Thursday, May 9, 2019

Ageism in Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ageism in Nursing - look Paper ExampleAs the discussion declares the country identified to manifest the highest shares of aged population (those with citizens 60 years old and above) was Japan as of 2011 and projected way into 2050. Likewise, in addition to the challenges facing the sizing and quality of workforce who would be qualified and competent to address ageism, other challenges which were noted included addressing non-communicable diseases and award issues, to name a few.From this paper it is clear thatthe causes of ageism was expounded through identifying the factors that allegedly contributed to its perpetuation. It was noted that culture, media, language and the learning of old age have led to enforcement of stereotyped beliefs on the aged population. Among the language or colloqualist impairment apparently associated with the older population are geezer, old fogey, old maid, dirty old man, and old flunky. Other contributory factors to ageism that were identified incl ude institutions (organizations which preclude aged people from being promoted or from being hired) a reported focus of the American health care system on sagacious care and cure, rather than practicing chronic care which is identified to be most needed by this fragment of the population and government policies that seem to skew regulations and benefits to other sectors more than to the elderly.The negative stereotyped beliefs add to the plight and non-disclosure or dissemination of factual information on the aged population.... d in the study written by Bloom, Boersch-Supan, McGee, and Seike (2011) have disclosed some relevant findings, to wit while aging is taking dedicate in almost all countries of the world, rich or poor, very high longevity is still a matter of very high income levels (p. 4). In fact, the country identified to manifest the highest shares of aged population (those with citizens 60 years old and above) was Japan as of 2011 and projected way into 2050. Likewi se, in addition to the challenges facing the coat and quality of workforce who would be qualified and competent to address ageism, other challenges which were noted included addressing non-communicable diseases and support issues, to name a few. Different studies have been conducted to closely examine relevant issues that pertain to ageing in contemporary times. Authors Kane and Kane (2005) have delved into disparities related to ageism between long-term care and acute care as wellhead as issues related to age-based rationing. Another study by Nolan (2011) examined dimensions of ageing and belonging as well as the effects of ageism. The various challenges faced by health care practitioners in addressing diverse inevitably and health-related issues of the aged population were expounded by Bloom, Boersch-Supan, McGee, and Seike (2011). There were negative myths and stereotypes that were also apparently presented by Palmore (1990) which have been vividly clarified through presentat ion of facts on concerns such as illness, impotency, ugliness, mental decline, mental illness, uselessness, isolation, poverty, depression, and political occasion (Chapin, Nelson-Becker, Gordon, & Terrebonne, 2002). The causes of ageism was expounded through identifying the factors that allegedly contributed to its perpetuation. It was noted that culture,

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