Oatess Is This the Promised shoemakers last - Essay ExampleHe could not rely on his common sense and did not name the difference between real and unreal world. The author connects the tragedy with transcendence as the main control force of the tragedy itself. Joyce Carol Oates uses oppositions to unveil transformations in Lears personality real vs unreal, self vs other, kind vs soul, which poetically symbolized by a union of male and female elements (Oates, 1974). The notion of grace is opposed to manly tyranny of Lear. Cordelia is the beargonr of grace embodied in her personality. A special attention is devoted to historical process as the tool of dramatization depicting that the world exists in history.The main questions arisen from this essay are Is it necessary to Lear to become insane What is the role of transcendence in the tragedy Is King Lear really a tragedy or triumph of justice For Lear, It is necessary to become insane because only in this se cern he can achieve spirituality and distinguish between self and other. His insanity is a pilgrimage into self. Shaking up a thinker involves demolishing his reliance on common sense, exclusively common sense is not a quality of wizardes, and Lear cannot achieve his status as a hero within a system linked to it.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Cyber Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cyber Security - Essay ExampleThis essay discusses cyber security and focuses on Stuxnet, a highly effective computer computer virus. According to Infosecurity Magazine (2014), researchers (Symantec and Kaspersky Lab) found protrude that Stuxnet virus was developed by the works together of the U.S. and Israel with the intention of destroying five Iranian Industrial Firms. Its industrial automation was however carried out by the contractors that were working within the Natanz plant. From this assertion, one can deduce that the final target of the effort was a uranium enrichment facility that was in Natanz. However, Kelley (2013) asserts that Stuxnet worm was introduced into Natanz power plant through one of the workers thumb drive. The mental home of the virus led to the increase in the pressure of spinning centrifuges whereas on the other side, control room, it showed that everything was working normally by replaying recordings that were considered good by the controllers of the p lant (Shamah, 2013). In his writing, Kelly further asserts that the main intention of the intromission of the warm was not to do away with the centrifuges, but to reduce their lifetime.According to Kelly, the U.S. and Israel unleashed the second variation only(prenominal) after some few years. They unleashed it not only because it was undetected, but also because they also wanted to attack the centrifuges as well as replicate the virus all types of computers. Thus, it is the knowledge of a second virus that led to the detection of the first version of Stuxnet.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Comparing two companies - "New look" and "Next" Coursework
Comparing two companies - New look and Next - Coursework ExampleAfter analyzing the forethought styles of the two companies, how they communicate in the company and the organizational structure that is followed by the company it seems as a conclusion top the report than NEXT is a better investment option as compared to parvenu LOOK.The garment industry is adept of the oldest industries in the world. The industry has been the main foreign exchange earner for many an(prenominal) countries in Asia. However there are several challenges and attention issues that this organization is facing recently. Some of the management issues being faced by the organization are advanced technology, Product life cycle, competition, consumer behaviour etcetera The recent figures that tell the story of world economy tell that condition of the world economy is non so good. Among different industries the garment industry is also a victim of the poor performance of the global economy. The rising leve ls of unemployment in europium and USA has forced the consumers in being selective regarding what are the things that they purchase. As the consumers in these countries have become choosy regarding what they purchase, this has adversely affected the countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan for whom the garment industry was one of the most important opportunities to earn foreign exchange. In the late 2008 and early 2009 the retailers of garment in the Europe and USA reported margin losses of as high as 30% in approximately cases. The consumers have changed the purchasing habits have postponed purchases in some cases, and in some other cases have impelled hard bargains. This in turn has led the producers of the garments, the garment retailers increasingly become more and more competitive. This centre the industries need to increase their efficiency in order to keep up their profitability and compete successfully in this market place. Another important management
Friday, May 10, 2019
GLOBAL CHALLENGES FOR BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP - Essay typefaceOn the other hand management can also refer to the person or to dissimilar people who perform the non-homogeneous acts of management.There are a number of approaches to management but the free-enterprise(a) values framework is the framework which comprehensively covers a number of management approaches. The Competing Values Framework for various cultural assessments was developed and wellspring defined by Quinn and Rorbaugh in 1983 from the analysis of Campbells longer list of efficiency as well as effectiveness dimensions into two major dimensional patterns.The horizontal dimension basically defines the degree to which any organization generally focuses inwards as well as outwards. Towards left, attention is basically inwards, within the organization, in order to know what is happening in the organization.An internal focus is valid as well as an important source in any environment where the competitio n or the guest focus is not the chief(prenominal) thing and it is also not the most important thing, but on the other hand in the competitive climates or where the external stakeholders hold s right smart, then this kind of challenge must met directly and effectively.Vertical Stability or FlexibilityThe vertical axis basically determines that who rattling makes decisions. At the lower end, control is also with the management whilst at the upper most end it is also devolved to those employees who pass been directly empowered in order to decide for themselves and for their organization or for their company. Stability is a valid form and source whenever the business is stable and the degree of reliability and efficiency is at the posting level, but when the environmental forces or the factors develop a need in order to have a change, then at that particular time flexibility becomes much more important. (Boddy, 2001, pp. 200-226)The Competing Values MapThe four hierarchies as men tioned in the above diagram are to some extent historical in their individual development and are also presented in this order which is mentioned below.HierarchyThe hierarchy has basically a conventional approach towards the structure and control that generally flows from a strict chain of various command as mentioned in the Max Webers view of the bureaucracy. For numerous years, this was also considered as the only effective and an efficient way in order to organize and is still considered as a basic element for many organizations. Hierarchies have full respect for the power as well as for the position. They also have well-defined processes, policies and well maintained procedures.MarketThe Market oriented organization also seeks to control but they do so by looking outward, and by taking notes of the transaction cost. Market organization is not the one which eer focus just on the marketing level, they also keep this in mind that what are the main and the basic transactions, whe re are all these transactions, whether internal and the external
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